Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Good and Bad Things About our New Apartment #2

Four and a half years ago, I did a post on Good and Bad Things About Our New Apartment, and we moved out of that apartment 5 months ago and I still have yet to go over the good and bad things about our current apartment.  I'll be comparing our current to our previous apartment a bit.  I'll start with the bad to get that out of the way.

- Less storage space
It's unfortunate, but the way we looked at it, it forced us to get rid of a lot of crap that we didn't need.  I took 2 or 3 trips to Value Village with stuff to get rid of shortly after we moved.  I still have another trip to eventually make.  I'm waiting for Christmas so that I can go through the Christmas things and decide which of those things to get rid of.  But both our outdoor storage and bedroom closet are smaller than our last place.  But fortunately for me, I'm very good at making things fit.  

- Farther commute for myself
I have a part-time job that I work every so often, and our move made my commute a bit further.  I'm ok with it, though, since I don't work 5 times a week there like my girlfriend does at her job (see below).  And there are multiple routes I can take, depending on traffic and if I'm making a stop for gas or groceries on the way home.

- Less free parking
Most of the parking is in the building's underground garage (see below) which is assigned, so outdoor spaces are limited and fill up fast.  Fortunately, we've only encountered one time so far where there were zero free spots available outside at our building when we got home.  But it's bound to happen again someday.

- Nearby street we can hear
Our last two places have been far away from busy streets, so there was no hearing passing traffic, even with windows open.  But here, we can hear traffic.  Fortunately, it's a 25 MPH road, so it's mostly quiet traffic, kind of like a white noise.  This isn't much of a negative, but if I could get rid of it, I probably would.

- Higher floor
Yet again, we do not get a unit on the ground floor.  And the funny thing is, when we were picking our unit, we had it narrowed down to two units at this place, and one of them was the ground floor and we didn't pick it.  I think it had to do with preferring the layout of the one on the third floor, which we chose.  Anyway, we have to go up another flight of stairs (3 rather than 2) to get to our unit, but fortunately, we have an elevator.  Also, going up stairs is good exercise.

- Package locker/leasing office further away
Again, I can look at this as a good thing as it forces us to get more exercise, but if the weather's bad or it's too dark, it just forces us to drive.  I wish the leasing office and package lockers were closer, but it's still not that far.  

And now for the good things:
- Quieter, don't hear neighbors as much
Sure, we still hear them, but it's less than our last place.  There is a neighbor a few doors down that has one of those small dogs that barks... a lot... but when that dog isn't yapping its little face off, it's a very quiet building.  Well insulated.  

- Shorter commute for my girlfriend
I don't commute too much as stated above, but my girlfriend works a typical 9-5 job Monday through Friday, so she commutes five days a week.  One of the biggest reasons for our move was to get her a shorter commute, since she was often getting home over an hour after she got off, even though it wasn't that far of a drive.  

- More open layout and a kitchen island
I've kinda combined two in one, but they go together, I think.  I like our open layout more, which the kitchen connects to the living room, and we have our bedroom and bathroom to the sides of them.  I like how our bathroom has two entrances to it, one from the bedroom and one from the entryway/kitchen.  And we have a kitchen island, which I've used in many different ways already, from holding cooking appliances, preparing foods, and holding our diffuser or record player.  When I start doing puzzles again, I'm going to do them on the island.  

- More secure, indoors, elevator
Not sure what the word is for our type of building, but you need a key fob to get in (or to be buzzed in from the call box), and the hallways are indoors.  We also have smart locks that don't require a key, but a passcode.  I'm still getting used to not using a physical key for our door (and understanding the security behind it).  And we have an elevator for when we're tired or carrying something heavy.  It sure came in handy with our move!

