As a grocery store checker, I have learned quite a bit about grocery store sales, marketing, and unique and effective ways to get people to buy a product. And I’m going to explain how even though it looks like a great deal, the grocery store can still make money off of you. Here are some tactics and strategies and gimmicks and ploys grocery stores, like Safeway, use to try to get you to buy something.
- Using the word “Free” in gigantic lettering, but really, you’re not getting anything free, or even that much of a discount
Almost always you will see something like this in a grocery store, especially during any holiday season (Easter, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc.). It will say “Buy One Get One FREE” with the FREE being in size 148 text and capitalized and everything else size 20. They know people are drawn to the word “Free”. Who doesn’t like free stuff? But they use the word “free” in a misleading way—nothing at a grocery store is free—unless there are free samples somewhere. Instead, they advertise that if you buy one of the product (or perhaps two), you get the 2nd one free of charge.
You see, what they really do is really sneaky. I will use Safeway’s Eating Right Chicken Breasts as an example. When they are NOT buy one get one free, they cost about $15 without the club card and then with the club card you save anywhere from 5 to 8 dollars. Pretty good deal. But then, when it’s buy one get one free, they take away the sale price, jack it up to $15, and then advertise if you buy one for $15, you get another one of equal or lesser value free. So without the buy one get one free, you could get two for about 15-20 dollars. With the buy one get free deal, you get two for about 15 dollars. They make it seem like a great deal when really, on average, you’re only saving a couple bucks. Stay away from this deal unless you want to stock up.
- Using an insane quantity of an item to try to get you to buy more
What you will also always see at a grocery store is a type of price that says “10 for $10” or “4 for $5”. They make you think you must buy 10 or must buy 4 to get the sale price. NOT TRUE. Unless specified on the tag saying “Must buy (certain amount)”, you do not have to buy as many as the deal says. This is just a gimmick they use to try to get people to buy more of a certain product, which I’m afraid to say, some people still fall for. All you have to do is do a bit of math. 10 for $10 is easy enough, that’s $1 each. No need to buy 10. Just buy 2 or 4 or 5, and you’ll still get it for $1 each. If you look closely (at least at Safeway), the tag will even say in small print “$1.00 each”. They must put that on there for legal reasons, but no one can control how big or small it is. Just be wary of these kinds of signs and ONLY buy as much as you need.
- If you buy this many, it is ___ each, but if you buy THIS many, it is only ___ each
Not as common as the ones above, but still used, is the “discount only if you buy a certain amount” technique. Basically, a tag will say its price if you buy one, but will display a smaller price that will say below it “if you buy (a certain amount)”. Most often, the discount will be quite small in comparison to the product. For example, every day at Safeway, wine is 10% off if you buy 6 or more. When you think about it, saving 10% on a $60 purchase of 6 wines will only save you $6 dollars. Basically, if you do the math, it is a worse deal than buy 5, get one free. I kid you not; it is a worse deal than that. My advice is simple and the same as above: Don’t buy more than you need. If you actually NEED six bottles of wine, then great you’ll save 10%. But if you don’t, then just buy 3 or 4 or whatever it is you need.
That’s all I have for now. I’m sure there are masterminds at work right this second trying to think of more gimmicks, techniques, and marketing strategies to get us to buy a certain product or to buy a certain amount. But these three are the most common and the most costly if you don’t pay attention. Shop smart, people.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Educating the Public on Grocery Marketing Strategies
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Top 20 American Idols of All Time
As a big fan of the hit FOX show American Idol, I feel obliged (after a Top 20 Survivors ever) to do a Top 20 American Idol contestants of All Time list, especially since we are in the middle of the 10th season of American Idol. I will this time, however rank each contestant (out of 10) to determine the order based on four criteria: Vocals, performance factor, looks, and likeability. Vocals, looks, and likeability are obvious, but by performance factor, I mean an ability to command the stage, move around, possibly even dance, and just not only give a great vocal, but give the audience something extra to cheer for. If they tied in ratings, then whoever got further on their season breaks the tie. At the end, for fun, I listed my favorite performance of theirs. Without further ado, my Top 20 American Idol contestants of All Time:
20. Kevin Covais
Season 5: Eleventh place
Vocals: 7, Performance: 8, Looks: 7, Likeability: 10, Total: 32
I had to include Chicken Little on American Idol. He’s my age and made it onto the show the first season I personally would have been eligible. He was an extremely likeable kid and I really rooted for him. He was every nerd’s hero.
