Top Ten TV Best Friends
Here are what I believe are the ten pairs of best friends I’ve ever seen on TV. For this top ten, I assigned each pair a score (out of 20) based on four different ratings from 1-5 on how often they fight (F), how many things they do together (T), how long they’ve been together (L), and how likely one of the friends is to help out the other in time of need (N). Oh, and I didn’t include any friendships that also had a romantic relationship at some point. In other words, there aren’t any boy-girl pairs here. Anyway, here they are:
10. Hurley and Charlie, LOST – 13 (F: 4, T: 3, L: 2, N: 4)Hurley and Charlie met after crashing on a deserted island. And they became the best pair of friends on that island. Hurley and Charlie, for the shows first 3 seasons, were best buds. They didn’t do a ton of stuff together, but they usually got along and had great times together, like when they rode the van down the hill. *SPOILER ALERT* And Hurley was very saddened when Charlie died.
9. Doug and Skeeter, Doug – 14 (F: 4, T: 4, L: 3, N: 3)Doug and Skeeter are the first of a few cartoon friends on this list. They rarely fought and they did a lot of things together, like starting a band, inventing superheroes, and playing sports. They weren’t always there for each other in a time of need, such as when Doug was being bullied by Roger Klotz. Also, they hadn't known each other that long, since Doug had just moved to Bluffington at the start of the series. But they grew into best friends really quickly.
8. Leonard and Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory – 15 (F: 4, T: 4, L: 4, N: 3)To me, I almost thought about not including them on this list because they don’t… respect each other enough. But they do consider themselves friends, and when I though about it, they are pretty good friends. They do argue a lot and make fun of one another (Leonard makes fun of Sheldon’s mannerisms and lack of social skills, while Sheldon makes fun of Leonard’s career). But all in all, I think they’d do anything for each other.
7. Marshall and Ted, How I Met Your Mother – 15 (F: 5, T: 3, L: 4, N: 3)Marshall and Ted, former college roommates and now current best friends. They know each other, they rarely fight, and they get along pretty well. They have hardly ever quarreled in the series, unless I’m mistaken. But they lose points for notdoing a lot of stuff together, and for Barney almost being their best friend too.
6. Arnold and Gerald, Hey Arnold – 15 (F: 4, T: 3, L: 4, N: 4)
Arnold and Gerald really show boys age 8-12 what it means to be a best friend. Arnold taught Gerald how to ride a bike. Gerald helped Arnold deal with Helga and solve mysteries, such as the pink book. However, they didn’t do a ton of stuff together outside of school, and if they did, their other friends like Helga, Harold, Sid, Stinky, and others would accompany them. They didn’t do things just the two of them very often.
5. Rachel and Monica, Friends – 16 (F: 4, T: 3, L: 4, N: 5)
Monica and Rachel, best friends growing up, yet they drifted apart after high school, but after Rachel stormed intothe coffee shop which Monica was in, they instantly became best friends again. Sure, they didn’t spend too much time together later in the series, and they bickered a lot (Over Jean Claude Van Damme, when Rachel was moving out), but they still remained best friends until the end of the series. And they were always willing to lend a hand to the other in a time of need.
4. Chandler and Joey, Friends – 16 (F: 3, T: 4, L: 4, N: 5)Chandler and Joey are the best pair of friends on the TV show Friends, so they got to make this list. When they lived together, they were the best friends on television. But after Chandler moved out, they started doing less together. And they bickered and fought too much in the series (When Chandler kissed Kathy, when Chandler forgot to tell Joey about his audition, Chandler lying about watching Joey’s commercial tape). But they still were there for each other and managed to have some great times, like at Knicks games and games against the girls.
3. Kenan and Kel, Kenan and Kel – 17 (F: 4, T: 5, L: 4, N: 4)
Rarely is a TV show named for a best friend pairing, but this one is. Kenan and Kel are best buds no matter what happens. Kenan puts up with Kel’s stupidity and obsession with orange soda, while Kel puts up with Kenan’s crazy family. Kel almost always helps Kenan in a time of need, even if he does it in the stupidest way possible most of the time. And they always did stuff together. Kel was always hanging around Kenan’s work. All in all, two of the best friends I’ve ever seen on TV.
2. Cory and Shawn, Boy Meets World – 17 (F: 3, T: 4, L: 5, N: 5)Cory and Shawn go together like peanut butter and jelly. They are each there for the other’s important moments in life. I take points away, however, because they did get in a few fights, like the one they got into at Cory’s wedding. However, despite that, they’ve remained best friends and have even stuck together despite some girls trying to pry them apart. They really showed us kids growing up in the 90s what it meant to be a best friend.
1. Tommy and Chuckie, Rugrats – 18 (F: 5, T: 5, L: 3, N: 5)

And the best pair of best friends on TV is Tommy and Chuckie from the Rugrats! Tommy and Chuckie are excellent buddies, and they earn major points for how often they do things together, and how one will often help the other in a time of need. They even continue their friendship into the All-Grown up series. They weren’t together for very long in the original Rugrats series, because obviously, they were only babies. However, they rarely ever fought, and one was almost always willing to give in to the other, usually Chuckie giving in to going on Tommy’s adventures.
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