Top 10 Things I am Most Looking Forward to in My Future
For this blog post, I wanted to make another Top 10. This Top 10 is about things I am most looking forward to in the future. I must preface the list by saying that some of these events may not happen. There’s no guarantee for any of them. Some don’t involve me too much, but I want to see them happen. Anyway, here they are, in order, the Top 10 Things I am Most Looking Forward to in My Future:
Honorable mention: Getting my own car
Yes, I am desperate need of my own car. This is the one on this list that might happen soonest. I am tired of having to borrow one of my parents’ cars. Sure, there will be car insurance bills, paying for gas, maintenance and care for it, but it will so be worth it, since I will be able to drive anywhere whenever I want.
10. The end of How I Met Your Mother
I know, it’s just a TV show, but I am so looking forward to the end of the show and finding out who the mother is, who is the woman Ted ends up marrying. This and LOST are the two shows I have most anticipated the end of. I cannot wait to see who the Mother is. And when it’s all said and done, How I Met Your Mother will go down as one of the best comedies of its generation.
9. Getting my own pet (probably a cat)
I’m really looking forward to having my own pet. Perhaps this won’t be until I’m married and settled down, but I can wait. It will probably be a cat, since I am more of a cat person than a dog person, but along with having kids, I’ve always wanted to have at least one pet. Pets are like people that can’t talk or understand anything. They are great companions.
8. Mariners winning the World Series/Seahawks winning the Super Bowl
For my entire life I have rooted for the Mariners and Seahawks and for my entire life they have both not won a championship. All I want to have happen is at least one of them winning just one championship, just one. The city of Seattle would be in a state of euphoria. We have long waited for a national champion in a major sport. And it would be one of the greatest days of my life if it were to happen. With how much money the Seahawks and Mariners are willing to spend on players, there just has to be a championship from at least one of them in my lifetime.
7. Moving Out
Yes, I’m 21 and still living with my parents, but I’m waiting until I’m financially ready to move out, but I will also say that I can’t wait to move out. It will be so nice to either have a place to myself or to live with someone new. It’s gonna be a bit sad for me, because I have so many memories in my current house, but I will have a new home to look forward to.
6. Living Near Amanda
Like I said, the future is not set in stone, but I cannot wait until the day that one of us moves to the other. It’s going to be such an amazing change from having to fly to see each other every couple months. It’ll be so nice to do stuff with her that I haven’t had the chance to yet. Plus, she’ll be another person I could rely on in case of an emergency.
5. Travelling to Places I’ve Never Been
For my entire life I have been contained to the Pacific Time Zone. I just recently expanded past the Pacific Northwest and went to California, but now I want to visit other places. I want to visit the east coast of the US, most notably New York City. I want to visit Europe, most notably England and/or Germany. I want to visit Hawaii. I know it may be a long time before I go to those places, but I can wait. I waited 20 years to go to California. I can wait another 20 years to leave the West Coast.
4. Buying my first house
From what I’ve heard and seen, there’s some satisfaction you get from purchasing your first home that you can’t get from anything else. Finally, once you buy your own house, you have a place you worked hard for, saved up for, and a nice place you can call “home”. A place to start a family in. That’s what I want some day, and I am so looking forward to it.
3. Landing my Dream Job
I am currently a checker at Safeway and I’ll definitely admit it is not my dream job. But my problem is that I do not know what is. I have many aspirations, but settling on one is hard for me to do. Someday I will figure out what my dream job is, then I will do whatever it takes to obtain it.
2. Getting Married
I have always wanted to get married. I never wanted to end up alone. I want to be the head of the household, the man of the house, and somebody’s husband. This is way off into the future for me, but it’s something I have looked forward to for a long time, ever since I got interested in girls. Spending the rest of my life with someone I love more than anything would be a dream come true for me.
1. Having Kids
I love kids. Love them to death. Well, not actually to death—that’s just a figure of speech. I love kids the appropriate amount… as allowed by law. Haha I had to take that quote from Friends. But yes, I do love kids. I get along great with them. I am really looking forward to having kids of my own and being the one to take care of them. I’ve wanted to be a dad for as long as I can remember. I definitely want to wait until I’m ready, both financially and mentally. But when I do have kids, the day they’re born will be the best days of my life.
That was a fun read...another honorable mention-a change of POTUS...get a prez that loves the USA and wants the best for that will allow for job growth so that a dream job is possible, one that promotes a stable economy so that housing can be that does not promote Cash For Clunkers-so that older cars can be purchased rather than destroyed as part of the program-leaving only new cars that must be purchased-which is very that keeps the USA safe so that kids brought into the world will have a future too...OK, I"m done with my rant.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, and yes, I am totally looking forward to that in 2012. Or 2016. I want a President that would die for our country--I don't think Obama would.