Not long ago, YouTuber Peridiam did a Top 10 Survivor winners list, and I wanted to do the same. Just like him, these are not who I consider the 10 greatest winners or winning games, but 10 personal favorites. These are 10 winning games that I really enjoy watching, and I think that most of them are underrated. This will include the new era and I'll do my best to explain why each person is on this list. Keep in mind, there are winners like Kim, Yul, Earl, JT, and Boston Rob, who are generally considered some of the greatest winners of all time, so they are not here. Here's my Top 10 Personal Favorite Winners:
10. Chris Daugherty, Vanuatu
I would love to play a game similar to Chris if I were to ever go on Survivor. Although, would his game work in the modern era? Hard to say. I love Chris's game, and the fact that Jeff has hated on it so much makes me like it even more. He was the last man standing at Final 7, and weaseled his way to to the title of Sole Survivor.
9. Natalie White, Samoa
One potential strategy for a winning game is to latch onto a dominant strategic force that isn't playing a great social game. This is the perfect example of that. Natalie smartly did not play too aggressive at first, because otherwise, she'd be a pre-merge boot. Then, she warmed up to the former Galu tribe members after the merge, earning their respect. Unfortunately, her game is vastly overshadowed by Russell's massive edit, still the largest ever for one player in one season.
8. Erika Casupanan, 41
Not a fan of this season, although I'll need to rewatch it someday. Erika's game was a lot like Gabler's two seasons later, but she had a much better pre-merge and she didn't have to rely upon the threats turning on each other--she took care of it herself. She also convinced Xander to take her to the end. She kept her threat level low and struck when the time was right, and sat at the end against two guys that weren't as likable as her. That's all it takes.
7. Mike Holloway, Worlds Apart
I love Mike's game. He made one fatal flaw, but he did what he had to do to overcome it. He was still a good social player, just made one huge social mistake, trying to go back on paying for the letter from home at the auction so he could get the advantage. But from that point on, he did what he needed to survive. That's the name of the game. I don't fault a player for immunity streaks, because there's still no guarantee they get voted out if they lose immunity. Crazy things can happen.
6. Dee Valladares, 45
Yes, the most recent winner (as of the time of writing this) is on this list. Dee played such a great game, and I think it's going to be viewed even more positively over time. She insulated herself with two #1's, both of whom were aware she had a second #1, and neither of whom was willing to vote her out. She controlled many votes, getting out who she wanted, such as Kendra and Kaleb. Her winning move of telling Julie about her being the target is one of the most underrated moves, maybe ever. Dee's a top 5 female winner of all time.
5. Amber Brkich, All Stars
It sucks for Amber how people view All Stars as "Rob and Amber's season" rather than just her season. Similar to Natalie White, she latched onto a strategic mastermind (although in a different way) and banked on playing a good enough social game to beat him at the end. My one fault in her game is Rob basically saving her after the swap with his empty promise to Lex, but I also look at that as rotten luck in her getting swap-screwed, but playing a good enough social game to have someone vouch for her. Amber was still looked a bit down upon for being Rob's right hand, but she managed to get less blood on her hands, which was enough.
4. Sophie Clarke, South Pacific
Yet another instance of a female latching on to a male who doesn't play the best social game--this time being Coach. Sophie did what she needed to survive, whether it was appeasing Coach and the cult-like alliance, or that final clutch immunity win. I need to rewatch this season to get the specifics, but Sophie is an incredibly intelligent player who employed the Natalie/Amber strategy and won, just like them.
3. Todd Herzog, China
Just like Peridiam, I have to give some respect to Todd. A lot of Survivor fans do regard Todd's game highly, but I believe they don't regard it highly enough. He expertly navigated the game, at times employing two meat shields in Jean-Robert and James. He got two girls under his wing in Amanda and Courtney, neither of whom were willing to turn on him. And then he ends up having one of the best final tribal council performances of all time. He didn't win individual challenges or use idols, but Todd's social and strategic game makes his game one of the best ever.
2. Aras Baskauskas, Panama Exile Island
My guy, Aras! I just love this season, and Aras plays a very underrated game. His tribe easily could've lost numbers or collapsed post-merge, but Aras helped keep them together (along with Cirie and Danielle). He went toe to toe with Terry and built a solid bond with Cirie that I think was the best thing he did in the game. And with the fire-making at 4, he had no blood on his hands regarding Cirie's boot. I just wish Aras had flashier moves, but if he had, others would regard him higher and he might not even be on this list for me.
1. Tina Wesson, Australian Outback
I remember when I first watched AO, I so wanted Colby to win. But after watching it as a more intelligent adult, I realized how great Tina's game was. So many moms and older women have tried to replicate her game and have failed. She was someone who no one wanted to vote out, not even Colby at Final 3 when it was the obvious move. It's unfortunate her pre-merge game was largely absent from the televised broadcast, but I still believe she played one of, if not the best social games of all time. She got Colby to take her to the end and then at Final Tribal, not even fight hard to beat her. You can tell by his reaction to Tina winning that he wanted her to win.
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