Thursday, February 27, 2025


Survivor 48 has had its premiere, and what an interesting cast we have so far.  Like past seasons, I'm going to give each player remaining in the game (and the booted player) four words to describe the current state of their game, what they need to do, what I noticed, and anything that might stand out about them to me.  I'll then elaborate a tiny bit on that, especially early on considering I have a lot of players to get through.  

As always, I'll be starting with my lowest-ranked player, then going sequentially to my highest ranked player.  This first week is based off of my pre-season rankings from my other Survivor 48 post.  Let's go!


Thomas: Not an early boot
Thomas bonding with the men and Bianca proves to me he's likely making the merge.  In fact, one could argue he's one of the most insulated players in the game.  I think I was very wrong on Thomas.  

Shauhin: Male alliance should carry
The ironically named "California Girls" alliance should carry Shauhin for a while.  It's good that Shauhin and Joe are cool with that.  

Bianca: Alliance with men crucial
It may not be the best spot, but being the #4 in the California Girls alliance is better than nothing (although Bianca is from New Jersey).  Trying to turn on them would be dumb.  The men have the control on that tribe.

Cedrek: Must turn if necessary
Cedrek formed an alliance with Sai, and a semi-alliance with Justin and Kevin.  If Justin and Kevin propose it, Cedrek must be willing to turn on her or he'll go down with her.  

Sai: Record setting aggressive machine
Sai is a record-setter as she broke the record for confessionals in one episode with 21!  That largely had to do with her idol find, but wow.  She's also playing very aggressively on a tribe that's likely going to tribal again.  That's extremely risky.  She would be wise to play her idol at the next tribal.  

Mitch: Will be heartbreaking boot
I definitely have a different perception of Mitch now than I did preseason.  Had I actually watched his video, I would've seen how bad his stutter is.  So it'll be interesting to see how other players treat him.  He doesn't seem to be in the best spot (a four-person alliance formed on his tribe without him in it), so it doesn't look great.

Joe: Sacrifices game for Eva?
That comment that he'd rather go home than turn on her spoke volumes, and I believe him.  Joe seems like such a stand-up dude.  He and Eva were definitely framed in a positive light.  Plus, his physical nature is helping his tribe beast challenges so far.  Also, I was very wrong about purple being the disaster tribe.  It's green.

Kamilla: Oddball fitting in okay
Kamilla formed a bond and a four-person alliance with Kyle, David, and Chrissy.  That was good to see for her.  I think others might find her kooky, so while she's fitting in now, don't count on it all season.

Eva: Picked the right person
To confide in.  I think we'll be looking back at that moment towards the end of this season as a huge point in the game.  I think Eva and Joe both make it far.  I don't see people gunning for Eva as a threat, and Joe will be around to protect her.

David: Rubbing people wrong way
He just comes off as one of those macho guys that people don't really get along with unless they too are a macho guy.  The questions he asked were weird, but fortunately for him, he's in an alliance.

Mary: Bottom on bad tribe
The worst spot to be in.  She voted incorrectly at the first tribal, and their tribe looks like they'll likely lose multiple challenges.  Mary's got a lot of work to do to just make the merge.  We could be looking at an Ua 2.0 here, when Shan and Ricard were the only two to make the merge from their tribe (in 41).  

Charity: On outs and quiet
Not great.  She wasn't included in the alliance, some things were said about her to make us think she's going soon, and we didn't get a ton of content from her, anyway.  It's not looking great for Charity.

Justin: Let pizza analogies fly!
I may reference pizza in every one of his Four Word games, just FYI.  Love the pizza analogies and love the pizza shirt.  Unfortunately for Justin, he's on a bad tribe, so hopefully they recover.  Fortunately, though, he and Kevin seem to be in the prime position to decide who goes.

Star: Clearly first to go
On Lagi, anyway.  There's the California Girls (aka the men), and Thomas has a connection to Bianca while Joe has a connection to Eva.  That leaves Star on the outs.  Sucks for her.  

Chrissy: Already see she's lasting
I can already tell from one episode that Chrissy is going to last a while.  Orange likely won't go to too many pre-merge tribals, and if they do, Charity and Mitch are ahead of her in the pecking order.  She could be yet another older lady that loses at the end.

