Tuesday, February 6, 2018

2018 Hopes and Goals

This year, 2018, I plan to get a lot done.  I was very proud of my girlfriend last year not only buying a new car for herself but getting a new job.  I hope to have a similar sort of year this year.  I am considering 2018 to be the year of me buying big things for myself.  So far, I have already gotten a new phone (A Google Pixel XL 2) and bought new glasses (the old ones broke).  As of this moment, I am typing on my new laptop for the first time, an Acer Aspire E15.  I bought this laptop so it will be much easier for me to apply for new jobs, which is a hopeful goal for me in 2018.  My desktop computer is over a decade old (runs on Vista) and Google Chrome can no longer be updated.

So I hope to get a lot done this year.  Amanda bought a new (used) car in 2017 and I may do the same this year.  I'm not entirely sure, because my current car is running just fine.  But for a while now I have wanted a small-ish pickup truck or SUV.  I want a car that can carry large items/loads and one that can handle the elements.  It would make getting new furniture so much easier.  I'd also like to be the one guy a lot of people know that has a truck or SUV that they can ask me to help with.  I like to be helpful and give people a hand if they need it. :)

As for my job, it really is time to move on.  I love the pay I get, which is the main reason why I have stuck with Safeway for so long.  But I need to do something else.  I get so annoyed when a customer says to me "You've been working here a while, haven't you?"  Yes, I know I have.  Don't remind me.  But with my savings getting to a good point, getting money back from people I have loaned money to, I should be able to afford a lesser paying job for a while.

As always, I want to lose weight.  I don't consider myself obese, but I'd love to be the weight I was at 8, 9 years ago.  I'm trying to eat better and less and started going to the gym a little more.  I want to be at a decent enough weight for the summer so I can swim at our apartment complex's swimming pool without feeling self conscious of my body.

I don't like to put a bunch of pressure on myself, because I can get overwhelmed and fret and just want to give up because I can't accomplish most of my goals.  I just want to look back on 2018 and be proud of myself.  Does that mean I have to accomplish everything?  No.  I just want to be happy with the effort I gave and feel like I did what I could to further myself in life.  This is why I didn't make New Years resolutions.  Because I did last year and accomplished only a couple and felt disappointed in myself.  I am just going to remind myself of what I want as much as I can, and use that as motivation to by my best in 2018.


  1. Nice Blog. Set small steps towards your desired goals. Example: will walk 20 minutes each day. Or, will have at least one salad a day. Another, will visit Virtualvocations.com or Indeed.com once per day and see if there is any interesting job listing...will make a Linkedin account...will volunteer 1 hour per week in a job setting that I find interesting...small yet achievable steps can help to get those goals more attainable.
    Good Luck and keep us posted.

    1. grrrrr, can't figure out how to change the Wifey name....Ha, so it is me, Adela