- Ceiling fans and lights in every room
One issue we've had with most of our places is not having ceiling lights in the living room and/or bedroom.  We've had to rely upon lamps for lighting.  Now, we have too much lighting (lol).  Also, we have ceiling fans that work very well in keeping us cool on warmer days.  Unfortunately, the pullstrings on them break OFTEN, which is quite a nuisance.  But maintenance always fixes them fairly quickly.

- Garage for one of us
We have a garage below our building where people park their vehicles in addition to spaces outside.  We have one spot, which we share.  We decided my girlfriend would have it for the colder months (October-March) and I would have it for the warmer months (April-September).  She doesn't like defrosting her car (I don't mind) and she's instantly indoors once she gets home on those dark and cold evenings.  I also don't want my car out there for the pollination season, which starts around April.

- Just as good if not better of service for TV, internet
I'd say our internet signal, which we get wirelessly through Verizon, is just as good as our previous place.  I think the TV antenna signal we get to watch basic channels is better.  There are trees, but they're not as dense nor close.  Haven't had major issues with either.

- Electric fireplace
We also have an electric fireplace for the first time.  It provides a soothing ambience as well as warmth.  I've already used it a little bit, but I can definitely see myself using it a lot more when it really cools down.  It doesn't take long for the warmth to emanate from it, either.

- Close to Target
I have never lived so close to a store that literally has everything you need.  We are a short walk away from Target, so if there's anything we need, it's right there.  I go there a couple of times a month, and I usually walk when I do.  The times I don't are because what I'm getting I can't carry home.  Now they don't have fresh produce per sé, but there's a Haggen not much further away that does.

Well, that's all I have about our new apartment for now, but if I add anything else, I'll be sure to put it in a different color.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Ten Reasons Why Kamala Harris and the Democrats Lost

It sucks that Donald Trump has seemingly won the 2024 Presidential Election, despite so many things working against him.  I, for one, am surprised at the result.  I thought if he were to win, it would have been by the narrowest of margins, but it ended up not being that close.  We will just have to get through those four years as best we can.  January 20, 2029 cannot come quick enough.  But I was wondering why this happened.  Why did Harris lose when it seemed she had momentum and experts picking her to win?  I have my top ten reasons.

10. People got too comfortable
I don't know what demographic in particular, but I think a decent amount of voters felt 2024 would go the same way as 2020 and, therefore, stayed home or didn't mail their ballot.  I really hope the people that fall under this category regret it, and I'm sure they will come 2028.  

9. Some sympathy for Trump
There were 81 million anti-Trump votes in 2020.  There won't be as many in 2024.  I think a few of those people decided they didn't want to vote against him again, feeling perhaps sympathy for him, which could stem from his assassination attempt, his prosecution (which he claims is political), or something else.  Also, in 2020, there was the recent COVID-19 pandemic that was fresh in people's minds and how Trump poorly handled it.  This time, there wasn't anything like that. 

8. Didn't debate Trump enough
At least Kamala didn't.  Only one debate happened between her and Trump.  Yes, she came off better in the one debate they had, but it wasn't enough to sway a large part of the undecided voters.  I really feel like she could have benefited from a second debate against him, closer to the election.  But I believe Trump refused.  Smart of him, I guess.  

7. No catchy campaign slogan
She had "We're Not Going Back" and "A New Way Forward", but they weren't catchy enough.  They don't hook people.  Honestly, they might be a bit too wordy for the American people.  It's hard to compete with the popularity of the "MAGA" slogan.  Obama ran on two words: "Hope" and "Change".  That's all you need.  And he won twice.  Kamala really could've used a simple, catchy campaign slogan that would've possibly appealed to those of lesser intelligence (maybe).  

6. Harris didn't distance herself enough from Biden
I touch on this in the next reason, but I really wanted to emphasize that I don't believe Kamala did enough to distinguish or distance herself from Biden.  Biden didn't have the best approval rating, so while it may not have been easy to do, she should have explained how she would improve upon what Biden had done.  She should've also explained better how her being president gives her powers she didn't have as Vice President and how she'd rally Congress and both parties to work together.  I think too many voters saw that she was part of the Biden regime that they thought caused inflation and high prices, and they didn't want another term of that.  

