Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Seattle Mariners: Destined to be a bottom dweller or turning the corner?

Easily the greatest seven years in Mariners history were from 1995 to 2001. In that seven year span, the Mariners made it to the playoffs four times, made it to the ALCS three times, and had a combined record of 616-499 with a winning percentage of .552. If you take away that brief period in Mariners history, the Mariners are 1906-2362, with a winning percentage of .446. The question is: Was that a sign this team is capable of a dominant run, or was it just a fluke span of winning for a team that is destined to always be a loser? You take away those seven years, and the Mariners are suddenly the laughingstock of the league.

A lot is riding on not just this season, but the next season as well. It’s not so much about the wins and losses but more about how the young players develop. If most of the young players turn out to be busts, then our future is probably doomed yet again. If some of them turn out to be very capable everyday starters, then the possibility of another playoff berth looms large. The Mariners have had their turn over the past 10 years, switching GM’s and coaches like it’s a game of musical chairs. However, it is this group in the front office right now who will either carry us back to the playoffs or lose their jobs. I’m not just talking about current manager Wedge and general manager Zduriencik. I’m talking about the chairmen and guys even higher up, such as Chuck Armstrong and Howie Lincoln. They’ve got one last shot.

Boy oh boy I hope 1995-2001 wasn’t a fluke. This team, its current stadium, and its fans, are all here because of those years. If the Mariners fail to turn it around in the next few years, I fear the ballclub will lose a lot of its fans. They already are, as fan interest is dwindling due to the common trend of losing this past decade. But if they fail to turn the corner in a few years, even the diehards will say they’ve had it. Even I will say I’ve had it.

I’m giving the Mariners until 2015. That’s four years. I’ll be 26 when they play that year. If the Mariners don’t make it back to the playoffs by then and don’t look like they will soon, I will stop following them. Sure, I’ll root for them in my heart, but I won’t watch their games or buy merchandise or go to games. I refuse to support a loser. I refuse to constantly be tortured by poor front office decisions and poor on-field execution.

You have four years, Mariners. Four years to figure out if you’re going to shed that “cellar dweller” tag and become a contender. Four years to put the pieces together. Get it done, or I’m through.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My 2011 Seattle Mariners Preview and Predictions

The Seattle Mariners enter this season with little hope but all the while trying to remain optimistic. Last year, the Mariners were picked by many to contend for the AL West title, only to fall flat, finish in last place in the division with one of the worst offenses in the DH era. Very little changes were made in the offseason, with the focus on winning three, four, or even five years from now rather than this upcoming season. They did however hire a new manager in former Cleveland Indians skipper Eric Wedge, which in my opinion is a safe pick. Obviously, this is a team in the rebuilding process looking to further stock its farm system and contend a few years from now. However, I believe with the low expectations and the infusion of young talent, this team will surprise. Here’s a look at each of the players expected to make the 25 man roster:

Miguel Olivo – Now entering his 2nd stint as a Mariner, Miguel Olivo is looking to redeem himself after being labeled a bust following the trade in which the Mariners acquired him almost seven years ago. He was one of the “notable” acquisitions this offseason, but figures to have an average season offensively at best.

Adam Moore – A young, still-developing player, Adam Moore is entering this year the backup after starting the year last season as the starter. He will learn from Olivo and others and try to improve his game. He will be given opportunities to start and hopefully will make progress.

Chone Figgins – Affectionately nicknamed “Figgy”, Chone Figgins makes the switch back to his familiar position of third base following the departure of Jose Lopez. Hopefully his switch to his familiar position will also mean an improvement in his offense, which struggled last year. Perhaps he will get a few leadoff spots this year, especially if Ichiro gets hurt.

Brendan Ryan – Brendan Ryan is the “replacement” for the aforementioned Lopez and he will get the nod at 2nd base, at least for the start of the season. However, if Ryan struggles and Dustin Ackley, one of the Mariners top prospects, does well in AAA ball, Ackley will take over the position later this season. Brendan Ryan will need to show his versatility as well as consistency in order to stay with the ballclub the entire season.