Favorite performance: Part Time Lover
19. Sanjaya Malakar
Season 6: Seventh place
Vocals: 6, Performance: 10, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 33
First off, I like Sanjaya. He’s from my home state. I always gotta show my homeboys some love. Secondly, he was a performer first and a singer second. To me, there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as your voice isn’t absolutely horrible, and his wasn’t. I enjoyed all of his performances and he inspired me to try to get on Idol someday, even if I can’t sing.
Favorite performance: You Really Got Me
18. Lee Dewyze
Season 9: Winner
Vocals: 8, Performance: 8, Looks: 9, Likeability: 8, Total: 33
Lee is probably up there with Taylor Hicks as one of the worst Idol winners—but I still like him. He’s not awful, but on a lot of seasons he wouldn’t have even made the top 4 or 5. He’s just ordinary, but I love his style. Also, while on Idol, he always chose really good songs. Other than that, not much else to say.
Favorite performance: Hey Jude
17. Casey Abrams
Season 10: TBD
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 7, Likeability: 9, Total: 34
Casey Abrams only gets a 9 for his vocals because I’m still waiting to hear something amazing from him. Nonetheless, he is still one of my favorite American Idols ever, and thank goodness he got the save. He will get further than the other two to have gotten the save (Matt Giraud and Michael Lynche). His only weakness is his appearance—which he can change. I’m hoping for a Casey-James (Not Casey James from season 9) finale in Season 10. More on James below.
Favorite performance: With a Little Help from My Friends
16. Diana Degarmo
Season 3: Second place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 8, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 34
I actually thought she was really cute when she was on. I sort of had a mini-crush on her. I also loved her singing voice and she was spunky and very likeable. She didn’t have enough talent to win, but she was a favorite of mine in season 3.
Favorite performance: Don’t Cry Out Loud
15. Siobhan Magnus
Season 9: Sixth place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 35
Siobhan was the rocker chick of her year—and I liked her. I didn’t like her early on however, but after a few live performances I saw her great vocals and stage presence and I noticed how good she was. I think she was a bit of a surprise elimination at 6th—I feel she should have at least made the top 4.
Favorite performance: Paint It Black
14. Danny Gokey
Season 8: Third place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 35
Danny was someone who I liked from the moment I saw his first audition. I just really like the bluesy sound of his voice. There was question if he was using his wife’s passing to get sympathy votes—I don’t think he was. I think he was just sharing his story so we could know him more. Regardless, I really like his voice and personality.
Favorite performance: Hero
13. David Archuleta
Season 7: Second place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 8, Looks: 8, Likeability: 10, Total: 35
David Archuleta is one of the most talented runners up in American Idol history even though there have been quite a few. As soon as I saw his audition I knew I’d like this guy and see him get really far. He had an awkward stage presence and didn’t really command the stage, but he was as likeable as there can be and his vocals were usually spot on.
Favorite performance: Angels
12. James Durbin
Season 10: TBD
Vocals: 9, Performance: 10, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
James Durbin is my favorite Idol from Season 10, and with Pia’s shocking elimination, he is in the running to win the whole thing. His ability to switch it up and go slow- or mid-tempo (Maybe I’m Amazed, While My Guitar Gently Weeps) rivals that of Adam Lambert. James may even be able to get further than Lambert did.