Kyle: Good dude, deserves better
That was awesome of Kyle to help Kevin finish since he was essentially DQ'ed.  Which, I gotta say, why not use less breakable glass?  I hate when the challenge fails the contestant, which is what happened.  I would've argued it so much.  I wish nothing but the best for Kyle.  

Kevin: Shaky situation, not doomed
It's a shaky situation since he's on such a bad tribe it seems, but he's in a good spot, and let's not forget, we've seen multiple winners emerge from bad tribes.  Ricard almost did it, Yam-Yam did it, and Kenzie did it.  Also, weird how they cut out medical looking at his shoulder, since it was in the promo for the season aired at the end of 47.  

And to our departed player...

Stephanie: Drew the short straw
Talk about awful luck.  Put on a terrible tribe.  Each of the other tribes has a really buff dude.  Kevin is fairly buff, but not that buff.  Anyway, Steph just got really unlucky, and couldn't get her shot in the dark to hit.  At least Mary stuck by her.

All right, first rankings of the season (after seeing at least one episode).  The number in parentheses is how much they differ from my previous ranking of them, and in this case, that would be my pre-season ranking from my Survivor 48 Preview and Predictions post.  Here is how I rank the remaining 17:

17. Mary (-9)
16. Charity (-9)
15. Sai (-1)
14. Star (-10)
13. Cedrek (+2)
12. Mitch (+1)
11. Justin (-6)
10. Kamilla (+1)
9. Bianca (+7)
8. David (+1)
7. Shauhin (+10)
6. Thomas (+12)
5. Kyle (-3)
4. Joe (+8)
3. Chrissy (0)
2. Eva (+8)
1. Kevin (0)

Biggest rise: Thomas (+12!) also Shauhin +10, Joe and Eva +8
Biggest fall: Star (-10), also Mary and Charity (-9)

Well, there's always going to be a ton of movement early, and this season is no exception.  I am sticking with my winner pick for now, but I bet we'll get some really good content from someone else in the near future that'll make me pick a new #1.  Crazy how the bottom 4 are women, but those are the four people most in danger of being voted out next episode.  

Side note: This is going to be a quicker one (less detailed) because I'm not a fan of how one tribe is getting decimated... plus my winner pick just got voted out early... again.

Mary: Still doomed, I'm sorry
On the worst tribe, they're almost for sure going to lose again after voting out Kevin.

Charity: Like Dee's big toes?
What is Survivor's weird fetish with feet?  First Dee's big toes now Charity's weird foot?  Hard to say.  It's good to see she has a buddy in Mitch, but it's 2 against 4.

Sai: Female Rome this season
Chaotic, advantages, getting into arguments.  She's a female Rome.  That likely means she's not going very far. especially considering what tribe she's on.

Star: Had to include someone
On her beware advantage.  But no one seems that inclined to help her.  But she may have gained a little trust at least.

Cedrek: Low-key worst competitor
Cedrek sucks at challenges.  He's bringing them down.  Safe to say they do much better if they have Stephanie over him.  But at least he has the Kevin move (which he didn't orchestrate).

Mitch: Incredibly wholesome likable dude
That's what Mitch is.  He'll likely make the merge, but his likability will paint a target on his back.

Justin: Extremely risky move made
Turning on Kevin like that... sheesh.  Now he has to hope they have a tribe swap or merge before he gets voted out, because they're likely not winning anything.  

Kamilla: Brains behind her duo
Her and Kyle are quite the underrated duo, and Kamilla showed she's the brains.  

Bianca: Not much content early
She has the fewest confessionals through two episodes with a total of 2, one each episode.  Not great.

David: Play up goofball energy
Seriously.  If he does, people won't take him seriously and he may slip by in this game.  

Shauhin: Handled advantage situation well
Once Joe brought him in, I thought he handled it well, and he was wise to be suspicious of Thomas being sneaky.

Thomas: Evil side to him
Wanting Shauhin to lose the guide that would help Star find the idol.  Not sure if that's allowed.  But man, that shows Thomas is willing to do whatever it takes.  I like that. 

