With NaOnka and Kelly now out of the game (quitters!), there are only 7 people left in the game. It looks like another season with a final three. I will discuss each remaining castaway and their chances at winning the game. Finally, I will predict where they will end up.
- Benjamin “Benry” Henry
Benry is a great physical player, but he has no alliance. That is his Achilles heel. He has been targeted by Chase and Jane and will probably be one of the next few to go, since he is a threat to win challenges. A threat + No alliance = Next exit. Bye Benry.
Predicted finish: 7th
- Mathew “Sash” Lenahan
Sash has been dominating the game… until now. The last three players to leave the game (Brenda, NaOnka, Kelly S) have been his allies. He is pretty much by himself. And he is still a threat to win. I can’t see him getting to the finals. Not that far.
Predicted finish: 6th
- Chase Rice
Chase is someone that has played this game pretty smartly except for trusting Brenda too much. He is definitely a threat to win if he gets to the finals, which is also why I can’t see him getting there. I think he will do something stupid to put a target on his back.
Predicted finish: 5th
- Jane Bright
Jane is someone that has REALLY surprised me. A LOT. I pegged her from the start as one of the people that would be quickly voted out, but this 60 year old woman has already won two individual challenges… ENDURANCE challenges, that is. She is a real trooper, hasn’t made anyone mad, but that will probably work against her. The other castaways know that if she gets to the final 3, she has an excellent shot of winning.
Predicited finish: 4th
- Dan Lembo
Dan is not only one of the weakest players I’ve ever seen play Survivor, he is without a doubt the weakest man to ever play Survivor. The guy is a joke. At least he’s toughing it out and hasn’t quit. Word has it that he didn’t apply for the show, but in fact was recruited. Figures. There is absolutely no way he will win. He is just saddling along because he is not a threat and someone that could be easy to beat in the finals.
Predicted finish: 3rd
- Holly Hoffman
Holly went from one of my least favorite players (stealing Dan’s shoes) to one of my favorites (Trying to persuade Kelly to stay in the game, sacrificing her reward for supplies for everyone else). She is not someone people are going to target… except maybe Dan, haha. She will do well in this game I believe.
Predicited finish: 2nd
- Jud “Fabio” Birza
Fabio is the wildcard. He’s not a huge threat to win, nor is he a weak player like Dan. He is someone that could seriously win this game. I think people will underestimate him and he will win challenges down the stretch, allowing him to further himself in the game. I think he will have just enough moxie and drive to win this game.
Predicted finish: 1st
So here is what I predict the rest of the way:
7th: Benry
6th: Sash
5th: Chase
4th: Jane
3rd: Dan
2nd: Holly
1st: Fabio
And while I’m at it, here is how I see the jury voting:
Alina: Fabio
Marty: Fabio
Brenda: Holly
NaOnka: Holly
Kelly: Holly
Benry: Fabio
Sash: Fabio
Chase: Holly
Jane: Fabio
And of course, Dan with no votes. I will review these predictions once the season is over. Go Fabio!
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