Favorite performance: Maybe I’m Amazed
11. Jennifer Hudson
Season 3: Seventh place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
Jennifer was one of those shocking eliminations. In her elimination, she, Latoya London, and eventual winner Fantasia Barrino all were in the bottom 3. That year, Jennifer was my favorite diva because of her amazing performance of Elton John’s “Circle of Life”. I mean that performance is STILL my favorite performance on Idol EVER. I knew she’d go on to do great things and I was not wrong.
Favorite Performance: Circle of Life
10. Constantine Maroulis
Season 4: Sixth place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 10, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
Constantine was one of my favorites from Season 4 along with Carrie. I was hoping he’d be in the final with her, but it was Bo. Oh well. I just thought he has such a great stage presence and a soothing voice for a rocker. He was yet another one eliminated too soon.
Favorite performance: How You Remind Me
9. Allison Iraheta
Season 8: Fourth place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
It seems weird to put her this high, but I just couldn’t give her any less in any category. Allison is pretty much the complete package—she just needs to practice and mature more. She’s still only 18 years old. Trust me, someday, she’ll make an even bigger name for herself.
Favorite performance: Alone
8. Katharine McPhee
Season 5: Second place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 8, Looks: 10, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
Katharine is not only the best looking female to ever grace the Idol stage, she has one of the best voices as well. She should have beaten Taylor and I was so upset when she lost. My favorite performance of hers is Aretha Franklin’s “Think” because that’s when I fell in love with her. She hasn’t exactly done as well as Kelly and Carrie post-Idol, but what if she had won? Would there be a trio of Idol starlets? Perhaps. Nevertheless, Kat is still one of my favorite Idols ever—I still have a McPheever.
Favorite performance: Think
7. Clay Aiken
Season 2: Second place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 8, Looks: 8, Likeability: 10, Total: 36
Clay is one of those Idols that probably should have won. He lost narrowly to Reuben Studdard. Although I didn’t watch his season when it aired, I have watched all of his performances by now and I have to say he is one of my favorite contestants ever. He loses points though on his geeky looks and his stiff stage presence. It’s just that whenever I hear his voice I’m like WOW! I wish I had that voice!
Favorite performance: Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me
6. Blake Lewis
Season 6: Second Place
Vocals: 8, Performance: 10, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 37
Hey Brian whatcha doin putting Blake as the sixth best Idol ever? I’ll tell you what! Blake just happens to be from right where I live on the east side of Puget Sound in the great state of Washington. His performances weren’t awesome vocally but always entertained, since he could also beatbox. His style, flair, and dramatics made him well-liked. I was very disappointed when he didn’t win.
Favorite performance: You Give Love a Bad Name
5. David Cook
Season 7: Winner
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 37
One of the best rockers American Idol’s ever had, David Cook is also one of the most popular as well, spawning fan groups such as “Cook’s Crue”. He really impressed me in season 7 and for a while, I didn’t know whether to root for him or Archie. In the end, I went with Archie because I connected more with him. However, that’s nothing on David Cook, he will still be one of my favorite Idol’s ever.
Favorite performance: Eleanor Rigby
4. Chris Daughtry
Season 5: Fourth Place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 38
Daughtry is the greatest rocker to ever be on Idol. Period. I just call him Daughtry now because of his successful band with the same name. Anyway… CHRIS… he just amazed me every week on Idol, especially when he went all ballad on America with “What a Wonderful World”. One of my favorite American Idol performances ever. Dude could sing any song, really. He should have won, with Katharine coming 2nd.
Favorite performance: What a Wonderful World
3. Kelly Clarkson
Season 1: Winner
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 38
The first winner of American Idol, Kelly Clarkson is without a doubt still one of the best. She’s sort of dropped out of the spotlight recently, but she had an immediate impact after she won the crown of the first American Idol over Justin Guarini. She is widely known to be one of the greatest Idol contestants ever.