Kyle: Couldn't figure out puzzle?
He got the letters but needed Kamilla's help to solve the word puzzle?  And this dude is a lawyer?  It makes me think she's got much better chance to win than him.

Joe: Everyone goes to him
First Eva now Star.  Shows Joe as being approachable, trustworthy, and likable.  That's huge.

Chrissy: Not enough content yet
Like Bianca, Chrissy's getting not much.  She had the whole deep belly button thing, but it was among Kyle's wart/callous and David's four nipples.

Eva: Needs connection to another
She has a good bond with Joe, but who else?  She would be smart to warm up to Thomas, Bianca, or Shauhin and solidify their fivesome.

And to our departed player...

Kevin: Never run game early
Kevin thought that he was running the game early.  Never think that.  In fact, you can't even think that until like Final 6 or 5.  Even if you're the only muscle on your tribe, your tribemates will turn on you.  Shame.  

New power rankings!  Definitely going to be some shakeups.  Can't believe my #1 got booted episode 2.  Sigh.  Well, here they are:

16. Sai (-1)
15. Mary (+2)
14. Cedrek (-1)
13. Justin (-2)
12. Star (+2)
11. Charity (+5)
10. Mitch (+2)
9. Chrissy (-6)
8. Bianca (+1)
7. Kyle (-2)
6. David (+2)
5. Thomas (+1)
4. Eva (-2)
3. Kamilla (+7)
2. Joe (+2)
1. Shauhin (+6)

Biggest rise: Kamilla (+7), also Shauhin (+6) and Charity (+5)
Biggest fall: Chrissy (-6)

Clearly had to choose a new #1, and it's Shauhin!  I think he's the most insulated on his tribe.  Well it's either him or Joe, and I think Joe may be more of a threat.  Hard to say.  I just really liked how Shauhin handled Star's advantage situation, and I liked how Joe felt the need to include him.  Both males to have won in the New Era had big beards (Gabler and Yam-Yam), and Shauhin is no different.  Kamilla rises for me as well, I think she's a dark horse and I'm liking her more.  The entire Vula tribe is on the bottom for me, for obvious reasons.  They literally could not have done worse in this game, outside of one thing.  They've finished last in each tribe challenge, and Mary was the only one to lose on the journey.  The only thing any of them ever won was when Kevin beat Kyle to get supplies, and even then, they only one because Kyle accidentally broke his jug.  He likely wins if he doesn't.  And the only guy that's ever won anything for them?  They just voted him out.  


Sai: Still here, but dangerous
Sai scraped by again by the skin of her teeth.  I don't think she's long for the game.  She's too aggressive, and with the tribe swap looming, she's going to be on the outs regardless of where she goes.  Her best case would be to be swapped with Cedrek (but not Mary) and be with at most, two from another tribe that aren't close.  

Mary: SitD hit provides history
Mary played her SitD (Shot in the Dark) and it made history with that tribal council we had, with Cedrek basically having to decide who goes or he would've had to go.  Mary is the third to hit on it, after Jaime-Lynn in 44 and Kaleb in 45.  She is only the second, however, to negate majority votes with it.

Cedrek: Made his decision poorly
It wasn't which decision Cedrek made that was bad, it was how he made it.  First he kept voting for Sai after Mary was safe.  Clearly, Cedrek wanted one of the two of them gone and was tired of their antics.  Fair enough.  But after Sai's arguing and Justin's nonchalance, he decided to vote out Justin.  He should've stuck to his guns, and if he was going to turn on Justin, he should've done it after Mary was safe from the SitD.  

Star: Not part of bonfire?
I thought it was odd that she wasn't a part of the tribe's bonfire (the only one of Lagi to not be part of it), which seemed to be a bonding moment for the rest.  Fortunately for Star, a tribe swap looms so she can maybe make friends elsewhere.

Charity: Bond strengthened with Mitch
Which is good to see.  I think she and Mitch are the most underrated duo.  I'm kinda rooting for them.

