I do a lot of blog posts on one of my favorite TV shows ever, Survivor. I enjoy how the game has evolved over the years, and new things are happening all the time with its evolution. We had a fan-favorite player get eliminated by default with Cirie in Game Changers. We had a tribal in Second Chance where idols negated every vote. But some instances or occurrences have never happened in Survivor history. With all the new advantages and the numerous idols put into play by the showrunners, not only are some of these things likely to happen, but I think they (Jeff included) want them to happen.
10. A "No Vote" Tribal Council
One thing I'm not a fan of in recent seasons is how easy it is to lose your vote. In fact, in Season 44, just going to the summit meant you lost your vote, unless you got lucky and succeeded in that 1/3 shot of getting an advantage. It's so dumb. Anyway, with how easy it is to lose your vote, and with shots in the dark, and with how small tribes can get, I feel like a "no vote" tribal council may happen someday. I'm sure they have a plan in place for this, but this "dramatic moment" would feel so contrived, as do a lot of them in recent seasons. And by a "no vote" tribal council, I do not mean a tribal council where all votes are negated. That's happened before. I mean a tribal council where everyone present has lost their vote or chooses to lose their vote. Very unlikely, but it's theoretically possible.
9. A plurality tie at Final Tribal Council
I have a feeling this could happen in 44 (Spoiler alert: It does not). But given three finalists, a tie with a plurality vote is certainly possible. With 8 jurors like 44 has, we could see a 3-3-2 final vote. Or if they had 9 jurors, a 4-4-1, or do I even say a 3-3-3? We've seen a tie before in Ghost Island, but in that case, Laurel did not receive a vote and ended up casting the tie-breaking vote. So if there's a 3-3-2 tie, how is it broken? Do the 2 people who voted for the 3rd place person and the 3rd place person themself break the tie? We may get that answer someday.
8. "Everyone's Safe" Tribal Council
This is what I think Jeff and the producers want most. A tribal council where everyone is safe via immunity, idol, advantage, or shot in the dark. We were close to it with the Cirie elimination in Game Changers. But what would happen here? They just vote out two people next time? Everyone's safety cancels out and gets removed? Draw rocks? They fight for it?
7. Someone puts themselves into final 4 fire making and loses
We've seen it only once before where the player who won final immunity put themselves into fire: Chris in Edge of Extinction. He won his fire-making duel with Rick Devens and then won the game. A few others have considered attempting it, some of them regretting not doing so. I think we will see (and likely soon) someone put themselves into fire, but lose. It's become a running trend that winning fire-making looks a lot better to the jury. This would happen when someone needs a boost to their resumé and knows they have no shot at winning without it.
Update: Heidi in 44 put herself into fire making, but won the fire making over Carson. However, she still did not win the game, the first to put themselves into fire making but lose the game.
6. Multiple fake idols played at one tribal council
Hard as it may seem, we've never seen multiple fake idols be attempted to be played at the same tribal council. For the first time in 44, producers made and introduced fake idols into the game. In the past, players always had to make them themselves. I think we may soon see a tribal council where someone attempts to play an idol but it turns out to be fake, and someone else attempts the same, feeling like there is no way theirs could be fake as well.
5. A player gets all the way to the end without ever having been vulnerable at a tribal council
I'm sure there have been a few players who have been somewhat close. But this may never happen. However, it theoretically is possible that a player gets all the way to the end without having been eligible to be voted for. Their starting tribe would have to win every immunity, and they'd have to win individual immunity or be separated into a group that doesn't go to tribal every vote until the Final 3. This person would have to be godlike at challenges. They'd have to be smart with puzzles and athletic for endurance challenges. I wonder if this ever happened, would this make a jury want to vote for them or not?
4. A rock draw on a plurality tie
We've seen some rock draws in Survivor history, from Marquesas to Blood vs. Water to Millennials vs. Gen X. But we've never seen one when there's been a three-way tie (or more). I believe Survivor has had a three-way tie before, but it's always been resolved on the revote. You'd think perhaps there'd be a tribe of 6 people with three twosomes, the twosomes all targeting three different people. But generally, two pairs of twosomes get together to target one of the two odd people out. Or, if a tribe has three people, each one targeting someone else. I thought we might've seen that on Tika in 44 when they had just Caroline, Joshua, and Yam-Yam.
3. Someone gives someone their immunity necklace who then in turn plays an idol for them
I just think this would be a cute moment if it ever happened. Two players close in the game, both of whom would be vulnerable. One has individual immunity, but they decide to see if they can throw off the opposition and they give their immunity to their ally. Said ally then plays an idol they happen to have on the first player. This has never happened before, since the second player could just play their idol, but I'd still love to see it for the drama and fireworks. Plus, it's something players would have to come up with, not the producers.
2. A player votes out someone with their idol
Let me explain. In 44, we saw the introduction of the "Control a Vote" where Heidi got to control Lauren's vote. Also, players loan idols all the time, namely in recent years to avoid the Knowledge is Power advantage. This could mean someone is forced to vote out someone who has their idol. That would just be such a kick in the nuts.
1. A rock draw for $1 million?!
Even with a final three, a deadlock tribal council is possible. I believe, for this reason, the show tries to avoid a jury size that is a multiple of 3 (namely 9). I don't believe they've had a jury where the final 3 could've each gotten the same number of votes. But I could be wrong. But surely they must have something in place for this in case it happens. For example, in Winners at War, what if one more person had left the Edge (joining Sandra in doing so), and the 15 jurors split their votes 5-5-5 between Tony, Natalie, and Michele? Surely they wouldn't do a rock draw for $1 million, right? I guess they'd have the jury talk it over until they came to a consensus. Or possibly re-vote until someone gets the majority.
BONUS (Unlikely): A juror that never casts a vote
We saw in 44 how Matt got to the jury, despite the only time he ever cast a vote being the time he got voted out. Well, with how much the producers love taking people's votes away in mind (and the Shot in the Dark), we could see a juror on Survivor who never casts a vote, not even for a winner. This could only happen if they re-introduced the "Remove a Juror" advantage, as seen in Kaoh Rong. That was only introduced because of the med-evacs and needing an extra challenge, but I feel like we potentially could see it again. Imagine, you get on the jury, but you don't get to cast a vote all game. We will probably see a juror at some point that the first time they put pen to paper is for the winner.
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