Survivor over the years has done a great job at bringing its best characters and players back for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or even 5th times. But unfortunately, they cannot bring everyone back. I'm going to pick my favorite player from each season who never got to play again. Some declined, some wanted to but couldn't, and some we may never know about. I'll give a quick word about them as well. Obviously, full returnee seasons will not be considered since everyone on those seasons was already playing their 2nd time at least.
Borneo: Greg Buis
Greg was a hoot. He makes Borneo fun. It's a shame, they brought back the Tagi 4 plus Jenna and Gervase, but not Greg.
Australian Outback: Nick Brown
I'll even admit, Nick is one of the most boring characters on this season. But, he's also one of the sanest members of the Kucha tribe. Plus, him being the first contestant from Washington state meant a lot to me back then and still does. I bet he could've done more with a second chance.
Africa: Theresa "T-Bird" Cooper
It's a shame. She's still a huge part of the Survivor community, and I believe she was on the Second Chance ballot but didn't make it.
Marquesas: Vecepia Towery
There's not really anyone else, except maybe Sean Rector. The unfortunate thing is I think "V" has never been brought back because Jeff referred to as one of their most boring winners. I don't agree.
Thailand: Jake Billingsley
He's basically the only person from this cast that's somewhat likable. Robb is endearing in his own way, but he's kind of a douche. Jake's one shot would've been All Stars considering his age. I wonder if he would've replaced Rudy if Rudy couldn't have made it?
Amazon: Heidi Strobel
I've vouched for Heidi for a while. They bring Jenna back but not her? She's still in great shape. It's not too late.
Pearl Islands: Burton Roberts
Burton was an interesting character and I would've liked to see him come back. He and Fairplay formed a formidable duo.
Vanuatu: Chris Daugherty
The second winner on this list. I would've loved to see Chris back. He was such a good B.S.'er. But I think he never was asked because Probst had beef with him.
Palau: Ian Rosenberger
Ian may have played the most notable game of anyone to have not played a second time. He's up there. I know he was asked back but declined. Shame.
Guatemala: Judd Sergeant
Shoutout to Brian Corridan for being a pre-merge boot I'd like to see back, but Judd hasn't been back, either, and he was one of the old-school era's most notable characters.
Panama: Shane Powers
Is there any question? Shane was on the Second Chance Ballot but didn't make it. He should've made it over Vytas, at least. One of the most interesting characters in Survivor history only got one chance. And he almost had one in Heroes vs. Villains before they bumped him for Russell.
Cook Islands: Cao Boi Bui
I almost went with Nate, but Cao Boi has to be mentioned. Yes, he's a pre-merge boot, but he made a notable impact. Interesting character and he came up with the split vote method to flush idols.
Fiji: James "Rocky" Reid
I almost said Earl, but then I remembered Rocky. He was an interesting character that was screwed over by an awful twist. Had he been on a decent tribe, he might've made a bigger impact.
China: Todd Herzog
I did say the winner here though in Todd. His battle with alcoholism is well-documented, but he has since recovered. He played such a great game--would love to see how he'd play nowadays, but that'll probably never happen.
Micronesia: Natalie Bolton
Shoutout to Tracy Hughes-Wolfe, but Natalie outlasted her. Also, Natalie's the only member from the Black Widow Brigade to not have played again since this season. They almost had the entire BWB on Heroes vs. Villains, but she just missed the cut for that.
Gabon: Matty Whitmore
I liked Matty. He survived the terrible Fang tribe and was mostly well-liked. His reaction to Marcus's blindside is still iconic.
Tocantins: Taj Johnson-George
Yes, she and her husband, Eddie, have money, but she was like a Cirie 2.0, so she should've been brought back.
Samoa: Jaison Robinson
Hard to say this season. They even brought back Monica from this season. But I'd say Jaison. He was an interesting dude that kinda got screwed over.
Nicaragua: Marty Piombo
I'll never get over the fact that Marty never returned. He was the only player from the older tribe that could really play.