Favorite performance: A Moment Like This (Winning Performance)
2. Adam Lambert
Season 8: Second place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 10, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 39
Some part of me wants to declare him the best Idol ever, but I can’t because he didn’t win. But he is in my top 3 favorite Idols ever because of his amazing range, stage presence, and just pure domination. His failure to capture the American Idol crown was probably the biggest finale shocker ever. Adam is just an electrifying singer that many would kill to have his voice.
Favorite performance: Tracks of My Tears
1. Carrie Underwood
Season 4: Winner
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 10, Likeability: 10, Total: 39
What CAN’T Carrie do? She is a smalltown farmer girl from Oklahoma, as likeable and pretty as they come, with such a beautiful voice. She was born to sing. I remember when watching Season 4 I was actually rooting for Bo in the finals for two reasons. I wanted a guy to win to continue the girl-boy trend, and two, I was rooting for the underdog. But I was very happy Carrie won. In my opinion, she is THE best American Idol contestant ever.
Favorite performance: Alone
20. Kevin Covais
Season 5: Eleventh place
Vocals: 7, Performance: 8, Looks: 7, Likeability: 10, Total: 32
I had to include Chicken Little on American Idol. He’s my age and made it onto the show the first season I personally would have been eligible. He was an extremely likeable kid and I really rooted for him. He was every nerd’s hero.
Favorite performance: Part Time Lover
19. Sanjaya Malakar
Season 6: Seventh place
Vocals: 6, Performance: 10, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 33
First off, I like Sanjaya. He’s from my home state. I always gotta show my homeboys some love. Secondly, he was a performer first and a singer second. To me, there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as your voice isn’t absolutely horrible, and his wasn’t. I enjoyed all of his performances and he inspired me to try to get on Idol someday, even if I can’t sing.
Favorite performance: You Really Got Me
18. Lee Dewyze
Season 9: Winner
Vocals: 8, Performance: 8, Looks: 9, Likeability: 8, Total: 33
Lee is probably up there with Taylor Hicks as one of the worst Idol winners—but I still like him. He’s not awful, but on a lot of seasons he wouldn’t have even made the top 4 or 5. He’s just ordinary, but I love his style. Also, while on Idol, he always chose really good songs. Other than that, not much else to say.
Favorite performance: Hey Jude
17. Casey Abrams
Season 10: TBD
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 7, Likeability: 9, Total: 34
Casey Abrams only gets a 9 for his vocals because I’m still waiting to hear something amazing from him. Nonetheless, he is still one of my favorite American Idols ever, and thank goodness he got the save. He will get further than the other two to have gotten the save (Matt Giraud and Michael Lynche). His only weakness is his appearance—which he can change. I’m hoping for a Casey-James (Not Casey James from season 9) finale in Season 10. More on James below.
Favorite performance: With a Little Help from My Friends
16. Diana Degarmo
Season 3: Second place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 8, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 34
I actually thought she was really cute when she was on. I sort of had a mini-crush on her. I also loved her singing voice and she was spunky and very likeable. She didn’t have enough talent to win, but she was a favorite of mine in season 3.
Favorite performance: Don’t Cry Out Loud
15. Siobhan Magnus
Season 9: Sixth place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 35
Siobhan was the rocker chick of her year—and I liked her. I didn’t like her early on however, but after a few live performances I saw her great vocals and stage presence and I noticed how good she was. I think she was a bit of a surprise elimination at 6th—I feel she should have at least made the top 4.
Favorite performance: Paint It Black
14. Danny Gokey
Season 8: Third place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 35
Danny was someone who I liked from the moment I saw his first audition. I just really like the bluesy sound of his voice. There was question if he was using his wife’s passing to get sympathy votes—I don’t think he was. I think he was just sharing his story so we could know him more. Regardless, I really like his voice and personality.
