Survivor 48 is a bit less than a month away, and with the official cast release, it's time for my cast review and predictions. Like I've done in the New Era so far, I will give each player two comparables of who they remind me of, and then give them a placement I think they'll fall into with a range of 6 spots, such as 12th to 7th, 18th to 12th, etc. Last season I only got 6/18 after routinely getting at least 8 or 9 right. So I have to return to form this season. I'll organize them alphabetically by first name so I can find them easier later on. I'll be updating these as they get voted out to see if I'm right or wrong; those updates will be in BOLD. Unlike last season, I'm not really going to watch videos of them ahead of time. Just gonna go off of Entertainment Weekly's article about it done by Dalton Ross, which you can see here. Also, I will color code these by tribe. There is CIVA, LAGI, and VULA. And lastly, I'll put together a boot order given my placements for them at the end of all this. Without further ado, here's the cast:
Bianca Roses, 33, PR Consultant from Arlington, VA
Comparables: Moriah Gaynor, Sarah Wade
Bianca is one of the most high-variance players this season. She could be an early boot or make it to the finale, or anywhere in-between. Then I look at her tribe. Oh yeah, that's my pick for the disaster tribe. Therefore, I think I have to say Bianca is an early boot. Possibly a mergatory or earlier boot, just like Moriah and Sarah were. Sometimes tribe placement is just awful luck, and I think that'll be the case for Bianca.
Predicted finish: 17th-12th
Cedrek McFadden, 45, Surgeon from Greenville, SC
Comparables: Rocksroy Bailey, Josh Wilder
I chose Rocksroy because of the glasses and Josh because of them both being surgeons. Neither Josh nor Rocksroy made it terribly far, so I'm leaning towards the same with Cedrek. He seems to check most boxes, but I just have this feeling he'll either not be in the majority alliance or he'll be blindsided. If he tries to assume too much of a leadership role and becomes a bit too bossy, the best I could see for him is a Bruce-type run in 45. But that's unlikely. I don't think Green will be a disaster tribe, but I do think they'll be going to multiple pre-merge tribals, with Cedrek being one of the casualties.
Predicted finish: 15th-10th
Charity Nelms, 34, Flight Attendant from St. Petersburg, FL
Comparables: Hannah Rose, Sierra Wright
I like how Charity says she doesn't quit, which is more than I can say for her first comparable. But I don't like how she says her hidden talent is singing. We saw how Soda's singing in 46 got under some of her tribemates' skins. I'm not high on any of the women on the Orange tribe, but if I had to pick one, I guess I'd pick Charity. If she can form a tight duo or trio with any of the men on her tribe, I can see her getting far. But I do see Charity becoming a casualty of a vote somewhere along the way.
Predicted finish: 11th-6th
Chrissy Sarnowki, 55, Fire Lieutenant, South Side of Chicago, IL
Comparables: Chrissy Hofbeck, Julie Wolfe
Chrissy Hofbeck is a comparable because of the name and Julie because she was also a female firefighter. Anyway, Chrissy is this season's token older woman, so we know a losing finalist is certainly a possible spot for her. She could also be an early boot. But I think she'll be on a strong enough tribe and make a connection. Someone: Kevin, Mitch, Kamilla, Charity, will want her as their #2. She's making it fairly far, but not winning.
Predicted finish: 8th-3rd
David Kinner, 39, Stunt Performer from Buena Park, CA
Comparables: Jonathan Young, Nick Maiorano
David is definitely a physical tank like Jonathan, but maybe not as much of a tank. It should be enough to carry him to the merge, unless he's bad socially, which I can't rule out for him. But here's the thing: If I had to bet on one player NOT winning this game.... I think I'd say David. Either him or Thomas (see below). Which is odd, because David would be one of the ones I'm most sure makes the merge. He will have a ginormous bullseye on his back post-merge. Even if the group consensus is that David isn't a threat, he'll then not be looked at positively enough, even if he gets to the Final Tribal Council.
