Saturday, November 21, 2020

2020's Highs and Lows

Boy, 2020 has been some year.  Most would consider it one of the worst years in recent memory, and I can't argue with them.  However, this year isn't without some positive things happening, which I will get into.  Some are personal to me, some aren't.  But this has certainly been a year I will remember for a long time.  

Let's get the bad out of the way first: COVID-19.  You knew I was going to mention it.  It has put such a damper on the things we usually enjoy in life.  The family barbecues, going to sporting events, flying to see relatives, a lot of that most of us cannot enjoy at the moment.  These are the things we live for.  The things we work 40 hour work weeks for.  Instead, we are forced to sequester at home and find other joys in life.  

COVID-19 has impacted me both positively and negatively.  I did really want to go to a Mariners game and/or a Seahawks game (at least one) this year.  I wanted to take Amanda to her first Seahawks game since 2011.  I moved this year (closer to my grandparents) and I did want to make an effort to see them more often, but I haven't been able to as they fear catching COVID-19 (and I fear possibly passing it to them).  I don't mind spending a lot of time at home finding ways to keep myself occupied/entertained; I usually do that anyway.  

But as I said, COVID-19 has had a positive impact on me.  Because of the pandemic, I got a new (and better) job.  My old job wasn't the best fit, I wasn't making enough, and I didn't really enjoy it.  They put me "on standby" in March, which is like a suspension, but without the employee doing anything wrong.  I then went on unemployment while I waited for them to possibly take me back.  I also used this time to look at other jobs.  I slowly and ultimately got to a point where I realized I wanted to use this opportunity to change jobs.  I eventually found one in August and I have loved it ever since.  I enjoy it so much more, I feel more useful/needed, and I get paid more.  It beats my previous job in every way.  Even the commute from my current residence is better.  

Like I mentioned, I moved this year.  Amanda and I are now on our own just the two of us.  I really like our new apartment and the complex.  We moved right as COVID restrictions were getting put in place.  Unfortunately thanks to COVID, we are not able to enjoy the luxurious amenities this complex has.  I did use the gym a bit when they opened it for a short time, but it certainly was short-lived as they closed it not long after.

One last good thing that happened--I need to mention it: We will be getting a new president.  Thank the lord.  Donald Trump has never been fit to be president, and boy is he just an awful human being.  He is now refusing to concede the election (pathetic), but regardless, we will be getting a new president in 2021 in Joe Biden.  I don't want to get into politics too much in this post, but I know this is a reason for optimism next year for so many people, myself included.

On a more personal level, I really wanted to lose weight this year.  Like I mentioned earlier, I made an effort to go to our apartment complex's gym when it was open.  I have tried eating healthier, but it's been tough.  Now that the holidays are basically here, I might have to focus on losing weight for 2021.  I have a few ideas in mind that may help.  But I'm no skinnier now than I was at the start of 2020.  I'm going to work hard to change that for 2021.

Honestly, 2020 hasn't been too bad for me personally.  I've lost out on a few things I would want to do (including going to the movies), but I got a newer better job, I still managed to move during the pandemic, and we will be getting a new president.  I don't mind having to wear a mask in any situation.  And no one else should mind, either.

But I am really hoping 2021 is an improvement.  Hopefully we can eradicate this disease and be able to do all the things we live for again.  I don't think our country can take another year of this.  I could, but I'd hate to see what happens if this pandemic doesn't at least start going away next year.  I will continue at my current job for the foreseeable future as I have no complaints about it.  For the first time in a while, I am really looking forward to the following year.  In my opinion, 2021 can't get here fast enough.  To anyone reading this, let's work hard to make 2021 the opposite of 2020.  Wear your mask, socially distance yourself, and be nice to others (even if they're the other political party).  Thank you.

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