Favorite performance: Hero
13. David Archuleta
Season 7: Second place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 8, Looks: 8, Likeability: 10, Total: 35
David Archuleta is one of the most talented runners up in American Idol history even though there have been quite a few. As soon as I saw his audition I knew I’d like this guy and see him get really far. He had an awkward stage presence and didn’t really command the stage, but he was as likeable as there can be and his vocals were usually spot on.
Favorite performance: Angels
12. James Durbin
Season 10: TBD
Vocals: 9, Performance: 10, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
James Durbin is my favorite Idol from Season 10, and with Pia’s shocking elimination, he is in the running to win the whole thing. His ability to switch it up and go slow- or mid-tempo (Maybe I’m Amazed, While My Guitar Gently Weeps) rivals that of Adam Lambert. James may even be able to get further than Lambert did.
Favorite performance: Maybe I’m Amazed
11. Jennifer Hudson
Season 3: Seventh place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
Jennifer was one of those shocking eliminations. In her elimination, she, Latoya London, and eventual winner Fantasia Barrino all were in the bottom 3. That year, Jennifer was my favorite diva because of her amazing performance of Elton John’s “Circle of Life”. I mean that performance is STILL my favorite performance on Idol EVER. I knew she’d go on to do great things and I was not wrong.
Favorite Performance: Circle of Life
10. Constantine Maroulis
Season 4: Sixth place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 10, Looks: 8, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
Constantine was one of my favorites from Season 4 along with Carrie. I was hoping he’d be in the final with her, but it was Bo. Oh well. I just thought he has such a great stage presence and a soothing voice for a rocker. He was yet another one eliminated too soon.
Favorite performance: How You Remind Me
9. Allison Iraheta
Season 8: Fourth place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
It seems weird to put her this high, but I just couldn’t give her any less in any category. Allison is pretty much the complete package—she just needs to practice and mature more. She’s still only 18 years old. Trust me, someday, she’ll make an even bigger name for herself.
Favorite performance: Alone
8. Katharine McPhee
Season 5: Second place
Vocals: 9, Performance: 8, Looks: 10, Likeability: 9, Total: 36
Katharine is not only the best looking female to ever grace the Idol stage, she has one of the best voices as well. She should have beaten Taylor and I was so upset when she lost. My favorite performance of hers is Aretha Franklin’s “Think” because that’s when I fell in love with her. She hasn’t exactly done as well as Kelly and Carrie post-Idol, but what if she had won? Would there be a trio of Idol starlets? Perhaps. Nevertheless, Kat is still one of my favorite Idols ever—I still have a McPheever.
Favorite performance: Think
7. Clay Aiken
Season 2: Second place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 8, Looks: 8, Likeability: 10, Total: 36
Clay is one of those Idols that probably should have won. He lost narrowly to Reuben Studdard. Although I didn’t watch his season when it aired, I have watched all of his performances by now and I have to say he is one of my favorite contestants ever. He loses points though on his geeky looks and his stiff stage presence. It’s just that whenever I hear his voice I’m like WOW! I wish I had that voice!
Favorite performance: Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me
6. Blake Lewis
Season 6: Second Place
Vocals: 8, Performance: 10, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 37
Hey Brian whatcha doin putting Blake as the sixth best Idol ever? I’ll tell you what! Blake just happens to be from right where I live on the east side of Puget Sound in the great state of Washington. His performances weren’t awesome vocally but always entertained, since he could also beatbox. His style, flair, and dramatics made him well-liked. I was very disappointed when he didn’t win.
Favorite performance: You Give Love a Bad Name
5. David Cook
Season 7: Winner
Vocals: 9, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 37
One of the best rockers American Idol’s ever had, David Cook is also one of the most popular as well, spawning fan groups such as “Cook’s Crue”. He really impressed me in season 7 and for a while, I didn’t know whether to root for him or Archie. In the end, I went with Archie because I connected more with him. However, that’s nothing on David Cook, he will still be one of my favorite Idol’s ever.
