Top Ten Fictional Women I Would Date
Here is my list of the hottest and most desirable fictional women I would date, if they were real. They come from movies, TV shows, books, and even one from a video game. Yes, a video game. Also, at the end I will say ISWRAIWS, and then something after it. ISWRAIWS stands for If She Was Real And I Was Single, so I will say what would happen between us if she was real and if I was single. Without further ado, the top ten most desirable fictional women:
10. Luna Lovegood – Harry Potter series
Sure, she’s not like the hottest girl at school (Hogwarts), but she possesses many of the characteristics I value in a woman. Luna is soft-spoken, nice, passionate, loving, and down to earth. Sure, she’s odd with her weird radish earings and her beliefs of make-believe creatures, but she also is pretty cute in the movies.
ISWRAIWS, we would go out and we’d be very happy together, but her lack of popularity and her oddities would probably make me break up with her.
9. Beth Cooper – I Love You Beth Cooper
Daredevil. Hottie. The girl everyone wants. Especially the class valedictorian, Dennis Cooverman. Played by Hayden Panettiere, she is without a doubt the hottest senior in high school movies I’ve seen. She’s a little bit bad-ass and her boyfriend in the film is a complete psycho, so I don’t know if she has the best judgment. But yeah, total hottie.
ISWRAIWS, she’d probably reject me for not being a complete psycho. If she somehow didn’t reject me, I’d dump her for being a complete psycho.
8. Bastila Shan – Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Yes, she is a video game character. So what? She’s gorgeous with those amazing blue eyes. I also love her British accent. And she’s an insanely talented Jedi. If I got with her and we had kids, our kids would be Jedi. The negatives, however, include the fact she’s a little bossy and too serious.
ISWRAIWS, she’d never go out with me because it’s against the Jedi code. Oh well.
7. Rose Dewitt Bukater – TitanicWow, what a babe. British, hot, and has issues with her self-esteem which would make her much more susceptible to well… hem hem. And, when she’s in love with you, she’s willing to do anything for you, including jumping off a lifeboat back onto a sinking ship for you. And oh my gosh, what a body. If you’ve seen Titanic you know what I mean. The downside is I’m probably not rich enough for her, but then again, neither was Jack Dawson. Oh, forgot to mention this VERY important thing. I’m talking about the YOUNG Rose, the one that was on the Titanic. Not the old one that was telling the story. *Shudders*
ISWRAIWS, she would possibly go out with me but be forced to leave me by her mother. Oh well.
6. Claire Bennett – HeroesYes, I have Hayden Panettiere on here twice. I can because she’s played more than one character in her life. This time, it’s Claire Bennett from Heroes. Brave, loyal, and honest, Claire is not only a hot babe, but a great friend and girlfriend. She’s passionate, she cares a lot about those she loves, and she’s willing to fight for them. Oh, and there’s the thing where she heals herself. Awesome…
ISWRAIWS, she might go out with me, but we’d fall out of a relationship because she’d have to deal with bad guys like Sylar so much.
5. Penny – The Big Bang TheoryThe only girl on this list without a last name, Penny is what’s known as “The girl next door”. Literally. On The Big Bang Theory, she is literally the girl next door to Leonard and Sheldon. Oh, and she even dates Leonard. I mean, if she’s willing to date a nice geek like Leonard, I think she’d be willing to date a nice, not as intelligent but still intelligent, normal guy like me.
ISWRAIWS, we would date for a while, but Leonard would be insanely jealous and do anything to win her back… and I might step aside for him. Might. Depends on what Penny wants.
4. Padme Amidala – Star Wars seriesHard to argue with this. Obviously good-looking, courageous, loyal, strong, and outgoing, Padme Amidala is pretty much the complete package. Stupid Anakin just had to go to the dark side to try to save Padme, only to end up killing her. *Rolls eyes* But man, she is wife material. She’d be the kind of wife to make more money than you, do more work around the house than you, spend more time with the kids than you, and she’d probably be happy with that.
ISWRAIWS, I could never date a former queen/current senator. But if I somehow did, I would marry her. And I would NEVER join the dark side. I would listen to her for advice for everything.
3. Bella Swan – Twilight seriesOh, Bella. Don’t choose Edward. Don’t choose Jacob. Choose me. I’m the guy for you. Bella Swan is, I guess at first appearance, just your average girl, but when you get to know her you find out she is brave, passionate, and oh yeah, she’s actually not average looking (at least not in the books), she’s hot. Sure, she deals with vampires and werewolves, but wouldn’t you rather listen to a girlfriend that talks about vampires and werewolves rather than clothes and gossip? That’s what I thought.
ISWRAIWS, I would be involved in a love square with two other guys. So there’d be Bella, the vampire, the werewolf, and the human (me). I would probably lose out though, since Bella is in to some freaky stuff.
2. Hermione Granger – Harry Potter seriesHermione, Hermione, Hermione. There are no words. Actually, scratch that, there are. And here they are. Hermione Granger is such a catch that Ron and Harry both look like complete idiots for not realizing this until knowing her for 6 years. Well, at least Ron does, as he is the one to end up with her. They hardly even realized she was a girl until the time of the Yule Ball in the Goblet of Fire, when Harry and Ron each needed a date to the ball. But man, she is a great catch. She’s incredibly smart and creative, honest, again passionate, and competitive. It’s almost like JK Rowling took my perfect woman and wrote her into the Harry Potter series.
ISWRAIWS, it would depend on if she is with Ron or not. If she is, I would be her good friend, like Harry is. If she isn’t, then I’d date her and make her my witch wife.
1. Rachel Berry – GleeOk, now whose idea was it to create a character based on my girlfriend on the show Glee? Seriously. Oh, yeah, the creators of the show, duh. Besides the fact that Rachel Berry bears a slight resemblance to my girlfriend and is extremely gorgeous, she is also soft-spoken, small but with a big heart, honest and good-natured just like her too. The only difference is that she has a slightly better singing voice than my girlfriend. Just slightly. *Winks* The fact that she’s not that popular makes her more obtainable, and to me, more desirable. And the fact that she is hotter than the actress that plays her (yeah, figure that one out) boggles my mind.
ISWRAIWS, I would join Glee club with her and date her. I’d go to the same college as her, we’d get married, have a bunch of singing babies, and live happily ever after. The end.