Wednesday, May 17, 2023

My 31 Day Film Challenge

Just like with my 31 day song challenge, there is also a 31 day film challenge.  I thought I would do that one the same way.  This is one I've had in my drafts for a while.  At least since 2021, when I posted my 31 day song challenge.

Day 1: The first film you remember watching - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
I remember seeing Snow White in theaters--there must have been a re-air of it.  I couldn't have been older than 5 or 6.  Anything before that I cannot remember.

Day 2: A film you like that starts with the first letter of your name: Bruce Almighty
Surprisingly, I couldn't think of many films that started with a "B".  But Bruce Almighty came to mind, and I think it's classic Jim Carrey.  I've seen it at least half a dozen times and I enjoy it each time.

Day 3: A film that has more than five words: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Hey, it has six words, so that counts.  This film introduced me to the visual magical world of Harry Potter, and it's still my favorite Harry Potter movie to this date.

Day 4: A film with a number in the title: 17 Again
It wasn't particularly well received, but I enjoyed it.  I actually own it on DVD.  It's my favorite number, and it stars Matthew Perry, most known as Chandler from Friends (one of my favorite shows of all time).  

Day 5: A film where a character has a job you want: Draft Day
Really, anyone in the front office of an NFL team.  Kevin Costner as Sonny Weaver is the lead and would be a great candidate.  Or even being one of the scouts would be cool, too.

Day 6: Your favorite animated film: The Lion King
I grew up with The Lion King.  I played the video game, I had a stuffed Simba, and of course, I've seen the film more times than I can count. 

Day 7: A film that you will never get tired of: National Treasure
I can't explain it, but it's certainly one of my guilty pleasure films.  Whenever I see it playing on TV, I have to watch a bit of it. 

Day 8: A film where you liked the soundtrack more: The Godfather
I wasn't the biggest fan of The Godfather; don't get me wrong, I think it is a magnificently made film.  I just like the soundtrack more than the film itself.

Day 9: A film you hate that everyone else liked: Requiem for a Dream
I do not like this film, mainly because I can't understand it, but also because I've never done drugs.  It just gets high praise for a film that is not entertaining to me whatsoever.

Day 10: Your favorite superhero film: Avengers Endgame
Recency bias perhaps, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a film where so many heroes come together to save the day in such an epic way.

Day 11: A film you like from your least favorite genre: My Neighbor Totoro
I do not like Anime or foreign films, whichever this falls under.  But I like this film, and I watched it a lot at the daycare I went to as a kid.

Day 12: A film that you hate from your favorite genre: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Like many Star Wars fans, I have grown a disdain for the sequel trilogy, most notably the final film in the trilogy.  So many missed opportunities and choices made by the writers that just weren't fulfilling to us as fans. 

Day 13: A film that put you in deep thoughts: Interstellar
I think anyone that's seen this will know why and I don't have to explain here.  I also considered "Inception".  I guess any Christopher Nolan film could be considered.

Day 14: A film that gave you depression: Friday Night Lights
This was the first sports film I remember watching where the main characters lose at the end.  I just remember feeling depressed after watching it--what was the point?  But as I've gotten older, I've come to realize that it's not always about the destination; sometimes it's about the journey (and the friends you make along the way).

Day 15: A film that makes you feel happy: Rat Race
There are many laugh-out-loud moments, plus the ending with Smash Mouth is fun to sing along to.  I never finish this film in a bad mood.

Day 16: A film that is personal to you: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
I saw Episode II in theaters with my dad, and it's one of the few movies I remember seeing in theaters with him.  I just remember bonding with him a lot that day, as we went to Fatburger afterwards.  That's a core memory that'll likely stick with me forever.

Day 17: Favorite film sequel: National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Yes, I'm a fan of the National Treasure films.  And Book of Secrets was just as good as the original NT movie, in my opinion. 

Day 18: A film that stars your favorite actor/actress: Captain Phillips
My favorite actor has changed a lot throughout the years, but I think right now it's Tom Hanks.  And he was tremendous in this.

Day 19:  A film made by your favorite director: Elf
It's hard to say who my favorite director is, because I feel like it changes all the time.  But because of his recent work with Star Wars, and because I like Elf, Iron Man and Iron Man 2 so much, I decided to go with Jon Favreau.  I also enjoy the Jungle Book and the Lion King, both of which had amazing effects.

Day 20: A film that changed your life: Super Size Me
This documentary changed me, because it got me to eat less fast food.  I especially remember in the bonus scenes where they recorded how long it took for McDonald's foods (burger, fries) to decompose.  It was surprisingly long.  

Day 21: A film that you dozed off in: Wonder Woman
It may have been because we were seeing it late at night, but I actually dozed off during the film's climax.  I haven't really found the recent DC Comics films that engaging, to be honest.

Day 22: A film that made you angry: Mother!
I don't know why people would want to watch this a second time.  It is such an infuriating film, especially if you put yourself in the shoes of the main character played by Jennifer Lawrence.  

Day 23: A film made by a director that is dead: 2001: A Space Odyssey
The first deceased director that came to mind was Stanley Kubrick, and my favorite film of his is 2001: A Space Odyssey. 

Day 24: A film you wish you saw in theaters: Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope
I never had the chance to when it premiered as I wasn't born yet, but if I could time travel to 1977 and see it in theaters, that would make my life.

Day 25: A film you like that is not set in the current era: Titanic
What can I say, I love this film.  It's extremely well-made and I enjoy it each time.  And, every time I watch it, I pick up on something I never noticed or knew before.

Day 26: A film you like that is adapted from somewhere: Holes
This is one of the closest book-to-film adaptations where I've read the book and seen the movie.  I have to watch Holes every few years just to keep it fresh in my memory.

Day 27: A film that is visually striking to you: Avatar
There's a reason it was the highest-grossing film ever for 10 years.  And I got to watch it in 3D on my dad's tv with special 3D glasses.  It was awesome.

Day 28: A film that made you feel uncomfortable: The Green Inferno
Uncomfortable would be putting it lightly.  It actually made me squirm and a bit nauseous.  In the film, a group of college students on a trip to the Amazon get captured by a native village (one of those with no connection to the outside world) and one of the unlucky students gets every one of his limbs cut off, his eyes gouged out, and his tongue cut off.  And it's incredibly realistic looking.

Day 29: A film that makes you want to fall in love: Love, Actually
There are several love stories in one in this classic.  They're all different types of romances, so it appeals to a wide variety of people.

Day 30: A film with your favorite ending: The Departed
If you happen to avoid spoilers and see the ending, your jaw will without a doubt drop.  I love surprise endings and moments that make you just stop and stare in shock and awe.  This definitely fulfills that.

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