Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Top 20 Favorite Movies of All Time

My Top Twenty Favorite Movies of All Time

Since my girlfriend did a list like this (http://amandatbravo.blogspot.com/2011/03/top-20-favorite-movies.html?spref=fb), I will do one as well. This list will count some series individually and some not. It will count it individually if each film is good enough to stand on its own as a feature film. Each movie or movie series on here has to have a minimum of one Oscar nomination. Also, I include IMDB.com’s rating on it as well as its place in the IMDB Top 250 films (if it does place there). Since it’s very hard to include a film you’ve only seen once, I tried to stay away from that, but I made a few exceptions, such as including film series I’ve only seen once, but thought were very memorable. And at the end, I include my favorite quote. Before the Top 20, the list of runners up, either because I don’t love the film enough, haven’t seen it more than once, or it didn’t get any Oscar nominations. And here they are:

- A Christmas Story
- Catch Me if You Can
- Die Hard
- Friday Night Lights
- Inception
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- National Treasure
- Spider-Man
- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

20. The Blind Side (2009)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 2 nominations
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
This film is a great true story about Michael Oher, who led a pretty bad life until he was rescued by the Tuohy family. It features a great acting performance by Sandra Bullock that won her an Oscar and even Quinton Aaron was very convincing as the shy and reserved Michael Oher.
Favorite quote: Beth
: You're changing that boy's life.
Leigh Anne Touhy: No. He's changing mine.

19. The Matrix Series (1999, 2003, 2003)
Oscar Awards: Original: 4 wins, 4 nominations. Reloaded: 0 nominations. Revolutions: 0 nominations
IMDB Ratings: Original: 8.7/10 (#23/250) Reloaded: 7.1. Revolutions: 6.5
The Matrix series, although I’ve only seen it once, blew me away and I am dying to see it again. Many people feel the first one far outshines the others, and I can see their point, however, I still enjoyed them, which is why they are on this list. The sci-fi world this series takes you to is just mind-blowing. If you haven’t at least seen the original “Matrix”, you are missing out.
Favorite quotes: Original:
Tank: So what do you need? Besides a miracle.
Neo: Guns. Lots of guns.
Neo: Trinity. I know you can hear me. I'm never letting go. I can't. I just love you too damn much.
Revolutions: Morpheus: You're a hell of a pilot.
Niobe: Some things in this world never change.
Morpheus: But some things do?
Niobe: [sighs] Luckily... some things do.

18. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Oscar Awards: Two nominations
IMDB Rating: 7.9/10
The newest film on this list, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was about as well done as I could have expected. The acting from the trio was much improved, it stayed more true to the book than it has recently, and they conveyed each scene very well. I have seen this film twice, so it qualifies. Here’s hoping Part II is good enough to get a spot on this list some day.
Favorite quote: Fred Weasley
, George Weasley: [after the Seven Potters transformation] Wow, we're identical!

17. Beauty and the Beast (1991)Oscar Awards: 2 wins, 6 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.0/10
This is a film I’ve seen many, many times starting at a young age, and each time I get captivated by it. What shines throughout this film is its moral, and that is that a person should not be judged solely on their looks. This taught me a lot and it has some of the best musical numbers in film history, including Angela Lansbury’s “Beauty and the Beast” and Jerry Orbach’s “Be Our Guest”.
Favorite quote: Gaston (singing): When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’ve grown I eat five dozen eggs so I’m roughly the size of a barge!