Justin Smoak – Justin was acquired last season in the blockbuster trade for Cliff Lee and really didn’t show the fans much of what he is capable of. Smoak is an above average glovesman at first base, but his bat will really have to shine in order for him to be our first baseman of the future. If he continues to swing a cold bat, the Mariners will look at other options, which might even include giving utility infielder Matt Tuiasosopo a few starts at first.

Matt Tuiasosopo – Tui this year will be our utility player and will provide spot starts at all infield positions, as well as occasionally in left field. The Mariners will look for him to have a steady bat and decent glovework and be the next Mark McLemore, or even Willie Bloomquist. He will probably also be used on occasion in pinch-running scenarios.

Jack Wilson – Jack is recovering from yet another injury and will be given the starting spot at shortstop yet again. However, this spring, manager Eric Wedge experimented with him at 2nd base to good results, although Jack has played his entire career at shortstop. I expect Jack to have a decent, but quiet season.

Josh Wilson – Not related to the above, Josh Wilson is another utility player that will get the occasional spot start or so. He actually filled in really nicely last year when others were struggling or were hurt. However, come later in the season, perhaps when Ackley is about to be called up, either Josh Wilson or Tui will have to go to make room.

Milton Bradley – Milton struggled last year with injuries and the media, however, many are looking for him to regain some of the success he had in Texas when he made the All-Star team. I also expect him to get the occasional spot start at Designated Hitter to rest his legs. If he behaves himself and plays well, he will see a lot of action. If he doesn’t, the Mariners will be quick to release him.

Franklin Gutierrez – One of the most gifted outfielders athletically in all of baseball, Franklin Gutierrez is more known for his glovework than his bat, but even his bat is decent. In order for him to truly cement his spot in centerfield, his bat will need to improve even more and even become a leader on this team.

Michael Saunders – Saundy—ok, scratch that nickname—Michael Saunders, I mean to say, is going to compete with Bradley for playing time in left field. He has shown modest hitting in fielding, but he needs to improve a lot more in order to be a part of this team’s future. If he struggles, he could be shipped out in a mid-season deal either this season or next.

Ichiro Suzuki – A consummate professional, Ichiro is as consistent as they come. He’ll probably have his typical April struggles, but he will more than likely turn in another 200 hit season. I even think, with the tragedy that has happened in his home country of Japan that he will be inspired to play even better and will put up great numbers.

Designated Hitter

Jack Cust – Another offseason acquisition, Jack Cust, formerly of the Oakland A’s, will be given most of the time at designated hitter, and I feel he will benefit greatly this season with the help of the short porch in left field. I expect him to put up a 2009 version of Russell Branyan type season and perhaps lead this team in home runs.


Starting Rotation

Felix Hernandez – After winning the Cy Young Award last year, there really is no limit to how great Felix can be. He will undoubtedly have another spectacular season and with more offensive support, should get 15 wins. He should also get his second all-star nod after being snubbed last year.

Jason Vargas – Many see him as a #3-5 starter, but the M’s will be forced to rely on him as the #2 starter. However, Jason did well that season and I think he will fill in nicely as the #2 this year.

Doug Fister – Fister uses his 6’8” frame to his advantage, but his fastball lacks velocity (only tops out in the low 90s at best) and he has struggled with control at times. He should have another solid season, though.

Erik Bedard – Finally healthy again, Erik Bedard looks to finally prove to this organization the trade to get him wasn’t a complete fiasco. Hopefully he can stay healthy, because if he does, he is an above-average pitcher that can go on a hot streak.

Michael Pineda – The Mariners top pitching prospect, Pineda looks to have secured the #5 spot in the rotation and hopefully will give fans a reason to see him in our future rotation. M’s Fans hope he can be the #2 to Felix’s #1 down the line.

Spot Starters/Long Relievers

Luke French/David Pauley/Aaron Laffey – I expect these three to have solid seasons, and one or two may even take a starting rotation spot if one of the above struggles or gets injured. It’s nice to know we have a few guys that can make emergency starts if need be.


David Aardsma – Aardsma will start this year hurt, but will more than likely get his closer spot back when he is 100% healthy. However, he will not have as great of a season as years past, given the fact the Mariners tried trading him this past offseason.