Favorite performance: Eleanor Rigby
4. Chris Daughtry
Season 5: Fourth Place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 38
Daughtry is the greatest rocker to ever be on Idol. Period. I just call him Daughtry now because of his successful band with the same name. Anyway… CHRIS… he just amazed me every week on Idol, especially when he went all ballad on America with “What a Wonderful World”. One of my favorite American Idol performances ever. Dude could sing any song, really. He should have won, with Katharine coming 2nd.
Favorite performance: What a Wonderful World
3. Kelly Clarkson
Season 1: Winner
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 38
The first winner of American Idol, Kelly Clarkson is without a doubt still one of the best. She’s sort of dropped out of the spotlight recently, but she had an immediate impact after she won the crown of the first American Idol over Justin Guarini. She is widely known to be one of the greatest Idol contestants ever.
Favorite performance: A Moment Like This (Winning Performance)
2. Adam Lambert
Season 8: Second place
Vocals: 10, Performance: 10, Looks: 9, Likeability: 10, Total: 39
Some part of me wants to declare him the best Idol ever, but I can’t because he didn’t win. But he is in my top 3 favorite Idols ever because of his amazing range, stage presence, and just pure domination. His failure to capture the American Idol crown was probably the biggest finale shocker ever. Adam is just an electrifying singer that many would kill to have his voice.
Favorite performance: Tracks of My Tears
1. Carrie Underwood
Season 4: Winner
Vocals: 10, Performance: 9, Looks: 10, Likeability: 10, Total: 39
What CAN’T Carrie do? She is a smalltown farmer girl from Oklahoma, as likeable and pretty as they come, with such a beautiful voice. She was born to sing. I remember when watching Season 4 I was actually rooting for Bo in the finals for two reasons. I wanted a guy to win to continue the girl-boy trend, and two, I was rooting for the underdog. But I was very happy Carrie won. In my opinion, she is THE best American Idol contestant ever.
Favorite performance: Alone
Monday, April 4, 2011
Our Sports May Be Bad, But At Least We’re Not Cleveland
If you have read my blogs, you have probably heard me complain about Seattle sports and how bad we have it here. Sure, the Mariners and Seahawks have never won championships, but at least we have hope. At least we know those teams are capable of captivating our city and competing and getting far in the playoffs. Right now, the Mariners are in rebuilding mode and the Seahawks somehow made it to the playoffs in the middle of their rebuilding mode. But hey, at least we’re not Cleveland.
Cleveland, Ohio is a great city. But they have terrible sports teams. I feel for them, I really do. Let’s get right down to it. The Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team is 15-61 which is bad enough for the worst record in the NBA. To top it all, this is the season after mega-star Lebron James spurned them to join the Miami Heat. Every Cavalier fan felt heartbreak at “The Decision” made by Lebron James. If you’re a Mariners fan, you probably remember when A-Rod signed with the Rangers in 2001, right? Well, multiply that by 10, because that’s how it felt for Cavalier fans. Losing a great player in basketball is way more impactful than losing a great player in baseball. The Cavaliers saw their playoff and championship hopes slip away with that signing. At least the Mariners shoved it to A-Rod the following year and won 116 games. And now, the Cavaliers, like I said, are the worst team in basketball. Lebron didn’t win them a championship and he probably never will.
Meanwhile, the Cleveland Indians are just getting their 2011 campaign started, and wouldn’t you know it, they are in a rebuilding mode too. “Stars” Grady Sizemore and Travis Hafner have been plagued with injuries and inconsistency, and I use the quotes because you can hardly call them stars anymore. Their best player is Shin-Soo Choo, who is a former Mariner and one of the most underrated players in the game. However, if you’re a baseball fan, you probably remember that the Indians used to sell out every game in the 90’s and early 2000’s when they had players such as Manny Ramirez, Omar Vizquel, and Jim Thome. They had sellout crowds EVERY… SINGLE… NIGHT at Jacobs Field. Now? Well in just their second game of the season, the Indians drew a crowd of—GET THIS—9,853. The Mariners have never drawn a crowd that small in their history if I’m not mistaken. Only 9,000 fans? The Indians have clearly lost a huge part of their fanbase and might be a while from contention again.
