I'm a huge fan of Dude Perfect's "Stereotypes" series, so I thought it would be cool to describe some Fortnite gamer stereotypes. These are obviously exaggerated, just like the ones Dude Perfect does. Some of these, I will admit to being at one time or another. And I will say after each one if I ever am that stereotype when playing Fortnite. And hey, maybe Dude Perfect (or someone else) could make this into a video one day. Here are the Fortnite stereotypes:
The Hardcore sweat: A player that is button-mashing like crazy, spamming 90's and just has to kill as many people as possible. Shows him killing everyone he can, even people that are emoting or trying to get away. And of course, sweat is pouring down his face the whole time.
Is this ever me? No. One, I'm not skilled enough, and two, even if I was skilled enough, I think it's just kinda sad IMO.
The Architect: All they do during games is build things. They show a player having built the Taj Mahal or something similar. Or a player that's constantly in Creative mode making new maps.
Is this ever me? Rarely. I'm not hugely creative. When I first got into Fortnite I built a few things in the now-defunct Playground mode.
The Mobile Player: Someone who gets made fun of for playing on mobile. They explain how they don't own a good enough PC or current console. They constantly struggle with building and aiming.
Is this ever me? I have played Fortnite on mobile, but only to accomplish challenges that require two players (i.e. revive a friend in a match). But I relate to the gamers that don't own a PC or new enough console, as that used to be me.
The dancer: All they do during a match is dance and emote. They get into a squads game and their teammates get frustrated with them. This person also encourages others to emote with them.
Is this ever me? Only if I'm bored in a match and waiting for something to happen.
Moneybags: Someone who buys all the skins and everything else in the item shop. They get asked when they're ever going to use a certain skin, and they just reply "I dunno, I just like having it."
Is this ever me? I've probably bought more skins than I need, but I really do limit myself. I only have 50-some skins, mostly from the Battle Passes I've purchased.
The Rage Monster: If you watch Dude Perfect's stereotypes, you knew this was coming. This is someone that rages at the end of every match. They throw their controller (perhaps into the TV). Or if they're on a PC, they smash their keyboard against the wall, throw their monitor, and chuck their PC out a window.
Is this ever me? Yes, and more often than I'd care to admit. Although I don't damage my possessions... much.
The AFK but somehow ends up winning: The player that is away from their game for most of the match, but at the end they finally pay attention and they win.
Is this ever me? Sometimes I'll start a game, hide, and get something done like chores. I have won one or two of those types of games, so yes, this can be me.
The person who always dies early: They go for a chest at the same time as someone else but can never get the gun. Perhaps someone asks them why they don't land somewhere less crowded. They just respond saying, "Nah, man, you gotta land in those hot zones. That's where it's at."
Is this ever me? I try to avoid those kinds of places, so not really. But on occasion I will die early, regardless.
The Challenge Completer: Players who just play to accomplish challenges. It shows someone going to ridiculous lengths to complete a challenge, perhaps ignoring their squad.
Is this ever me? Yes, quite often. As I usually play solo and don't really care if I win or not, I often go for the challenge even if it hurts my chances of winning.
The Camper: Shows a player who camps in a bush the entire match. They get asked, "How is that even fun?" And they just respond, "Well, I always get top 10, do you?"
Is this ever me? Yes, but really only when I go off to do chores or other tasks.
The Sneak: They sneak around like some kind of stealthy secret agent. When they see another player they instantly hide until they can no longer see them.
Is this ever me? Yes, fairly often. Part of the fun to Fortnite (IMO) is being sneaky. I get a bit of a thrill when I'm able to sneak past or hide and some other player doesn't notice me.