Cesar Jimenez – Jimenez will be the lefty in the pen this year used mainly against left-handed bats. However, the Mariners also have Luke French, another lefty, who could fill that role should Jimenez struggle.

Brandon League – Brandon has been known to blow games and give up big hits at the worst times. Despite that, he will be given the closer’s job to start the season and I don’t expect him to do extremely well.

Josh Lueke – He is constantly surrounded by controversy since he was arrested for sexual harassment a while back. However, if fans can put that behind them and focus on his playing ability, they may see a setup man/closer in the making.

With all that said, I expect the Mariners to surprise people this year. They won’t win the AL West, but they will do better than most people expect them to. I predict the AL West will have the smallest amount of games that separate the first place and last place teams. The Mariners will probably finish in last, but might only be 10-15 games back. Here’s my predictions for the AL West:

AL West
Texas Rangers 88-74
Oakland A’s 85-77
Anaheim Angels 81-81
Seattle Mariners 77-85

And now for my entire baseball predictions, including the postseason:
* = Wild Card team

AL West
Texas Rangers
Oakland A’s
Anaheim Angels
Seattle Mariners

AL Central
Minnesota Twins
Chicago White Sox
Cleveland Indians
Kansas City Royals
Detroit Tigers

AL East
Boston Red Sox
New York Yankees*
Tampa Bay Rays
Baltimore Orioles
Toronto Blue Jays

NL West
Colorado Rockies
San Francisco Giants*
Los Angeles Dodgers
Arizona Diamondbacks
San Diego Padres

NL Central
St. Louis Cardinals
Cincinnati Reds
Chicago Cubs
Milwaukee Brewers
Houston Astros
Pittsburgh Pirates

NL East
Philadelphia Phillies
Atlanta Braves
New York Mets
Florida Marlins
Washington Nationals

Red Sox over Rangers
Yankees over Twins
Red Sox over Yankees

Phillies over Giants
Rockies over Cardinals
Phillies over Rockies

World Series:
Red Sox over Phillies in 7

There you have it folks. I hope you enjoyed this nastily exhaustingly long preview and predictions of not only the Mariners, but all of Major League Baseball. I’m looking forward to a fun and exciting season. PLAY BALL!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Top 20 Favorite Movies of All Time

My Top Twenty Favorite Movies of All Time

Since my girlfriend did a list like this (, I will do one as well. This list will count some series individually and some not. It will count it individually if each film is good enough to stand on its own as a feature film. Each movie or movie series on here has to have a minimum of one Oscar nomination. Also, I include’s rating on it as well as its place in the IMDB Top 250 films (if it does place there). Since it’s very hard to include a film you’ve only seen once, I tried to stay away from that, but I made a few exceptions, such as including film series I’ve only seen once, but thought were very memorable. And at the end, I include my favorite quote. Before the Top 20, the list of runners up, either because I don’t love the film enough, haven’t seen it more than once, or it didn’t get any Oscar nominations. And here they are:

- A Christmas Story
- Catch Me if You Can
- Die Hard
- Friday Night Lights
- Inception
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- National Treasure
- Spider-Man
- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

20. The Blind Side (2009)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 2 nominations
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
This film is a great true story about Michael Oher, who led a pretty bad life until he was rescued by the Tuohy family. It features a great acting performance by Sandra Bullock that won her an Oscar and even Quinton Aaron was very convincing as the shy and reserved Michael Oher.
Favorite quote: Beth
: You're changing that boy's life.
Leigh Anne Touhy: No. He's changing mine.

19. The Matrix Series (1999, 2003, 2003)
Oscar Awards: Original: 4 wins, 4 nominations. Reloaded: 0 nominations. Revolutions: 0 nominations
IMDB Ratings: Original: 8.7/10 (#23/250) Reloaded: 7.1. Revolutions: 6.5
The Matrix series, although I’ve only seen it once, blew me away and I am dying to see it again. Many people feel the first one far outshines the others, and I can see their point, however, I still enjoyed them, which is why they are on this list. The sci-fi world this series takes you to is just mind-blowing. If you haven’t at least seen the original “Matrix”, you are missing out.
Favorite quotes: Original:
Tank: So what do you need? Besides a miracle.
Neo: Guns. Lots of guns.
Neo: Trinity. I know you can hear me. I'm never letting go. I can't. I just love you too damn much.
Revolutions: Morpheus: You're a hell of a pilot.
Niobe: Some things in this world never change.
Morpheus: But some things do?
Niobe: [sighs] Luckily... some things do.

18. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Oscar Awards: Two nominations
IMDB Rating: 7.9/10
The newest film on this list, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was about as well done as I could have expected. The acting from the trio was much improved, it stayed more true to the book than it has recently, and they conveyed each scene very well. I have seen this film twice, so it qualifies. Here’s hoping Part II is good enough to get a spot on this list some day.
Favorite quote: Fred Weasley
, George Weasley: [after the Seven Potters transformation] Wow, we're identical!

17. Beauty and the Beast (1991)Oscar Awards: 2 wins, 6 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.0/10
This is a film I’ve seen many, many times starting at a young age, and each time I get captivated by it. What shines throughout this film is its moral, and that is that a person should not be judged solely on their looks. This taught me a lot and it has some of the best musical numbers in film history, including Angela Lansbury’s “Beauty and the Beast” and Jerry Orbach’s “Be Our Guest”.
Favorite quote: Gaston (singing): When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’ve grown I eat five dozen eggs so I’m roughly the size of a barge!

16. Monsters Inc. (2001)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 4 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.0/10 (#249/250)
Monsters Inc. is one of my favorite Pixar movies. They thought up of an imaginative world linked to ours through closet doors where monsters are the citizens of “Monstropolis”. Goodman and Crystal provided the lead voices and did a fabulous job. I am also thrilled to hear that there will be a sequel.
Favorite quote: Sulley
: Say, that's a cute little dance you got there. It almost looks like you have to... Oh!
15. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Oscar Awards: 2 wins, 6 nominations (Including Best Picture)
IMDB Rating: 8.3/10 (#124/250)
The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic. It’s loved by all ages and what’s great about it is the characters: Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin man, and the cowardly lion, all played remarkably well. The musical numbers in the film “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, especially the latter, are still popular today.
Favorite quote: Wizard of Oz
: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

14. Grease (1978)
Oscar Awards: 1 nomination
IMDB Rating: 7.0/10
Grease was a film I saw for the first time at a very young age—and with each viewing I see something new every time. Grease is a classic musical that really stands the test of time. It was made in the 70’s, but it’s set in the ‘50s. Grease will most probably be my favorite musical film of all time.
Favorite quote: Rizzo
: I've got so many hickies people will think I'm a leper.
Kenickie: Relax... A hickie from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!
Rizzo: You pig!
Kenickie: Oh, I love it when you talk dirty!

13. The Back to the Future Series (1985, 1989, 1990)Oscar Awards: Original: 1 win, 4 nominations. Part II: 1 nomination. Part III: 0 nominations
IMDB Ratings: Original: 8.4/10 (#72/250). Part II: 7.5/10. Part III: 7.1/10
I just recently saw the entire Back to the Future series for the first time (I know, how could I), but I have this on my list despite having only seen it once. For me, I thought the sequels, parts II and III, were just as good as the original. Sure, the original was fantastic and certainly deserving of all its accolades, but the two sequels were just as cleverly written. I think it’s even more impressive that they filmed Parts II and III back to back in just over a year. There are very few plotholes and the series really ties up nicely in Part III. I guess Parts II and III didn’t have the same feel as the original, but I still enjoyed them just the same.
Favorite quotes: Original:
Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc, are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Precisely.
Marty McFly: Whoa, this is heavy.
Dr. Emmett Brown: There's that word again; "heavy". Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?
Part II:
Young Doc: Nice talking to you. Maybe we'll bump into each other sometime again in the future.
Older Doc: Or in the past.
Part III: [Holding baby William] Marty McFly: So you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly born in America. And you peed on me.

12. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Oscar Awards: 4 wins, 13 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#19/250)
As you see above, I left out the Two Towers in favor of The Fellowship of the Ring. I did so because I feel the first movie in a series is always one of the best because it introduces us to the plot, the storyline, and the setting. The Fellowship has a great beginning, middle, and climax at the end.
Favorite quote: Frodo
: You're late.
Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.

11. Finding Nemo (2003)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 4 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (166/250)
Yet another Pixar movie on my list, Finding Nemo isn’t so much about the effects they used to create such lifelike aquatic fish, but the story the movie had about a fish that gets lost and tries to get back to his dad. It is a very heart-warming film that is enjoyable by all ages. That’s why it gets a top 20 nod from me, because anyone from a toddler to a senior citizen can enjoy it.
Favorite quote: (repeated line) Dory: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

10. Avatar (2009)
Oscar Awards: 3 wins, 9 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (#151/250)
Avatar is probably the biggest piece of eye candy out of all the films out there. The special effects, the landscapes and settings, the animals and characters, all were perfectly done. This is one of my few exceptions on this list that I’ve seen only once, but I’m including it because I am dying to see it again.
Favorite quote: Trudy Chacon
: You're not the only one with a gun, bitch.

9. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Oscar Awards: 1 nomination
IMDB Rating: 7.8/10
While this film isn’t that strongly reviewed, to this day I can still say it links episodes II and IV together really well. This is one film I could not stop thinking about after seeing it, which is why it made the list. Some of the scenes (the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel, Anakin getting burned) were so well done it just makes me want to watch it over and over again. While this may not be the best quality Star Wars film, it certainly is the most entertaining to me.
Favorite quote: Obi-Wan
: YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!

8. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Oscar Awards: 4 wins, 6 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.6/10 (#42/250)
Rarely does a sequel outshine its prequel, but such is the case with Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The bad guy is so bad he’s impossible to kill, and this time, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the good guy. This is an action-packed thrill-ride that might even get a laugh or two (Hasta La Vista, Baby).
Favorite quote: Terminator: Hasta La Vista, baby.

7. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 3 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#11/250)
I put this here and not near the top because of the lack of Oscars it received, but it is still such a great film, and what many consider to be the best in the Star Wars saga. Luke learns the truth about his father. A movie I can watch over and over again.
Favorite quote: Princess Leia
: I love you.
Han Solo: I know.

6. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)
Oscar Awards: 3 nominations
IMDB Rating: 7.2/10
The movie that introduced us to the visual aspect of the Harry Potter world, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is and will probably always be my favorite Harry Potter film. It just does such a great job telling the story and starting to develop the characters. This film out of all the Potter films is arguably the closest to its novel. It is also one of only two Potter films with Richard Harris as Dumbledore, who I thought did a fantastic job.
Favorite quote: Dumbledore
: I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them. But, I think I could be safe with a nice toffee… Mm, alas, earwax!

5. Toy Story (1995)
Oscar Awards: 1 win, 3 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (#146/250)
I have to admit the Oscar “win” it got was a special achievement award for director John Lasseter, but still, it’s Toy Story. And I know, my 3rd Pixar movie on here, but no one makes better animated films than them. I have seen this movie so many times and I have loved it ever since I was 6 when it came out.
Favorite quote: Woody
:YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're - you're an action figure! You are a child's play thing!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.

4. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Oscar Awards: 11 wins, 11 nominations (Including Best Picture)
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#12/250)
One of the very few films to go perfect at the Oscars, especially with so many nominations, the final part of the Lord of the Rings tale was certainly the best. It began right where the Two Towers left off and concluded very nicely. It’s really hard to say anything bad about this film.
Favorite quote: [after Legolas single-handedly takes out an Oliphant and its drivers] Gimli: That still only counts as one!

3. The Lion King (1994)Oscar Awards: 2 wins, 4 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 (#138/250)
The Lion King isn’t just about the music, although Elton John performed some amazing songs—no, it’s about the story of Simba the lion and his quest to become King. The sequels to this were ok, but nothing tops the original. This is such a great classic that I enjoy watching over and over again.
Favorite quote: Timon
: What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?