Mitch: Kept calm despite blindfold
All I can really say about Mitch is that he was the blindfolded player on Civa that did the puzzle, and he handled it well, especially once Lagi had finished and they were in danger of losing.  Seems like Mitch maybe does well under pressure, despite the speech impediment.

Chrissy: First player skunked, unfortunately
It's not looking great.  Chrissy had 0 confessionals, the first and so far only time a player got 0 in an episode this season.  She was barely an afterthought in this episode, and the first episode she gets featured in prominently people are going to be wondering who she is.

Bianca: Lost vote, but chose
Sorry for the weird wording, it's the best I could come up with.  Bianca lost her vote at the journey in a really dumb game of chance, but at least she chose to go.  That's the risk you run in today's game of Survivor.  Smart of her to only tell Thomas, as we see not telling your closest ally could bite you.

Kyle: Smaller male bonding moment
Kyle seemed to bond a bit with David over the fact that David lives in a trailer.  I don't think what Kyle said about it was meant as a dig.  I think he thought it was a choice for David to live in a trailer.  Also, him and Mitch bonding was good to see too.  Kyle may be the best positioned on Civa.

David: Basically a sob story
Remember the flashbacks we used to get for players, showing pictures from their past?  Well what we got from David tonight was basically the same, just updated.  It showed a different side of him, one a lot of us at home can relate to.  I think that bodes well for David.

Thomas: Sneaky villian of season 
Man, Thomas just wants to create chaos.  He doesn't want another M/F duo on the tribe, so he might be targeting Eva at some point, but with the tribe swap, he might not be able to until the merge.

Eva: Stock falling since premiere
We'll see, but I'm not liking Eva's chances.  She's the youngest out there, and she really has only bonded with Joe.  She tried with Star, but to no avail.  Tribe swap could help her make new friends.

Kamilla: Handled puzzle very well
Man, I want to be with Kamilla when it's chaotic and we need something done.  She's this season's dark horse UTR player.  But if someone realizes her intelligence, she could be in trouble.

Joe: Dominated that challenge early
Joe clearly was able to memorize the layout of the challenge and was able to basically carry Lagi to victory.  That's all I have on him from this episode.

Shauhin: Laying low, using shields
Shauhin has both a meat shield in Joe and a social/strategic shield in Thomas.  Dude is incredibly well-positioned.  He might need a really solid #1, though.

And to our departed player...

Justin: Poor decisions, mediocre player
Not telling Cedrek about losing his vote was not great.  Also, the lie he told was not very convincing.  Then, he didn't fight for himself much at the deadlocked vote.  All in all, he's not a great player in the New Era.  I'll say this for him though: He got massively screwed over by being forced to go on that journey and forced to risk his vote.  

New rankings!  Although I can't say there's going to be too much shake-up since we only ever see the same tribe go to tribal.  Maybe with one or two players.

15. Sai (+1)
14. Cedrek (0)
13. Mary (+2)
12. Chrissy (-3)
11. Star (+1)
10. Charity (+1)
9. Mitch (+1)
8. Eva (-4)
7. Bianca (+1)
6. Thomas (-1)
5. Kyle (+2)
4. Kamilla (-1)
3. David (+3)
2. Joe (0)
1. Shauhin (0)

Biggest rise: David (+3)
Biggest fall: Eva (-4)

Chrissy falls due to lack of content.  I just can't ignore that.  Eva falls due to almost being as low on the totem pole as Star, and I worry about her being separated from Joe with the tribe swap.  David rises due to the emotional backstory.  Crazy, I thought David had close to 0% chance of winning coming in.  I don't think that anymore.  Joe and Shauhin stay put.  


Sai: Should be mending fences
With Cedrek.  Instead, she's gunning for him, with little to no friends in the game.  And the promo doesn't bode well for her long-term game.  She's definitely the Rome of the season.  

Cedrek: Found new number one
In Mitch.  Cedrek should be replacing Justin with Mitch, then come the merge Mitch brings in Charity.  It's not much, but perhaps they can work to bring in another group.  I liked what I saw from Cedrek this past episode.  

