Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Google and YouTube Suck

If you haven’t heard, Google and YouTube are one in the same.  Google owns YouTube, so any problems you have with YouTube go straight to Google.  I’m here to say I have a beef with both of them.  I’m tired of their browser, their video website which is becoming exponentially harder to use, and the search engine I haven’t regularly used in five years (and whenever I do, it gives me headaches). 

I used to be an avid user of Internet Explorer.  Then people started complaining and switching over to Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, but I wasn’t one of them—at first.  However, I encountered a game on Facebook not too long ago called Café World which suggested that I use a different browser because apparently IE couldn’t handle it.  So I switched to Chrome.  And honestly, I liked Chrome.  For a few years, Chrome and I got along together swimmingly.  Until I got problems.  First off, I have had major issues with playing flash type videos on Chrome: From videos on YouTube (ironic?), ESPN videos on their website, and even simple GIF animations.  They constantly would cause my browser to crash.  It hasn’t happened as much recently, but I still get it every now and then.  The second problem I’ve had involves switching tabs.  For the past few months, about half the time when I switch a tab, it either displays the window of a tab I had previously closed or it displays the tab I was trying to swtich from.  I have to switch to another tab and back in order to fix it.  It’s extremely annoying.  And because of what this one browser has cost me, I am switching back to Internet Explorer.

Apparently, Internet Explorer has gotten a lot better.  They even created a website for the campaign (  That’s right.  “The Browser You LoveD to Hate.”  I bolded and capitalized the D in loved because apparently we don’t love to hate it anymore.  Maybe we hate hating it now?  That aside, I am giving IE another chance.  Google Chrome pushed me too far, so I’m going to see if IE can do enough to pull me back in. 

So Chrome hasn’t been kind to me.  What about YouTube?  Well, almost a year ago now they changed their YouTube homepage layout.  What used to look like this:

Now looks like this:

There are pros and cons to each, but what really irked me was that they made it virtually impossible to “X” out any videos we didn’t want to watch.  Isn’t the point of a website to make it MORE user-friendly as time goes on?  Also, I recently have discovered there is no way to share a private video with someone anymore.  If anyone knows how to, please let me know.  They say on this support page:  that “you'll see a section to enter up to 50 YouTube usernames that will have access to your private video.” Well, that section is no longer there.  Let’s not forget the increasing number of advertisements on videos.  It seems like 1 out of every 2 videos I watch has an advertisement at the start.  What happened to only having ads to the side?  That was perfect.  It was yet another instance of a company sacrificing a customer’s convenience for money.  The problem with MY PROBLEMS with YouTube is that I don’t have another site to go to.  YouTube really does not have any competition out there.  But hey, if you’re reading this and happen to know of a site that has potential to take on YouTube, let me know, okay?

Finally, I must talk about the thing that started it all, Google’s search engine.  I’ll give them props, it’s a very good search engine.  It’s just not for me.  I really believe that Bing is just as good (if not better) of a search engine than Google.  There’s a blind test you can take ( and every time I’ve taken it, I’ve preferred Bing as much or more than Google.  Take the test for yourself.  Bing’s layouts on their search displays are much more user-friendly and more organized.  Google to me is too bland, too boring, and frankly, I prefer the results I get from Bing more than I do Google. 

So Google/YouTube, I still may have an account with you, but you’re not getting much else with me.  Forget about me going on Google+.  Forget about me using Google as my regular search engine.  And now you can forget about me using Google Chrome anymore.  You may be part of the most popular websites out there, but I see right through you.   So long, it’s been a real headache.

Funny thing is, this was uploaded to Blogger, which is owned and run by Google.  I don't really think you guys suck. :)