Jeff Probst recently announced that Season 50 of Survivor will be returning players, but that was not much surprise to anybody. We had a feeling they'd have to do something special for Survivor's 50th season. And it will not come too soon, as it's been since Season 40 that we had a season with multiple returning players. That is the longest such stretch in Survivor history without multiple returning players.
So after this announcement, a lot of speculation has happened among Survivor fans as to what kind of cast it will be. There are a few different ways they could go with this, and I'm going to rank them 10 to 1 based on how well each theme would work out and be received by the Survivor fanbase as a whole. Keep in mind Jeff did not explicitly state that it would be all returning players, so there are a couple of previously used themes potentially in play. Here are the possible themes ranked:
10. First Boots
What's so special about first boots? I have no idea. Could they even get 18 or 20 of them? Are there really 18 or 20 first boots we want to see again? I don't think there are. There are certainly a handful, such as Zane, Jelinsky, Zach Wurtenberger, and possibly even Francesca, but the list grows short after that.
9. Fans vs. Favorites 3
Yes, they could do a Fans vs. Favorites 3, which would only be 1/2 returnee players. I highly doubt they will do this since fans want to see a full returning players season, and this would definitely enrage the fanbase a bit.
8. Blood vs. Water 3
Again, it would only be 1/2 of the cast, but we could see 10 new-ish era players with their loved ones. I highly doubt they'll do this again, but Jeff does love this theme, I know that. Again, Jeff did not explicitly say it would be all returning players.
7. Regular All-Stars Type Season
Like All-Stars in Season 8 or Game Changers in Season 34, this would be a regular cast of All-Stars, with winners allowed and no clear theme for the division of the tribes. One small negative I see to this is it would allow the showrunners to have three tribes of six (AGAIN), which has become a New Era staple. But also, this theme would be so bland and generic, and while any returning player season would be fun, not having any kind of theme would instantly make it a bit lame.
6. Rivals
A Rivals-type season has been long-talked about, but never happened. So it would be like Blood vs. Water, but the opposite, I guess. 10 players and 10 of their rivals. Domenick and Chris Noble? Shan and Ricard? Katurah and Bruce? Liz and Q? There are a few ideas. The issue would be casting them so there are even number of men and women. But I like this idea a lot, because I bet there'd be a lot of drama and there'd likely be a rival pairing or two that would actually want to work together, since no one would expect them to. But Rivals seems like a bit of a kind of lamer season, so it's here at number 6.
5. New Era vs. Old Era
I don't think it'd be called this (New School vs. Old School? Battle of the Ages/Eras?), but this is one I could see happening that wouldn't excite the fanbase too much, but maybe enough to keep the ratings up. They'd have to settle on a demarcation point as to what constitutes a new era and what constitutes an old era player. My suggestion is Season 25 as the demarcation point, since that'd be halfway at this point. But I do see the issue with trying to find 8-10 old era players that would be willing and able to keep up with the new era players. They key being if they're able to. Not many would. Alternatively, they could make this a three-tribe format, with 6 old era players (1-19), 6 "middle" era players (21-39), and 6 New Era players (41-49). But again, I'd worry about the old era players keeping up.
4. Outwit vs. Outplay vs. Outlast
What would be a good way to culminate 50 seasons of Survivor? By having six players that have excelled in outwitting, six players who excelled in outplaying, and six players who excelled in outlasting others. Again, this would be another three tribe, six player start, but I would be okay with this one. It would be interesting to see who would be on which tribe. I would worry about the Outplay tribe possibly dominating challenges, but that's where they'd have to cast a couple of players who excelled more in finding idols rather than challenges. One thing I'd say about this season's cast: No losing finalists. If they truly excelled at "out"-whatevering, then they would've won their season.
3. Heroes vs. Villains 2
I'm a huge fan of this theme, and I think the fanbase as a whole would really like it. However, the line between hero and villain has certainly gotten blurred over the years in the game of Survivor. Maybe they could do Heroes vs. Villains vs. Anti-Heroes? That would be a bit easier for them to cast for. Either way, the theme of good vs. evil is always entertaining. A good story has a good villian to root against and a good hero to root for.
2. Legends vs. Rising Stars
This is a theme I'm putting forth, and I think it would work. First off, a tribe of legends. Who wouldn't want that? No restrictions on how much they've played or if they've won or not. Just 8-10 legends of the game--some of the biggest names in Survivor history. We certainly have plenty of those. Then, on the other tribe, you have 8-10 up-and-comers. Rising stars, if you will. These would be players who made a big name for themselves their first time playing and are determined to do so again. It would be like having a baseball game of future Hall of Famers against future All-Stars. Wouldn't that be fun to watch?
1. Second Chances 2
Let the fans decide again. Why not? There are a lot of ways to run the voting, and who wouldn't love to have a say in the cast again? Potential players could run campaigns, trying to establish trending hashtags for their support. The previous time we had the fans vote, social media was not the thing it is today. Yes, this would only be players who have played once before, but that's fine--we've got plenty of those. I do worry that the showrunners/producers would find a way to force a minimum number of New Era (41+) players in the game, but even if that happened, there are plenty of those who we'd love to see again as well. Also, I must add, it'd be hard to enforce the diversity mandate. They couldn't split them up into whites vs. minorities. But I'm sure they could find a way. Perhaps fans could pick their favorites from a list of 100, and the producers choose from there. Just an idea.