16. Monsters Inc. (2001)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 4 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.0/10 (#249/250)
Monsters Inc. is one of my favorite Pixar movies. They thought up of an imaginative world linked to ours through closet doors where monsters are the citizens of “Monstropolis”. Goodman and Crystal provided the lead voices and did a fabulous job. I am also thrilled to hear that there will be a sequel.
Favorite quote: Sulley
: Say, that's a cute little dance you got there. It almost looks like you have to... Oh!
15. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Oscar Awards: 2 wins, 6 nominations (Including Best Picture)
IMDB Rating: 8.3/10 (#124/250)
The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic. It’s loved by all ages and what’s great about it is the characters: Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin man, and the cowardly lion, all played remarkably well. The musical numbers in the film “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, especially the latter, are still popular today.
Favorite quote: Wizard of Oz
: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

14. Grease (1978)
Oscar Awards: 1 nomination
IMDB Rating: 7.0/10
Grease was a film I saw for the first time at a very young age—and with each viewing I see something new every time. Grease is a classic musical that really stands the test of time. It was made in the 70’s, but it’s set in the ‘50s. Grease will most probably be my favorite musical film of all time.
Favorite quote: Rizzo
: I've got so many hickies people will think I'm a leper.
Kenickie: Relax... A hickie from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!
Rizzo: You pig!
Kenickie: Oh, I love it when you talk dirty!

13. The Back to the Future Series (1985, 1989, 1990)Oscar Awards: Original: 1 win, 4 nominations. Part II: 1 nomination. Part III: 0 nominations
IMDB Ratings: Original: 8.4/10 (#72/250). Part II: 7.5/10. Part III: 7.1/10
I just recently saw the entire Back to the Future series for the first time (I know, how could I), but I have this on my list despite having only seen it once. For me, I thought the sequels, parts II and III, were just as good as the original. Sure, the original was fantastic and certainly deserving of all its accolades, but the two sequels were just as cleverly written. I think it’s even more impressive that they filmed Parts II and III back to back in just over a year. There are very few plotholes and the series really ties up nicely in Part III. I guess Parts II and III didn’t have the same feel as the original, but I still enjoyed them just the same.
Favorite quotes: Original:
Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc, are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.
Marty McFly: Whoa, this is heavy.
Dr. Emmett Brown: There's that word again; "heavy". Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?
Part II:
Young Doc: Nice talking to you. Maybe we'll bump into each other sometime again in the future.
Older Doc: Or in the past.
Part III: [Holding baby William] Marty McFly: So you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly born in America. And you peed on me.

12. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Oscar Awards: 4 wins, 13 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#19/250)
As you see above, I left out the Two Towers in favor of The Fellowship of the Ring. I did so because I feel the first movie in a series is always one of the best because it introduces us to the plot, the storyline, and the setting. The Fellowship has a great beginning, middle, and climax at the end.
Favorite quote: Frodo
: You're late.
Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.

11. Finding Nemo (2003)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 4 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (166/250)
Yet another Pixar movie on my list, Finding Nemo isn’t so much about the effects they used to create such lifelike aquatic fish, but the story the movie had about a fish that gets lost and tries to get back to his dad. It is a very heart-warming film that is enjoyable by all ages. That’s why it gets a top 20 nod from me, because anyone from a toddler to a senior citizen can enjoy it.
Favorite quote: (repeated line) Dory: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

10. Avatar (2009)
Oscar Awards: 3 wins, 9 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (#151/250)
Avatar is probably the biggest piece of eye candy out of all the films out there. The special effects, the landscapes and settings, the animals and characters, all were perfectly done. This is one of my few exceptions on this list that I’ve seen only once, but I’m including it because I am dying to see it again.
Favorite quote: Trudy Chacon
: You're not the only one with a gun, bitch.

9. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Oscar Awards: 1 nomination
IMDB Rating: 7.8/10
While this film isn’t that strongly reviewed, to this day I can still say it links episodes II and IV together really well. This is one film I could not stop thinking about after seeing it, which is why it made the list. Some of the scenes (the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel, Anakin getting burned) were so well done it just makes me want to watch it over and over again. While this may not be the best quality Star Wars film, it certainly is the most entertaining to me.
Favorite quote: Obi-Wan
: YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!

8. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Oscar Awards: 4 wins, 6 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.6/10 (#42/250)
Rarely does a sequel outshine its prequel, but such is the case with Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The bad guy is so bad he’s impossible to kill, and this time, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the good guy. This is an action-packed thrill-ride that might even get a laugh or two (Hasta La Vista, Baby).
Favorite quote: Terminator: Hasta La Vista, baby.

7. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 3 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#11/250)
I put this here and not near the top because of the lack of Oscars it received, but it is still such a great film, and what many consider to be the best in the Star Wars saga. Luke learns the truth about his father. A movie I can watch over and over again.
Favorite quote: Princess Leia
: I love you.
Han Solo: I know.

6. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)
Oscar Awards: 3 nominations
IMDB Rating: 7.2/10
The movie that introduced us to the visual aspect of the Harry Potter world, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is and will probably always be my favorite Harry Potter film. It just does such a great job telling the story and starting to develop the characters. This film out of all the Potter films is arguably the closest to its novel. It is also one of only two Potter films with Richard Harris as Dumbledore, who I thought did a fantastic job.
Favorite quote: Dumbledore
: I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them. But, I think I could be safe with a nice toffee… Mm, alas, earwax!

5. Toy Story (1995)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 3 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (#146/250)
I have to admit the Oscar “win” it got was a special achievement award for director John Lasseter, but still, it’s Toy Story. And I know, my 3rd Pixar movie on here, but no one makes better animated films than them. I have seen this movie so many times and I have loved it ever since I was 6 when it came out.
Favorite quote: Woody
:YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're - you're an action figure! You are a child's play thing!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.

4. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Oscar Awards: 11 wins, 11 nominations (Including Best Picture)
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#12/250)
One of the very few films to go perfect at the Oscars, especially with so many nominations, the final part of the Lord of the Rings tale was certainly the best. It began right where the Two Towers left off and concluded very nicely. It’s really hard to say anything bad about this film.
Favorite quote: [after Legolas single-handedly takes out an Oliphant and its drivers] Gimli: That still only counts as one!

3. The Lion King (1994)Oscar Awards: 2 wins, 4 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (#138/250)
The Lion King isn’t just about the music, although Elton John performed some amazing songs—no, it’s about the story of Simba the lion and his quest to become King. The sequels to this were ok, but nothing tops the original. This is such a great classic that I enjoy watching over and over again.
Favorite quote: Timon
: What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?

2. Titanic (1997)
Oscar Awards: 11 wins, 14 nominations (Including Best Picture)
IMDB Rating: 7.4/10
When you think about all that goes into a film, costumes, visual effects, cinematography, sound editing, you name it, Titanic has it. There’s a reason it won 11 Oscars. One of the things I love about it is how they intertwined a fictional love story into a real historical event. The IMDB rating is not so great, but I ignore that. Titanic is my 2nd favorite film of all time because it is a masterpiece that never gets boring with me.
Favorite quote:
Male Passenger: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
Jack: You want to walk a little faster through that valley there?

1. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
Oscar Awards: 6 wins, 10 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#16/250)
This film is a classic: the first ever Star Wars film that introduced us to a galaxy far far away that amazed and dazzled us. The first film in a series that takes you to another world will always be one of the best in the series, and with Star Wars, there is no exception. Just like Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother, this is, hands down, my favorite movie of all time.
Favorite quote: Obi-Wan
: You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.


  1. Why didn't Return of the Jedi make it into the top 20!? Weird since that's my favorite one of the series!

    20. The Blindside made it to 13 in mine! :) And oh yeah the quote you picked that was a really good one too!

    19. The Matrix: I've only seen Reloaded if you can believe that!

    18. HP: DH P1: I ALMOST Added this to my top 20 but seeing that it's not a "full" movie I wanted to wait til part 2 came out to fully decide to put it in.

    17. Beauty and the Beast: For some reason I didnt' think to put Disney movies in...But if I had I think I would have put this around my top 10. Maybe someday soon I'll do my top 10 disney movies or disney songs or disney something.