Predicted Finish: 10th-5th
Eva Erickson, 24, PhD Candidate from Providence, RI
Comparables: Ashley Nolan, Noelle Lambert
Eva's a spunky former hockey player who is open about her autism. It'll likely be a reason to root for her, like Noelle's disability was. Physically, she reminds me of Ashley Nolan, and I believe both Ashley and Noelle were mid-jury boots. I think Eva will be, too. She's only 24, so she may get taken advantage of at some point. I'd be mildly surprised to see her as a pre-merge boot, but I wouldn't rule it out. I mean, she's on my predicted disaster tribe. Possibly a casualty around the mergatory, as well.
Predicted finish: 12th-7th
Joe Hunter, 45, Fire Captain from West Sacramento, CA
Comparables: Danny Massa, Mike Turner
Sacramento, CA represent! Sorry, my GF's from there. Anyway, Joe is yet another firefighter in the New Era, hence the comparables. I expect Joe to be kept around for his strength pre-merge, but then once the merge hits, the target gets put on his back, and I can't see Joe being one to shed it. I also can't see him going on a crazy immunity/idol run. He may be a fan favorite (possibly Facebook's favorite), but winning this game, Joe likely is not. As I state perhaps a few times, I think Purple will be a disaster tribe yet again, so Joe has a 50/50 shot at being one of the pre-merge boots, roughly.
Predicted finish: 13th-8th
Justin Pioppi, 29, Pizzeria Manager from Winthrop, MA
Comparables: Cody Assenmacher, Kyle Ostwald
Justin will likely be at least somewhat of a fan favorite. But will he be a favorite amongst the castaways? Maybe not as much. He's not only worked but managed in the service industry so he knows how to handle tense situations. I'm sure he's had to calm down an angry customer or two. I'd be surprised if he was an early boot. In fact, I think Justin will blend into the background well enough to sneak on by to near the end. But will he get there? We'll just have to wait and see.
Predicted finish: 8th-3rd
Kamilla Karthigesu, 31, Software Engineer from Foster City, CA
Comparables: Jem Hussain-Adams, Swati Goel
I hate to say it, but since Natalie Anderson, women of South Asian descent do not typically do well on Survivor. I don't see it changing with Kamilla. She may surprise me and get fairly far due to tribe strength and/or a strong alliance, but I'd be surprised to see her in the finale. She seems funny, but also easily irritated. Almost like a Venus from 46.
Predicted finish: 12th-7th
Kevin Leung, 34, Finance Manager from Livermore, CA
Comparables: Austin Li Coon, Owen Knight
Yet another Asian male oozing with charisma. I gotta say, I have a good feeling about this one. For one, he was the most memorable castaway from the 48 promo that aired at the end of 47. He seems like a guy no one hates. Like the kind of guy who hears you're going on vacation and offers to water your plants and pick up your mail for you. That's why Kevin is in huge consideration to be my winner pick for 48. Something seriously must go wrong if Kevin is an early boot. And he seems to me like a player a lot of others will gravitate towards.
Predicted finish: 6th-1st
WRONG, 17th. My goodness how wrong I was.
Kyle Fraser, 31, Attorney from Brooklyn, NY
Comparables: Rome Cooney, Nick Brown
Fortunately for Kyle, the similarities to Rome are just physical. But he personality-wise reminds me more of Nick Brown, another African-American male in the field of law. Kyle seems to have a good head on his shoulders, and as an attorney, he should be willing to be ruthless if need be. However, when it comes down to it, can I see him winning a jury vote? I can't say I can. He seems too bland and not charming enough. Possible losing finalist?
Predicted finish: 7th-2nd
Mary Zheng, 31, Substance Abuse Counselor from Philadelphia, PA
Comparables: Lucy Huang, Carolyn Wiger
I chose Carolyn since they are in the same profession, if that wasn't obvious. It's hard to pinpoint Mary. I see her as another high-variance player. It really depends on if she's on the outs early or if she joins a majority alliance. I think she joins a majority alliance. I could see her joining a group with Kevin, Stephanie, and/or Sai. Really anyone on her tribe. I think she becomes a mid-merge boot if I had to guess.
