Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Survivor 47 has had its premiere, and wow, what a shocking first boot (More on that later).  Like past seasons, I'm going to give each player remaining in the game (and the booted player) four words to describe the current state of their game, what they need to do, what I noticed, and anything that might stand out about them to me.  I'll then elaborate a tiny bit on that, especially early on considering I have a lot of players to get through.  

As always, I'll be starting with my lowest-ranked player, then going sequentially to my highest ranked player.  This first week is based off of my pre-season rankings from my other Survivor 47 post.  Let's go!

Rachel: Smartly kept her distance
Andy tried to really bring in her in, and honestly, I don't know the full extent of what Andy was trying, especially that one time he seemingly woke her up to talk to her.  Is he interested in her romantically?  I doubt it, since she's married.  But Rachel smartly kept her distance from him, and they have an easy target should they go to tribal again.

Sue: Best positioned player--somehow
At least on her tribe.  She made bonds with Gabe and Caroline, and she seems to be in the mix.  She's the only other person to know about Gabe's idol other than Gabe himself.  I was quite surprised Sue wasn't instantly on the outs.

Anika: Leadership prowess a curse
Sometimes people are good at directing others, and Anika couldn't help but allow that part of her in the game.  Well, it got her a vote.  And she might be next to go after Andy, or hey, maybe even before.  She tried deflecting this at tribal, but it was a feeble attempt, in my opinion.

Sol: Wanted to see more
Didn't get a whole lot of Sol.  He wasn't the only one with only one confessional, but he felt like the most invisible player.  I was worried he might be on the bottom, but that appears to be Rome.  But I still think he's on the bottom of the alliance he's in.

Kishan: No strategic ability seen
At least not yet.  He just seems like a guy that's happy to be there and happy to contribute.  I need to see more.

Rome: Too hard too fast
My dude is digging, and not just for the idol.  He's digging himself an early hole.  He better hope his tribe doesn't go to tribal before he can repair what he's done.  I don't think we saw him fully get to the idol yet, so hopefully next episode.

Caroline: Not very memorable, unfortunately
She made a bond with Sue, and that's about it.  They seemed to bond over their mother-daughter relationships in their regular lives, which was nice.  But I need to see more.

Sierra: Well-insulated, terrible tribe
Sierra's pretty well-insulated on her tribe.  I think she would stay before Andy and possibly Anika or Rachel.  She and Sam are the most well-insulated.  I guess it was the right move to get rid of Jon, presuming Andy can help them in challenges.

Genevieve: Connection could doom her
We saw Genevieve make a connection with Rome, who is now on the outs.  We saw Jon go over Andy because Jon wasn't as good in challenges, apparently.  Well, Genevieve probably isn't as good as Rome.  I bet her name will come up if they lose, so she has to distance herself from Rome.

Teeny: Likable, smart, going far
Teeny was smart to want to keep Aysha in the mix despite Aysha being gone on the "journey".  Teeny also seems to be in with Kishan and Sol.  I think Teeny's the best-positioned on the Lavo tribe.  

Sam: Glue guy: Smart play
I like Sam wanting to be the "glue guy".  That's exactly what you want to be on your pre-merge tribe.  He smartly decided not to work with Andy and Jon, although he'll have to make sure if it's just the girls and him left that it's not him.  It shouldn't be.  

TK: Won some favor over
By getting the supplies on his own.  They may have edited it weirdly, but it sure seemed like TK came from behind to find the final key.  He seems to be a good challenge competitor.

Gabe: His idol a curse
I bet it'll be a curse.  I wonder if others will know about its power?  Even if not, he'll have a target on his back once he plays it once.  He almost for sure will go home without using it fully.  I like his play to get it, but now he's gotta work on the social game.

Andy: Almost worst first episode
What an almost terrible start for Andy.  I feel like 9/10 tribes vote him out after what he did.  Fortunately for him, he was on the one tribe that didn't.  But he's going to have to win them some immunities if he wants to make the merge.  

Tiyana: Our next worm queen!
So if I'm not mistaken, that's Jaime Lynn, Kendra, and now Tiyana that have eaten worms.  Hey, this is all I could really remember!  

Kyle: Needs more air time
Didn't see much.  Kyle seemed to make bonds and work well in camp, but that's all I remember.  He mentioned his small town with four traffic signals, but that's really about it.

Aysha: Volunteering almost bad call
If I heard correctly, it seems Aysha volunteered to try to win her tribe supplies.  Rome was right, not very smart to miss out on those first few bonding hours.  Fortunately for her, I don't think that'll hurt her in the long run.

And to our departed player...

Jon: Most surprising first boot
To me, perhaps.  Jeff hyped him up as a great storyteller, Andy was clearly set up all episode to be the guy going, and yet the rest decided on Jon.  Sigh.  He would've been a good narrator for the season.  Someone else will have to step up.  Fortunately, we have four other people who speak into a microphone for a living in Aysha, Gabe, Sam, and Rome.

As Jeff Probst says, "All right!" Time for my new power rankings.  I factor in a lot of things, like who I think has a chance of winning, who I think might be next to go, who is in a bad spot, etc.  And I share how far off they were from my previous ranking, which in this case would be my pre-season ranking, so definitely a few I moved a lot.  And without further ado, here they are!

17. Andy (-12)
16. Rome (-3)
15. Anika (+1)
14. Genevieve (-4)
13. Caroline (-1)
12. Gabe (-6)
11. Sol (+4)
10. Rachel (+8)
9. Kishan (+5)
8. Aysha (-7)
7. Sierra (+4)
6. Sam (+2)
5. TK (+2)
4. Tiyana (-1)
3. Teeny (+6)
2. Kyle (0)
1. Sue (+17!)

Biggest rise: Sue (+17!)
Biggest fall: Andy (-12)

I was way off on Sue, or so I think.  I thought she'd come off as more abrasive, but she's actually been sweet and welcoming to others.  Yes, she'd likely be a huge target mid-merge, but it's still very early.  Andy fell off with his disastrous episode, and he's clearly on the outs of a possible disaster tribe.  There's always a lot of movement early on, so expect a lot of movement next week as well.  See you then!

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