    16. Monster's Inc: Definitely in my top 30!

    15. Wizard of Oz: Haha I love that quote too!

    14. Grease: AHHH! I'm so mad at myself! I totally forgot about Grease! If I had remembered it it would have gone inbetween Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars so it would have been #7 on my list! Which means When Harry Met Sally would have not had a place in the top 20 anymore.

    13: Back to the Future: HAHA i love the quote for part 1!

    12: FoTR: Quote is pretty good too! and for me Two Towers is way better than FoTR but not better than RotK.

    11. Finding Nemo: Ahhhh!!! so mad at myself once again! This should have made my top 20! I love this movie over Toy Story (Which ended up not making my list...I think I originally had it as 19 but then got bumped to 21) Finding Nemo if I had thought of it would be between #17 if I thought of it between Mary Poppins and Alice in Wonderland. Which means E.T would be bumped off the list! Oh well...Oh any why is that your favorite quote? mine would have been "First you were like woah and we were like woah and you were like woah..."

    10. Avatar: Haven't seen it...

    9. Revenge of the Sith: Still can't get over Return of the Jedi not making the list! LOL! But this one is my 2nd favorite

    8. Terminator 2: Haven't seen it

    7. Empire Strikes Back: My Fourth favorite!

    6. Sorcerer's Stone: Meh not my most favorite harry potter movie but it was good nonetheless.

    5. That quote was my favorite too! :) but unfortunately in my top 30 now...

    4. RotK: It leaves off of Two Tower's nicely but half of the movie was actually in the book Two Towers! LOL! You'll see when we read the books! :)

    3. Lion King: Shoulda made it in my top 20 since it's my favorite Disney movie...But I'll do a disney blog soon :)

    2: Titanic: You're quote almost made it as my favorite too! And we should watch this movie together sometime! :)

    1. A New Hope: Why am I not surprised!? :)

    Good job Baby! :)

  2. 20. I know dear. You putting it on your list inspired me to put it on me, albeit at 20th.

    19. HOW ON EARTH!? Must've been watching it with other people. You have (or we have) gotta watch "The Matrix" some day.

    18. I consider it a full movie, seeing how long it is. It's just a movie that is told in a shorter time frame than the other Harry Potter movies.

    17. I did Disney movies because I have seen them so much.

    14. Well, maybe you need to make a revised list, eh?

    13. Me too. I also love it in Part III when the Doc and Marty trade signature phrases. Marty says "Great Scott!" and Doc says "I know, this is heavy!"

    12. Well I guess that's something we will always differ on because I think FotR is better than Two Towers. I guess FotR is just more memorable for me. Also, Gollum was in The Two Towers and for some reason he always made me mad!

    11. It's my favorite quote because of the way Ellen DeGeneres says it. The way she constantly repeats it. It was too funny.

    10. You should! It's really long, but it's good! We'll watch it sometime.

    9. RotJ just didn't quite make the cut--it had too many things that bothered me (I didn't like the Ewoks too much, the way Vader looked under the helmet... meh. The battle at Endor was completely unrealistic... armored Stormtroopers losing to... small cuddly bears?)

    8. Have you seen ANY of the Terminators? They're more of a guy flick, but they have a good plot and you root for Sarah or John Connor.

    7. Yep. 2nd favorite Star Wars film.

    6. Well it's my favorite. The only film I saw three times in theaters. I forgot to mention that.

    5. Yeah, I just loved the way Tom Hanks and Tim Allen delivered it.

    4. Yes, I will see.

    2. Yeah, what a funny quote. The first few times I watched Titanic I actually didn't notice it! Then on my 4th (or so) viewing I noticed it and lmao'ed.

    1. Because it's me!

    Thanks for all of your comments! They were wonderful to read and respond to! :)

  3. 19. I saw the movie with my mom, stepdad and Bea(?). And I saw bits of pieces of 1. I fell asleep to whatever part I watched of it.

    14. Yeah I think I do! My mom also gave me a few movies including Grease that made me realize I forgot some!

    9. I know right!? LOL!

    8. No I haven't...Never really had an interest

    You're welcome dear! :)