Predicted finish: 11th-6th
Mitch Guerra, 34, PE Coach from Waco, TX
Comparables: Sean Edwards, Sol Yi
Fortunately for Mitch, I don't see him essentially quitting like Sean did. That wouldn't be a good message for the students in his PE Class. Although Sean is a principal... Anyway, I see him being on the outs early, like Sol. Fortunately for Sol, he was able to navigate to the merge but not much further. I'm going to say Mitch might not even make the merge. Orange is usually a pretty strong tribe, but I could see Mitch being on the outs or being unlucky. He seems like the kind of guy that has a smile on his face even when backstabbed and blindsided.
Predicted finish: 14th-9th
Saiounia "Sai" Hughley, 30, Marketing Professional from Simi Valley, CA
Comparables: Soda Thompson, Sabiyah Broderick
Yet another "S" African-American female, and I think Sai will have around the same placements as Soda or Sabiyah. Somewhere between late pre-merge to early merge. She just seems like she'll come off in a similar way. I can't see her pulling a Maryanne like she wants to.
Predicted finish: 14th-9th
Shauhin Davari, 38, Debate Professor from Costa Mesa, CA
Comparables: Randen Montalvo, Ronnie Bardah
I'm going out on a huge limb here, preparing to be wrong. But I think Shauhin will flame out early. I don't know if it's the overconfidence or the beard or perhaps being on the disaster tribe (or all of the above), but I think Shauhin's not long for the game like his comparables weren't. Again, I could be so incredibly wrong, but my gut is saying that his tribe makes the merge with at most 3 people. Both Tika and Yanu were purple tribes who made the merge with only 3. But they each contained the winner of the season. But that is not Shauhin. He's more Bhanu than Yam-Yam. *Quick note, I wanted to add this was TheMeranianReview's winner pick (Check him out on YouTube), so one of us is likely going to be very wrong.
Predicted finish: 17th-12th
Star Toomey, 28, Sales Expert from Augusta, GA
Comparables: Tiffany Ervin, Katurah Topps
Star is a kooky one, I'll give her that. She's on my disaster tribe pick, so the question is, does she survive it. And I'm gonna say yes. Black females tend to survive them. Shan and Tiffany both survived them. I think Star will. And the good news is those that survive disaster tribes tend to make it far. How far? Time will tell. What I didn't particularly like was that Star said she's an introvert and really shy. That doesn't bode well for a game as social as Survivor. But I think that'll help her fly under the radar. Just a hunch.
Predicted finish: 7th-2nd
Stephanie Berger, 38, Tech Product Lead from Brooklyn, NY
Comparables: Molly Byman, Lindsay Dolashewich
I wonder if Stephanie will lie about her age to try to fit in better. She certainly looks like she could pass for younger, unlike a particular 59-year-old last season. Anyway, Stephanie looks affable and has been in both business and teaching professions, so I think she'll be able to find a majority to fit in, perhaps with Mary, Kevin, and Sai. However, I lose confidence in her with the merge. She doesn't seem ruthless enough. But she is saying a lot of the right things.
Predicted finish: 11th-6th
WRONG, 18th. It didn't help she was put on one of the worst tribes ever.
Thomas Krottinger, 34, Music Executive from Los Angeles, CA
Comparables: Jon Lovett, Mike White
Ah, the successful white male who has no shot of winning. Well, he should be a good narrator at least, for as long as he lasts. So the question is: Is he more Jon Lovett or Mike White? When I look at the tribes and see he's on my pick for the disaster tribe, it's obvious that Thomas is more likely to be Jon Lovett 2.0. I could see him as a losing finalist a 'la Mike White if he's able to survive the pre-merge. But that's a big "if" in the New Era.