2. Titanic (1997)
Oscar Awards: 11 wins, 14 nominations (Including Best Picture)
IMDB Rating: 7.4/10
When you think about all that goes into a film, costumes, visual effects, cinematography, sound editing, you name it, Titanic has it. There’s a reason it won 11 Oscars. One of the things I love about it is how they intertwined a fictional love story into a real historical event. The IMDB rating is not so great, but I ignore that. Titanic is my 2nd favorite film of all time because it is a masterpiece that never gets boring with me.
Favorite quote:
Male Passenger: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
Jack: You want to walk a little faster through that valley there?

1. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
Oscar Awards: 6 wins, 10 nominations
IMDB Rating: 8.8/10 (#16/250)
This film is a classic: the first ever Star Wars film that introduced us to a galaxy far far away that amazed and dazzled us. The first film in a series that takes you to another world will always be one of the best in the series, and with Star Wars, there is no exception. Just like Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother, this is, hands down, my favorite movie of all time.
Favorite quote: Obi-Wan
: You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Friday, March 4, 2011

American Idol Top 13 Predictions for Season 10!

Finally got to the Top 13 (not surprising they made it a Top 13 given the amount of talent). I have a lot of favorites and I will try to give an unbiased prediction on how things will shake up this season. I will talk about each contestant and the range they will probably fall into (i.e. 4th-8th). I will also give them one song I think is perfect for them. Then, at the end, I will predict the order they will be voted out which will include my pick for winner! Enjoy.

Casey Abrams
Casey is the token rocker this year. Any other year he’d have a really good shot of winning. This year, he’ll get close, but I can’t see him winning it all unless he is flawless every night. But I have been impressed with him so far. He is building a fan base and will not go away quickly.
Predicted finish: 3rd-6th
Song he should sing: Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith (Yes, I’m going out on a limb, but if Steven Tyler allows it, I think Casey would sing it really well):

Naima Adedapo
I am actually quite surprised she was a wild card pick. Her style is not current nor is it really entertaining. She puts her heart into every song, I can give her that. But her fan base is lacking and she will need to be almost flawless to get somewhat far. And for a girl, she has a surprisingly small range. But you know who she reminds me of? Cher. She should do one of her songs.
Predicted finish: 7th-12th
Song she should sing: The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s in His Kiss) by Cher:

Lauren Alaina
Randy described it best: She is half Kelly Clarkson, half Carrie Underwood. And Kelly Clarkson herself compared Lauren to Kelly Pickler through a tweet. She’s a mix of a lot of former successful Idols. Aside from that, she’s built a good fanbase, she is pretty, and she has a very powerful voice. She can do country, rock, pop, you name it. If she doesn’t win, it will be because the pressure is getting to her. I also wanted to say this: She is the perfect weight. I’m tired of seeing skinny freaks like Ashley Sullivan, Naima, and Rachel.
Predicted finish: 1st-5th
Song she should sing: Best Days of Your Life by Kellie Pickler (It’s sort of country and pop so this would work really well for her):

James Durbin
James is my favorite. He just seems like a guy that deserves it. In order to get far, however, he’ll need to broaden the songs he chooses. Remember how Adam Lambert went with a few ballads such as “Tracks of My Tears” and “Mad World”? James will have to do the same if he wants to win. But man, does he have potential. I love this guy, but I don’t see him having the star quality of a winner. But he is soooooo close.
Predicted finish: 2nd-6th
Song he should sing: Dust in the Wind by Kansas (This could be his ballad and Adam Lambert even covered it too):

Ashthon Jones
I am not a fan. Her attitude is a put off and in my opinion, she just yells her songs. Listen to her singing. She does NOT have a beautiful tone. She won’t get far. And seeing how the fans didn’t want her in the Top 10 to begin with, the only way she survives for a while is if she wows us with Diana Ross-like performances. Not likely.
Predicted finish: 13th-9th
Song she should sing: When You Tell Me That You Love Me by Diana Ross:

