Thursday, March 5, 2020

COVID-19 AKA The Coronavirus

There is a disease going around that is bordering on being a pandemic.  Ok, it is a pandemic.  The Coronavirus is prevalant news around the globe, and it's disrupting everyday life everywhere.  Businesses are getting people to work from home, if possible.  Events are being cancelled or postponed.  Some businesses that rely on regular customers are hurting because those customers are staying home. 

I'm not scared.  The symptoms are something we've all dealt with in life: coughing, a fever, and most of us have experienced a shortness in breath.  But what makes myself feel safe is that the only people to have lost their lives after contracting COVID-19 are people middle-aged or older.  People my age have gotten it, but they're making it through.  Instead, I worry about my loved ones that are more susceptible to the disease, such as my grandparents, my parents, my aunts and uncles. 

The crazy thing about this is that what it being deemed the "epicenter" of the virus is about a mile from where I live.  The Life Care Center in Kirkland is basically in the same neighborhood as my home.  It's not where the virus originated, but it's where it's caused the most damage and where most of the people who have lost their lives got it.  Crazy, out of all the places in the world, it's a place a mile away from me. 

I am doing all the precautionary measures: washing my hands often, using hand sanitizer gel and wipes, and wiping down commonly touched surfaces.  We're being sent home to work from home later today and for all day tomorrow.  The main reason for that is probably because one of my coworkers was recently in close proximity to someone that potentially had the virus.  Fortunately, she has not displayed any symptoms as of yet, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Everyone, especially the elderly, should be taking every precaution they can.  It's not like we should all try and find a doomsday bunker or completely seclude ourselves from the world, but we should be extra careful at this time.  If you touch something commonly touched by others, do not touch anywhere on your face until you can wash/sanitize your hands.  I am someone whose face itches constantly, whether it be my nose, eyes, or cheek.  I am taking care of those itches by using my arm or by making sure my hands are absolutely clean first.  Obviously, you aren't going to magically give yourself the virus, but you can contract it from others.

I hope this dies down soon so our lives can get back to normal.  I hate having to worry about my family when they are the ones who are susceptible to the virus being fatal for them.  The worst thing would be if everyone knew someone, friend or family, that got the virus, and worse, knowing someone who died from it.  That would just be catastrophic.  If the infected people are quarantined and stay away from others, we should be fine.  This disease has not been proven fatal to people who are young and/or fit, and let's hope it stays that way.

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