5. Didn't explain how they'd fix the economy well enough
One criticism I heard of Kamala Harris was that she didn't articulate well enough how she'd reduce the prices of things.  She said she'd go after corporate price gouging, but not how.  Trump's idea of imposing tariffs, while idiotic, at least was articulated and repeated to his voter base.  I think too many people thought of Kamala as a continuation of Biden and that prices would remain high if she were to get elected.  They obviously didn't do their research, but I hope this will be a learning lesson to future Democrats.  You have to spell it out for voters like they're ten years old, because, unfortunately, a lot of American voters have that level of intelligence.

4. The change from Biden to Harris was poorly-timed
What the Democrats should have done was have Biden continue to run for re-election, then, if and when he wins, step down at some point in his second term for health concerns.  He had beaten Trump once, and he could beat him again.  Granted, I think it would've been a lot tougher, but it certainly would've been a better result than what we got.  And I know, back then, we were calling for him to step down, but I think some voters saw the switch to Harris as like a "bait and switch" and didn't approve.  Also, there just wasn't enough time for Harris to build momentum and a substantial voting base.  If Biden had declined to run for reelection, that would've boded better for the Democrats as well.
3. More apathy in 2024 than 2020 from Independents/Moderates
I think too many people were apathetic towards the election.  I believe there will be fewer votes in 2024 than 2020, which is saying something, since our country is growing like most other countries.  People were more passionate about their vote in 2020 than they were this year.  This reason may only be third, but it may be the largest reason why Harris lost.

2. Kamala Harris is a woman
I know many people in this country will always refuse to vote for a female president.  Biden selecting her as his running mate may have been a mistake.  It's not that she did a terrible job as VP.  But her being Biden's successor was not the right call.  When Biden stepped down in July, she was the logical replacement as his VP.  But her gender alone could've been enough for a huge handful of voters to not vote for her.  Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, and many point to her being a woman as a reason why she lost.

1. Americans are fucking stupid
We are.  As a whole.  Some of us are smart.  But man, we have a LOT of dumb-dumbs in this country.  Too many of those dumb-dumbs believe Trump's lies and believed he was being prosecuted for political reasons.  And it's not just what they believe, either.  It's the things they seem to forgive, like being a convicted felon, being a sexual abuser, being a morally awful human being.  All because he's on their side of the political spectrum.  I honestly believe if Satan himself ran for the presidency, he'd have a good chance as long as he was a Republican.  

It looks like we've gone from the Democrats and Republicans alternating the presidency every four years rather than every 8 years.  I guess I hope we continue that pattern in 2028, and get back to a Democrat in office.  I believe we will, as I am predicting Trump will either A) Not finish his presidency, or B) Do something during his presidency to lose support.  I feel like A is more likely, as he seems to be able to get away with anything with his supporters.  Let's just hope we can get through the next four years without our country changing too much for the worse.

Monday, November 4, 2024

What's Wrong with the Seahawks?

The Seahawks are 4-5, which isn't too bad, but when you consider they started 3-0 and have lost 5 of 6, and four straight at home, you realize there are some problems with the team.  Clearly, they were buoyed by their easy start, which involved facing: A rookie QB in his first game, a rebuilding Patriots team they barely beat, and a Dolphins team on their 3rd string QB.  Most competent teams would go 3-0 in that stretch, just as the Seahawks did.  But when they finally started facing teams built to win now, they started losing.  They even lost to a Giants team at home that still only has one other win, over the struggling Browns.