Stefano Langone
I personally am surprised he didn’t get to the Top 10 on votes alone. I thought his choice of a popular song (Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are”) would get him to the Top 10. I was wrong. However, he has the looks, charm, and even the voice to control his own destiny. My Seattle homeboy (props for wearing the “Robbed” Sonics shirt on Wednesday) will get further than people expect him to.
Predicted finish: 7th-11th
Song he should sing: Billionaire by Travie McCoy (censored, of course):

Jacob Lusk
This guy is either make it or break it. Hit or miss. But he is usually making it so far. Jacob has such an amazing voice and the widest and biggest range I’ve ever seen. He can hit the high notes like Adam Lambert and hit the low notes like Barry White. He is incredible. All that matters is song choice and how he is perceived by us, the fans. But let me tell you. This guy should go far. He’s not a huge fan favorite (yet), but if he becomes one, watch out. His only problem is building a fan base large enough to win.
Predicted finish: 1st-6th
Song he should sing: Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers (Everyone seems to fail with this song, but how could Jacob?):

Scotty McCreery
I’ve gotta say, while I’m not surprised he’s in the Top 13, I will be surprised if he gets far. Scotty’s get a decent voice and a huge fanbase, but he’s stuck in just one genre and having zero versatility will hurt him. His fans will carry him as far as they can, and it might surprise (and even anger) some people.
Predicted finish: 6th-11th
Song he should sing: King of the Road (Josh Turner and Randy Travis’s version):

Paul McDonald
Ok, I predicted he wouldn’t make it, but that was also when I believed that the format would go 24, 20, 16, etc. and not 24 straight to 13. However, he kind of impressed me with his version of Maggie May. In his time on Idol, he has to cover a Bee Gees song. He just has to. He will get somewhat far but his lack of range will prevent him from getting too far.
Predicted finish: 5th-9th
Song he should sing: This Is Where I Came In by the Bee Gees (PERFECT FOR HIM!):

Thia Megia
I have to admit I have doubted this girl, citing her age and lack of experience as reason for her to go. But she hasn’t. She has stayed strong and stayed in the competition. She’s even some people’s pick to win, but not mine. She could get somewhat far, though. Time will tell. It’s hard to guess. It all depends on song choice and how she handles all the pressure.
Predicted finish: 4th-10th
Song she should sing: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz (Because she already knows how to sing it):

Haley Reinhart
I’m not too sure about this girl. Her voice is odd, unique… she definitely can sing, as Randy would say. But it’s hard to label her. She seems to have a fair bit of fans since they got her into the Top 13, but there’s no way she’ll get really far. Haley’s good, but she is surrounded by a LOT of extremely talented singers.
Predicted finish: 9th-13th
Song she should sing: Break Even by the Script (It would sound similar to Maddi Jane’s version):

Karen Rodriguez
I like this girl! She is very cute and she has this personality that is infectious. She is likeable and like Haley above, she got into the Top 13 because of the fans, so she should get pretty far. Winner? No. Dark horse? Very probable.
Predicted finish: 5th-10th
Song they should sing: Hot Stuff by Donna Summer:

Pia Toscano
Before her last performance, I really had no idea how good she is. Now I do. She’s yet another gem in this crop of singers this season. She’s gorgeous, got a big voice, and has the image to win it all. To get far she’ll need to be consistent, and not many know if she can be consistent week after week. Time will tell. Because of that huge performance in the semi-finals, she’ll be safe for the next few weeks, but from then on it’s all on her.
Predicted finish: 3rd-9th
Song they should sing: Firework by Katy Perry:

Now, my predictions for the order of the top 13:

13. Ashthon
12. Haley
11. Stefano
10. Naima
9. Scotty
8. Karen
7. Paul
6. Thia
5. Pia
4. Jacob
3. Casey
2. James
1. Lauren

I did not base solely on averages of the ranges that I predicted for each contestant. However, each contestant is inside the range I predicted for them. For the final four, when you get that late, it really comes down to whose fan bases are the largest and I get a feeling Jacob’s wouldn’t be that large, so he would be a surprise exit at 4. Then Casey at 3, James finishing 2nd (Just like Adam Lambert, haha) and Lauren Alaina, my pick to win American Idol Season 10 and become the youngest winner ever.