Redemption Island: Ralph Kiser
I like good ol' southern boys on Survivor. Big Tom, James from Palau, and Ralph. They make great TV. Ralph could've shined on a returnee season, giving us more "Krasta"s and "Ressell"s. RIP.
South Pacific: Jim Rice
It was either Jim, Christine, or Stacey. I'll go with Jim, who most have forgotten about by now, but I haven't. He was a decent player screwed over by Cochran.
One World: Greg "Tarzan" Smith
He delivered some great soundbites and was the last man standing. "The game is afoot". I also loved how moved he was to spend the loved one's visit with his wife and how he saved his auction money because his car needed new shocks. Haha.
Philippines: Jeff Kent
I don't think we've had any minor celebrities return to play again (ones who were celebrities before playing). But Jeff Kent would've been a good one to bring back to see if he could get the $1 million, or 600 grand by the time Obama takes it.
Caramoan: Reynold Toepfer
The Fans tribe this season was quite lackluster, but Reynold stood out to me. I'd have loved to see him again, but it wasn't meant to be.
Blood vs. Water: Hayden Moss
Still boggles my mind they brought Ciera back twice but not him. Hayden was the one who convinced Ciera to go to rocks.
Cagayan: Brice Johnston
So many from this season have returned, so I went with Brice, a pre-merge boot. He's still a huge part of the Survivor community, hosting events with Wendell. He deserves another shot.
San Juan Del Sur: Jon Misch
Not the greatest cast in the world, but I'd like to see Jon Misch back. He was fooled by Natalie a couple times, but perhaps he's learned a bit.
Worlds Apart: Carolyn "Mama C" Rivera
She didn't align herself with the most decent people, but she was a good player. She executed an idol play and I know she wants to play again.
Kaoh Rong: Cydney Gillon
I almost chose Julia because of my crush on her, but I'll go with Cydney, who was a decent player and kind of almost won. She's way into bodybuilding now so I don't think she'll ever play again.
Millennials vs. Gen X: Jay Starrett
He's been on The Challenge, so you know he's cool with keeping himself busy with shows. But would Survivor bring him back? Hard to say at this point.
Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Chrissy Hofbeck
She's owed one by the show. She's the only player who went into her season not knowing about the F4 firemaking twist. She did surprisingly well in challenges, too.
Ghost Island: Dominick Abate
The only player to ever lose in a tiebreaking final vote still has not returned. Shame.
David vs. Goliath: Christian Hubicki
I'm not sure if he even wants to play again, but I know most fans would want to see him back.
Edge of Extinction: Rick Devens
No surprise here. Such a personable and great for TV character. He even co-hosted the On Fire podcast, which I think is a good sign for his future chances.
Island of the Idols: Janet Carbin
Another player screwed over was Janet (Idol Nullifier--dumb twist IMO). She was very likable and handled the Dan incident well. Perhaps the show wants nothing to do with this season ever again, though.
And now with the New Era seasons, I'm going to pick the player from each season I'd like to see return but I don't think ever will. So these are not the players I most want to see back; just the ones I'd most like to see back that I'd bet won't come back.
41: Sydney Segal
Yet another player screwed over, this time by the Hourglass Twist. She's easy on the eyes, but I don't think enough people remember her gameplay.
42: Tori Meehan
She was surprisingly adept, just got dealt a bad hand. Imagine her with stronger allies. She was good in challenges, so I say bring her back. But I don't think it'll happen.
43: Owen Knight
He may return, but I have a feeling casting might stay away from Final Tribal Council losers, at least the ones who got 1 or 0 votes. He was good all-around, and he might have much more success given a different opportunity.
44: Matt Blankinship
As you can tell, I like to pick players who were screwed over. Matt was screwed over by the split tribal, where all of his allies were on the other team. Shame.
45: Emily Flippen
I pick Emily because I think she said she wouldn't play again, but she definitely would be good TV again.
46: Tevin Davis
He certainly made for good TV, but I feel he'll get overshadowed by Q, given their similar demographics. I wouldn't be surprised if they passed over him.
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