Oh, LOST. Where do I begin? Let me just say that LOST is one of the most entertaining shows ever. So much drama and mystery, mixed in with romance and a bit of comedy all together makes one heck of a TV program. However, what makes LOST such a great show is its characters. The main nucleus of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley are what drive the show. But there’s also even better characters in Benjamin Linus and John Locke. There’s a reason Michael Emerson and Terry O’Quinn won Emmy’s for their portrayal of those characters. And there’s also great characters in Sayid, Sun and Jin, and Charlie. Funny thing about a lot of the characters is that a lot of them, Sun, Jin, Hurley, and Ben, were not supposed to be in the show or not on for as long as they were, but strong performances by the actors kept those characters around. Jack was supposed to be killed off in the Pilot, but he wasn’t for two reasons. One, they liked Matthew Fox as a lead, and two, they thought it might possibly dissuade people from watching if the most important characters can be killed off so easily.
What’s also great about LOST is its unique blend of science fiction with reality. It uses just the right amount of sci-fi to make us believe things that happen on the show might actually be possible. Perhaps they went too far with time travel, people living for hundreds of years, and the island physically moving on the earth, but those kinds of things intrigued us. They kept us wondering. Without the sci-fi on LOST, it would just be about people landing on an island, trying to survive, leaving, then trying to get back to save others.
The show progressed in such an amazing way, that like Harry Potter with each of its books, each of LOST’s seasons can be briefly described as to what they are about. Season 1 is about surviving and getting to know our characters. Season 2 is about the Hatch, Dharma Initiative, and the other people on the Island. Season 3 is about the Others, finding out more about them. Season 4 is about getting off the Island and the introduction of Flash Forwards. Season 5 was about Time Travel and the history of the Dharma Initiative. Season 6 was about returning to the Island, the Man in Black and Jacob, and what was known as the “Flash Sideways” timeline. Each season of LOST can be viewed by itself as a great season, and every season ending episode has a great cliffhanger.
While LOST is one of the most entertaining hours of television in the history of television, it’s hard to describe it as one of the most accurate and complete television series. The show is now finished, but there are still questions about certain mysteries. How could Walt appear to people on the Island? Why did Hugo get the nickname Hurley? What was the real story about the real Henry Gale? And what about the earliest inhabitants of the Island, which appear to be Egyptians? Who built the Statue of Tawraret? A lot of the questions also on the show were answered half-heartedly, such as Jacob’s powers and how he was able to do certain things with his touch, and the healing properties of the Island.
LOST will forever be one of my favorite dramas of all time. What I personally love about the show is how it can make us feel so many ways: happy, sad, excited, anxious, and scared. There’s also many moments in the show so intense and heart pounding you have to take deep breaths after watching it.
One more thing that doesn’t get recognized enough on the show is its music. LOST has a fantastic score, thanks to the brilliant work by Michael Giacchino. Giacchino does an amazing job composing perfect pieces for each scene, and they always fit into the scene. Sad, emotional moments will feature background music with a slow melodic beat usually accompanied by a nice piano piece. They only add to the emotion we feel with each scene. LOST without its music would be like the Star Wars prequels without their special effects. They would be nothing.
LOST, to sum up, is a fantastic show. It’s sad it only lasted six seasons, but it finished nicely. If anyone likes mystery, drama, action, and romance all in one show, and they haven’t seen LOST, then they are definitely missing out. It started out with one of the most expensive Pilots ever, but boy was it worth it. LOST will forever live on as one of the great television dramas of all time.
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