The game Fortnite has been around for five(!) years now, and they've gone through hundreds of weapons and items. I'm going to list my personal top 10 items I remember using that have since been removed from the game or "vaulted" and would like to see "unvaulted". I think bringing these items back would definitely help make the game even more fun. These are in order of how much I'd like to see them brought back and I will be including items that have made an appearance in the "unvaulted" game mode, as that doesn't count as officially unvaulting them.
10. Bandage Bazooka
Yes, we have the Chug Cannon, but you can only get those from Llamas. The Bandage Bazooka you could at least get as floor loot or from a chest, I believe. I'd love to see them brought back.
9. Portable campfires
I don't know if this will ever happen again, as campfires are pretty common on the last two islands (Ch. 2 and 3). But it's nice to know you can heal your health without having to take up an item in your inventory.
8. Crash Pads
I believe they are unvaulting these for a limited time soon, but regardless, they need to be a regular part of the game. They're another item I can use to survive falling from a skybase and they're good for surprising unsuspecting enemies.
7. Launch Pads
They're even better than crash pads because they don't take up a spot in your inventory (instead, the trap spot). I know there's some set ones around the lake currently, but we need the portable ones back.
6. Decoy Grenades
I may be the only person in the world who'd want decoy grenades back, but I do. They're a great tool to use to confuse your enemy or to help you run away from them.
5. Pizza
It wasn't around for very long and it hasn't been gone long, but I already want pizza back. I liked the idea of a healing item that you could separate once you place it and share it among allies. I also liked that it healed both health and shield.
4. C4 Remote Explosives
It seems like forever since C4 has been in the game. I think they removed it because of all the glitches it caused. But man, setting traps for unsuspecting enemies with the C4 is still to this day one of the most fun things to do in Fortnite history.
3. Balloons
They're just really fun. They're a great way to get high ground or even move around the map. I love any item that can help me survive fall damage from a skybase.
2. Shield Bubbles
With it seeming like Epic is keeping the no-build versions, shield bubbles would be a very welcome addition, at least to those game modes. They brought back port-a-forts, but shield bubbles would be great to have back as well.
1. Glider Redeploy
Glider Redeploy is still in Team Rumble automatically (not taking up an item slot), but I'd love for it to come back to regular game modes. It would be another item that would help people like myself survive large falls (from say a skybase), and it would be great for navigation if people were on high ground.
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