Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part one, in my opinion, is the best Harry Potter movie to date. The amazing and exciting book sure helped, but this movie, to me, outshone all others. Here are some scenes I thought they did beautifully:
- The seven Potters scene. PERFECT. Hilarious, accurate, and even better than I imagined it would be.
- The scene at the ministry. Sure, they didn’t rescue a lot of muggle-borns in the movie, but I felt that was a necessary cut to the film.
- The locket and doe scene. Just as I imagined. I couldn’t have written it better.
- The story of the Three Brothers. I am actually pleasantly surprised that Hermione’s telling of the story was left in, but seeing as it has to do with the title of the movie, then again, perhaps not that surprised.
Here are some that I thought they did ok, but a bit rushed:
- The wedding, including the preparations. Sadly, no ceremony, but the reception was pretty-well covered.
- The Malfoy Manor scene. The only thing that was really left out was Ron’s sobs for Hermione (which would have showed a strong bond between them) and Pettigrew’s hand turning on him and killing him.
Here’s what I missed:
- Lupin arriving at Grimmauld Place and his confrontation with Harry.
- The tale of Kreacher/Regulus. It’s a shame they never fully revealed how he did it. I was hoping they’d explain that Kreacher was used to not only put the real locket in the cave, but to get it out. Oh well.
- The statue/the letter Lily wrote to Sirius. While not essential to the plot (which is probably why they were cut), they would have been nice, touching additions to the movie.
All in all, however, I was very pleased with this movie. More so than any other movie, I thought the acting in this one was great. Dan was at his best, and so was Rupert. Emma Watson, formerly cringe-worthy, is now a very decent actress. She portrayed the scene where she removed her parents’ memories very well. I would give this movie a 4.5/5, or a 9/10. I cannot wait for Part 2, which unfortunately is not for another 8 months! Yikes!
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