Friday, September 23, 2011

2012: My Year to Shine

Hello, all. I am writing a blog post about something I’ve never really written about before: My future plans. Normally I talk about my favorites or sports or entertainment, but today I wanted to talk about what lies for me in the future. Over a year ago, I did a blog post on Ten Things I am Looking Forward to Most in My Future: I have already accomplished one of those things, the one I named as honorable mention, buying a car.

However, I really feel 2012 is my year to shine. I’ll even admit to you since I graduated in Spring 2010 (when my last quarter of school was Winter 2010), I have not done much. I have continued working at Safeway and earning a fairly steady paycheck. I was able to buy a car. I also tried out the “Insanity” workout, but I only did about 40 of the 60 days because of an illness.

This past spring I came so close to applying to an online school called “Full Sail”: They specialize in the arts and entertainment industries and I was particularly interested in their sports marketing program. You see their advertisements all the time in gaming magazines, which is how I learned about them. They’ve had quite a few graduates have extremely successful careers, such as the director of the Saw series (Darren Lynn Bauman). However, just as I was about to apply, I had realized needing a car was extremely imminent. That may have been a wrong look at my priorities, but my parents pretty much put their foot down on me driving their car the one mile to work and back almost every day. I’m not blaming them, but for me, it was kind of bad timing. I blame myself for that one.

So, here I am in the fall of 2011, still working at Safeway, still telling people I’m between schools. I am seriously going to take another look at that Full Sail Sports Marketing program (which is a Bachelor’s Degree) and more than likely apply next year. I say more than likely because some other opportunity may arise. You never know. There are no guarantees in life.

But I promise you this. I will give it my all next year to get back into school. I will go back to school. I will apply somewhere, most likely Full Sail, but like I said, no guarantees. I am saying this and putting this in writing so that I will actually commit. That is my glaring weakness and the only reason I am not in school now. I hate committing to things. Not people, but things (Don’t worry Amanda). But I also hate change. So you can see how sometimes I’ve been between a rock and a hard place.

You might ask me what I hope to become, what my dream job is. The problem is that I don’t know. I don’t despise work, but there are a lot of jobs I would be uncomfortable having. But I do like business and marketing and I do love sports, so that’s why more than likely Full Sail’s sports marketing program is for me. Oh sure, I’d love to be an actor, an athlete, or a singer/musician. But the fact is, I don’t have the talent or skill to be any of those professionally.

I will also hopefully continue to rise in the ranks at Safeway. I’m hoping that my pay will rise a bit faster or that I will apply for a PIC position. If neither of those works, I will try to get another job to pay for my schooling. Right now I’m saving money trying to get back up to a comfortable mark in my savings account, trying to get it near where it was before I purchased my car. With a little help from my parents, my own savings, and some financial aid, I should be able to afford school when I go back.

One more thing: I mentioned the Insanity workout for a reason. In 2012, I will do the Insanity workout yet again, and this time I will complete it, even if I get sick. I will do it because personally, I’d love to have a better body than I do now. Plus, to say you’ve done it is a huge accomplishment. I can’t say I’ve completed it because I haven’t.

So there you have it. I hope this gives you an idea as to what my plans are and what lies in store for my future. I know that 2012 will probably be the biggest year of my life, with Amanda possibly moving up to Seattle and me going back to school. But for the first time in years, I’m psyched, I’m ready, and I’m forcing myself to be committed to getting the job I really want.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all that! I NEED to go back to school too.....I just have 2 yrs left myself....and I want to be living closer to you too! Those two things I want to accomplish in 2012