So, what's the issue?  On offense, it's pretty clear the offensive line is one of the worst in the NFL.  Geno Smith has one of the highest pressure rates and total number of pressures in the NFL, and it's not because he's always holding onto the ball too long, although I will admit he does that on occasion.  But I think the bigger issue is not being able to establish a running game.  To establish a running game, you need four things: A good running back, an offensive line that can create holes, a run-blocking scheme and coaching that will allow this to happen, and an offensive coordinator who will not abandon the run too quickly.  The Seahawks have the first one.  But they are largely missing the other three.  The offensive line has been unable to open holes in the A or B gaps.  Most of Kenneth Walker's big runs have been outside the tackles, where he has used his speed to get around the edge.  The run-blocking scheme also seems to be largely not there.  The Seahawks recently faced a 4th and 1 in Overtime against the Rams and could not get one yard.  And lastly, I'm not sure Ryan Grubb is the right fit for an offense that needs to be balanced in today's NFL.  He does seem to abandon the run after it doesn't work in game.

But that's just the offense.  The defense is actually not performing too poorly.  They've certainly shown to be dominant at times.  But they are inconsistent and lacking a bit of discipline.  I think, with time, they can develop into a dominant unit more consistently.  Perhaps not "Legion of Boom" dominant, but maybe close to it.  The pass rush could be improved, but the run defense seems better.  The pass defense is inconsistent, seemingly dependent on the aerial attack they face.  The defense has some above-average players in Leonard Williams, Devon Witherspoon, Julian Love, and Ernest Jones, but that's about it.  They could use a bit more talent.

I must also talk about starting quarterback Geno Smith.  Geno has a lot of people calling him to be benched.  I can see where they're coming from, but our other option is Sam Howell, who led the league in interceptions last season.  Sure, a change at quarterback can spark an offense, but it can also cause division.  Geno has a lot of close friends on the team, namely receivers Tyler Lockett and DK Metcalf, and his benching would certainly upset them, especially if it's somewhat unwarranted.  We'd also be asking a second-year quarterback to be successful when the Seahawks, as I stated above, have one of the worst pressure rates allowed in the NFL.  It's very likely the people who are calling for Geno to be benched would then be calling for him to come back.  I do not believe Geno will be our quarterback for too much longer, as his age will likely lead to us looking for a younger option soon.  Just not this season.

Safe to say, coach Mike Macdonald has his work cut out for him.  I hate that I'm hearing people calling him to be fired already.  Like, come on, people.  This was not a team ready to make a Super Bowl run when he took over.  Pete was let go because there were struggles with the team that, unfortunately, still exist today.  Therefore, I think the issues with this team are largely due to the construction of the roster by General Manager John Schneider.  I could do an entirely separate post about him, but the point I want to make here is that he's likely been overvalued as a GM and should, therefore, be held accountable for the team's struggles.   He's not been a good GM with trades, he's only had two or three good drafts out of 14, and he overvalues some positions (wide receiver) while undervaluing others (interior OL).  

If the Seahawks really want to make a run at a Super Bowl in a few years, two things need to happen.  One, they need to find the next franchise quarterback.  Geno is a good holdover quarterback, but he will likely start declining soon (if he hasn't already), and the Hawks will need to find a younger option.  The second thing the Hawks will need to do is either replace John Schneider, or he has to change his philosophy on roster construction.  I don't see the latter happening, as people that high on teams don't tend to be malleable and are set in their ways.  Yes, he put together a team that won us a Super Bowl in 2014.  However, the NFL has changed in the last ten years, and I think he's failed to realize this.  I still like Schneider as a team-builder more than Jerry Dipoto on the Mariners, but it's starting to get close.  Like Dipoto, I feel a championship might not be possible under his reign.  

The thing Seahawks fans most have to understand is this is a team in transition.  We aren't going to make a Super Bowl run this year or even next.  Some legitimate holes on this team still need to be filled, and Macdonald still has to install his system and way of doing things.  This team still feels like it has remnants of Carroll's philosophy, so that needs to change.  Nothing against Carroll, but he's not the coach anymore.  This is Macdonald's team now, whether fans like it or not.  Let's all be patient.