Predicted finish: 18th-13th
All right, now a boot order, based on where I predicted them to finish:
18th: Thomas
17th: Shauhin
16th: Bianca
15th: Cedrek
14th: Sai
13th: Mitch
12th: Joe
11th: Kamilla
10th: Eva
9th: David
8th: Mary
7th: Charity
6th: Stephanie
5th: Justin
4th: Star
3rd: Chrissy
2nd: Kyle
1st: Kevin
My winner pick for Survivor 48 is Kevin! Crazy how he is the first "Kevin" to ever play Survivor. And I think it's a good sign. I think perhaps Kevin and Kyle form a tight duo post-merge, bring in Chrissy, and run the table. So far, my winner picks have now placed 9th, 1st, 4th, 5th, 16th, 1st, and 16th. Let's hope I didn't pick another 16th placer.
I have placed actual winners of the season 3rd (Erika), 1st (Maryanne), 18th (Gabler), 3rd (Yam-Yam), 9th (Dee), 1st (Kenzie), and 18th (Rachel). Either I rank them very high or I've ranked them last. So, Thomas, you have a shot!
I will update this after each week under each player that gets voted out, saying if I was right or wrong in their placement range. Any updates will be in BOLD. Hoping to improve upon the paltry 6/18 I got last season. Let's hope for half right again, at least.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Survivor 48 Preview and Predictions
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
What the Seahawks should do at the QB Position
The Seahawks are coming to a crossroads regarding their starting quarterback, Geno Smith. He's about to enter the final year of his contract, and the team is going to have to make a tough decision regarding his future. They have to, first and foremost, look out for the team's best interests. I'm going to go over the possible scenarios and rank them from 1 to 5, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst.
1. The Seahawks don't extend Geno, but find a different option to learn under him and possibly take over for him.
This is what I hope the Hawks will do. First off, as the team's starting quarterback and leader, he shouldn't hold out if they decide not to extend him. Even if he decides to hold out, the Hawks should try to find someone out there who can take over, worst-case scenario. They have Sam Howell, but they need to bring someone else in to compete with Howell, at least for the backup spot. It could be through the draft, or it could be a QB in free agency like Justin Fields or Daniel Jones. Clearly, it would depend on who they hire to be the new offensive coordinator, and who that OC likes.
2. The Hawks pull a Pittsburgh Steelers and bring in two new QB's
Last offseason, the Steelers jettisoned both Kenny Pickett and Mason Rudolph and got Russell Wilson and Justin Fields. Imagine if the Hawks did something like that. Who knows who the two QBs would be, but it would certainly inspire hope that the Hawks are trying to find the next franchise QB.
3. The Seahawks trade Geno Smith and have a QB competition with Howell and another QB brought in.
We have likely seen Geno's ceiling. He's not getting any younger, and his TD/INT ratio took a huge hit in 2024. Perhaps Macdonald and the new OC will want to start with someone new and build them up. Sure, there's Sam Howell, but he would need some competition for the starting job after trading Geno. It could be another trade like the Hawks did with Russell Wilson, where they got Drew Lock in return, among other players and picks. Possible teams the Hawks could look to trade Geno to: Raiders, Browns, Titans, or Giants.
4. The Seahawks stay with the same two QB's, possibly extending Geno
This wouldn't inspire much confidence in wanting to improve at the QB position. Could Geno win with a Super Bowl roster like the Hawks had in 2013-2014? Sure. But so could a lot of QBs. Also, extending him ties up our cap space a lot to our QB position. When you do that, unless you have a worldly talent like Mahomes, Allen, or Jackson, you're not winning too much. I mostly want some kind of change. But not any kind of change, as you'll see below.
5. The Hawks draft a QB at #18, regardless of who is currently on the roster
After Shedeur Sanders and Cam Ward, there's a bit of a drop-off, so I'd be surprised if the #18 pick was a QB, especially if Geno is still here. The next best options are Quinn Ewers and Jalen Milroe. The Seahawks haven't taken a QB in the first round since 1993 with Rick Mirer. I don't think that will change after the 2025 draft.
It'll be interesting to see what they do this off-season. I'll try to update here once it seems settled. My dad, for one, is tired of Geno Smith as the Seahawks quarterback. I can't say I blame him too much. Sure, Geno can help the Hawks to winning seasons, but it does not appear he will be able to lead them to a Super Bowl. It's time to start rebuilding at the position so the Hawks can hopefully, someday, have another star QB.