The one bright spot in Cleveland sports, if you can call it that, must be the Cleveland Browns. Who knew that would someday be the best Cleveland team? They didn’t exactly have a great season in 2010, but they beat some good teams such as the Patriots and are on the rise. They may have found their quarterback of the future in Colt McCoy, but time will tell. They have team president Mike Holmgren leading the franchise and he is widely known as one of the best football minds in the game. They hired a new coach Pat Shurmur just this offseason—and many believe he is the coach that will get the Browns going in the right direction.
Cleveland, I feel your pain. We Seattleites have suffered just as you are right now. We know what it feels like to lose a star because you’re not as big of a market as somewhere else. We know what it feels like to be great for a while and then become one of the worst. We know because we have experienced firsthand. All I can say to you Cleveland is what optimists often say at a time like this: Things can only get better. Good luck to your sports teams. I sincerely hope the Cavaliers win a championship before Lebron James and I hope Mike Holmgren has success with your Browns. Good luck from a Seattle sports fan.
Cleveland, Ohio is a great city. But they have terrible sports teams. I feel for them, I really do. Let’s get right down to it. The Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team is 15-61 which is bad enough for the worst record in the NBA. To top it all, this is the season after mega-star Lebron James spurned them to join the Miami Heat. Every Cavalier fan felt heartbreak at “The Decision” made by Lebron James. If you’re a Mariners fan, you probably remember when A-Rod signed with the Rangers in 2001, right? Well, multiply that by 10, because that’s how it felt for Cavalier fans. Losing a great player in basketball is way more impactful than losing a great player in baseball. The Cavaliers saw their playoff and championship hopes slip away with that signing. At least the Mariners shoved it to A-Rod the following year and won 116 games. And now, the Cavaliers, like I said, are the worst team in basketball. Lebron didn’t win them a championship and he probably never will.
Meanwhile, the Cleveland Indians are just getting their 2011 campaign started, and wouldn’t you know it, they are in a rebuilding mode too. “Stars” Grady Sizemore and Travis Hafner have been plagued with injuries and inconsistency, and I use the quotes because you can hardly call them stars anymore. Their best player is Shin-Soo Choo, who is a former Mariner and one of the most underrated players in the game. However, if you’re a baseball fan, you probably remember that the Indians used to sell out every game in the 90’s and early 2000’s when they had players such as Manny Ramirez, Omar Vizquel, and Jim Thome. They had sellout crowds EVERY… SINGLE… NIGHT at Jacobs Field. Now? Well in just their second game of the season, the Indians drew a crowd of—GET THIS—9,853. The Mariners have never drawn a crowd that small in their history if I’m not mistaken. Only 9,000 fans? The Indians have clearly lost a huge part of their fanbase and might be a while from contention again.
The one bright spot in Cleveland sports, if you can call it that, must be the Cleveland Browns. Who knew that would someday be the best Cleveland team? They didn’t exactly have a great season in 2010, but they beat some good teams such as the Patriots and are on the rise. They may have found their quarterback of the future in Colt McCoy, but time will tell. They have team president Mike Holmgren leading the franchise and he is widely known as one of the best football minds in the game. They hired a new coach Pat Shurmur just this offseason—and many believe he is the coach that will get the Browns going in the right direction.
Cleveland, I feel your pain. We Seattleites have suffered just as you are right now. We know what it feels like to lose a star because you’re not as big of a market as somewhere else. We know what it feels like to be great for a while and then become one of the worst. We know because we have experienced firsthand. All I can say to you Cleveland is what optimists often say at a time like this: Things can only get better. Good luck to your sports teams. I sincerely hope the Cavaliers win a championship before Lebron James and I hope Mike Holmgren has success with your Browns. Good luck from a Seattle sports fan.