Mary: Swapped to good spot
David and Charity want each other out and Star and Eva want each other out.  Mary's in a good spot.  This bodes well for her, and my rankings will have to reflect it.

Chrissy: No in depth content
Which is unfortunate.  We don't get anything from Chrissy that's either personal or in-depth game strategy.  Hopefully we will soon.  All we know is he bond with David's group.  Fortunately she got a couple confessionals this week, at least.

Star: No chance of winning
She joins Chrissy in being the second person with a 0 confessional episode.  She also didn't have the most ideal swap, but at least she stayed on Liga beach to get more time to work the idol clue.

Charity: Possibly having terrible perception
She said David was controllable and wasn't going to win, when everything else this season points to the opposite.  Not sure if we're supposed to think less of David or of Charity for not being perceptive enough.  

Mitch: Nice bonding over stuttering
It was awesome to see Mitch and Cedrek bond over the shared history of stuttering, although clearly Mitch has it worse.  But that's a duo I could see making a bit of an impact.  We'll see.

Eva: Just survive to merge
Eva wasn't happy with her swap, and I can't say I blame her.  But she warmed up to David and found a Joe 2.0 in him.  She just has to survive until the merge to get back with Joe (and Shauhin).  Perhaps they could form an alliance between David's group and the Lagi group.  Either that, or they'll target each other, leaving Eva in the middle.

Bianca: In trouble, needs help
Bianca still doesn't have a vote and she was swapped to a bad spot.  Cedrek and Mitch want to work together, and Mitch and Chrissy will work together, almost by default.  That's already a majority, even if Bianca gets Sai.  

Kyle: Great performance, good play
Kyle's idol play, his acting, his catching on to Kamilla's playing down their bond... all great.  He did everything right.  Thomas was the devious one and had to go. 

Kamilla: Real brains behind operation
Yes, Kyle played the idol and everything, but we've seen Kamilla is the real brains behind their operation.  It was her idea to play down their alliance.  It was her that said to Kyle to play the idol (and her extra vote) for himself.  

David: Long for this game
I think David's long for this game.  Yes, he's physically imposing, but I think everyone will realize because of the types of Survivor challenges they have nowadays, he won't be an individual immunity threat.  Plus, he has a foursome and now Eva (who could bring along Joe, Shauhin).  He's set up pretty well.

Joe: Everyone likes him, apparently
No one ever throws his name out.  But someone could realize post-merge how good of a game he's playing.  It's hard to say.  I think he'll recover from losing Shauhin, but he can't sit on his hands.

Shauhin: Too close for comfort
Thomas was the boot, but Shauhin was the next choice after Kyle and Kamilla debated between the two of them.  It easily could've been Shauhin's name they wrote down.  It shouldn't hurt Shauhin's chances too much, since a lot of New Era winners have been in trouble early (Rachel, Yam-Yam, Maryanne, Gabler).  

And to our departed player...

Thomas: Another screwed over player
Swap-screwed?  No.  He was with two alliance members.  But he was screwed in being swapped to someone with an idol, and being swapped to easily the worst beach with no flint.  That really bothers me about the swap.  The members of Lagi and Civa work so hard to get an advantage and the producers take it away from them.  It's almost as if you should never build too big a lead in the pre-merge.  I have a feeling we could see Thomas again.  He has potential.  

New power rankings!  With the tribe swap, you KNOW there's going to be a shake up.  Of course!  Here's my new rankings:

14. Star (-3)
13. Sai (+2)
12. Bianca (-5)
11. Chrissy (+1)
10. Charity (0)
9. Mitch (0)
8. Cedrek (+6)
7. Eva (+1)
6. Mary (+7)
5. Kyle (0)
4. Shauhin (-3)
3. David (0)
2. Kamilla (+2)
1. Joe (+1)

Biggest rise: Mary (+7), also Cederk (+6)
Biggest fall: Bianca (-5)

Ok, so not everyone moved much, but five moved at least 3 spots.  With three men gone in a row, surely a woman goes next, right?  My bottom 5 are all women 💀.  I was so tempted to put Kamilla at one, but Joe barely beats her out.  I really hope that tribe doesn't have to go to tribal again next episode.  

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