Sunday, July 28, 2019

Top Ten Star Wars Movie Ideas (with pictures!)

With Disney's acquisition of Star Wars in 2012, they finally allowed us to see non-episodic Star Wars films.  There have been two so far: Rogue One and Solo: A Star Wars Story.  Many consider Rogue One to be the best written film since the Original Trilogy, and many consider Solo to be underrated, myself included.  Solo suffered at the box office, not because it was a bad film, but because it was released less than 6 months after The Last Jedi and many were suffering from "Star Wars fatigue".  If there was a film released every 6 months, you wouldn't really look forward to them as much, would you?  It seems as though the poor box office results of Solo have scared Disney from making more spin-off films.  But we know they'll get back to it, and we'll have one 2-5 years after Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is out.  So, here are my Top 10 Ideas (ranked) for Star Wars films they could make.  I ranked them mainly based on how likely they are to be made, but also I factored in a little bit of how much I'd want them to be made as well.  Keep in mind I did my best to come up with titles.  Also, I really had to focus on films that have at least a small shot of happening some day.  So there won't be any films with Darth Vader as the main character, unfortunately.

10. Qui-Gon Jinn: A Bigger Fish Story
Qui-Gon Jinn is a beloved Star Wars character.  If you remember in Ep. II, Count Dooku revealed to us he was Qui-Gon's master.  I would love to see their relationship and Qui-Gon's training.  We could see hints of Dooku's fall to the dark side.  Obviously, two new actors would have to play them (RIP Christopher Lee).  My ideas are Colin Farrell for Dooku and Tom Holland for Qui-Gon.  Would Star Wars fans still go for this?  Meh, but I know I would.  Also, the title is a joke (mostly), but I just could not resist.

9. Star Wars: The Formation of the Alliance
I could see a film set between Ep. III and IV revolving around the formation of the Rebel Alliance.  I mean, technically we saw the very beginnings of it in the Episode III deleted scene, but this could greatly expand upon that.  It would have another chance to feature Darth Vader (who wouldn't want that?).  And it could show the very first conflicts between the Alliance and the Empire.  One reason I want this to happen (and soon) is I think Millie Bobby Brown would make a really great young Princess Leia.  But they would have to make the movie soon before she gets too old.  Otherwise they'd have to have a casting call and audition hundreds of young actresses.  Also, if they could make this soon they could recast Jimmy Smits in the role of Senator Bail Organa.

8. Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the New Order
Now I know I've heard after Episode IX, Star Wars will forever be done with the Skywalker saga. I don't think that's entirely true.  I mean, they'll be done with the story of the Skywalkers after IX, with Luke dead and Kylo Ren either dead or redeemed (probably).  However, I think they still could make a film between Episodes VI and VII about Luke starting the New Jedi Order and how it fell after he lost his nephew, Ben Solo.  The reason I think this COULD be possible is because there is a decent and well-known actor named Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes in the MCU) who looks SO much like Mark Hamill.  It's crazy.  Hamill and Stan are even aware of it.  And I'm pretty darn sure Mark Hamill would be happy with Stan playing Luke.  The problem being of course is if Stan wanted to do it and if he could pull it off.

7. Windu: A Star Wars Story
In order to have a film centered around a certain character, that character has to be two things: One, he has to be human (Sorry Yoda, Chewbacca, and R2/Threepio), and two, he has to be good/light side.  The audience has to be able to relate to the main character.  So with that in mind, one of the few characters that fits this that isn't a Skywalker is Mace Windu.  And Star Wars would greatly benefit from a film centered around a black character, as it could draw a lot of African-American people into the Star Wars films.  It could maybe even be the "Black Panther" of Star Wars films.  Also, I'd love to see Mace as a young Jedi, learning from his master, Cyslin Myr.  Any tough female actress could play Cyslin, perhaps Danai Gurira.  As for Mace, I'd like to see Corey Hawkins in the role (24, Straight Outta Compton, The Walking Dead).

6. Star Wars: A Jedi's Path I would love to see a Star Wars film about a new character, but with a familiar setting.  This film would follow a Jedi and her path through training and fighting in the Clone Wars.  And I think it should be a female Jedi because there aren't enough female heroines in Star Wars.  The film would have a sad ending more than likely, as nearly all of the Jedi were wiped out in the great Jedi purge of Order 66.  Maybe she could survive at the end and live as an outcast (but would obviously lose her master).  But to see parts of Episodes II and III from someone else's perspective could be really cool.  If this film is done soon enough, a lot of the same actors could be used in the roles they had (Samuel L. Jackson, Ian McDiarmid).  Honestly, if they cast a well-known or up and coming actress and they market it well enough, this could be one of the biggest Star Wars spin-off films, perhaps the "Wonder Woman" of Star Wars spin-off films.

5. Dash Rendar: A Smuggler's Story 
The debate rages on about what is considered Star Wars canon and what is not.  I think ultimately Disney will need to decide if they want to "borrow" characters and character traits from what they call "Legends".  As I was thinking of EU/Legend characters, Dash Rendar came to me.  He is actually considered canon now because he was mentioned in a canonized Star Wars book (Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor).  Does that mean they'll make a film about him?  No.  But imagine if they did, and borrowed from "Shadows of the Empire".  If they could recreate anything from that, it would bring so many of us right back to our childhoods.  And Dash could be played by any actor deserving of the part as his appearance has not been canonized in any way.  Personally, I'd like Charlie Cox (Daredevil) for the role, as he screen tested for Han Solo in "Solo: A Star Wars Story" but didn't get the part.

4. The Adventures of Poe Dameron
Poe Dameron is a fan favorite character. We know Disney will be fond of the Sequel Trilogy after "Rise of Skywalker" has been out and might want to spin off from it with one of the sequel trilogy characters.  It comes down to Finn and Poe, and I pick Poe.  We could hopefully see him as a teen growing up and learning how to pilot, and see him right before the events of "The Force Awakens" and see what lead to him being on Jakku and how well he knew Lor San Tekka.  And we could see him after "Rise of Skywalker" and see if he has a partner and/or kids.  He might be leading the Resistance at this point, but could still have some action.  We'd have to have BB-8 of course.  And this is the first film on here that wouldn't have to be recast as Oscar Isaac could still play the role.  The only additional casting for Poe they might do is for a younger version of him.  I don't see this as a huge box office hit, and may end up being a TV show instead (Poe is featured on Star Wars Resistance).

I think a movie about Boba Fett is possible, despite what I said earlier in the Mace Windu movie about the protagonist having to be good and light-sided.  Boba is a very complex character, more morally gray than anything.  It could even be set after the events of Episodes IV or V (or between III and IV).  And I would love them to show Fett escaping from the sarlaac pit; maybe even show him fighting it.  In order to draw in fans, they'd have to cast a bigger name than Daniel Logan.  The problem is that Boba is an unaltered clone of Jango Fett, meaning as an adult he would look just like Temuera Morrison.  However, the writers could come up with a clever tactic as to why he doesn't look exactly like him; something like the cloning process wasn't perfect.  Therefore, my choice for Boba would be Toby Sebastian (Game of Thrones).  He looks the part and has a leading man kind of appearance.

2. Star Wars: The Old Republic
Ever since the Knights of the Old Republic video game, I've wanted a movie set around the era of the Old Republic.  Specifically, I would want it centered around Darth Revan, Bastila, and Carth.  With Disney's acquisition of Star Wars that story lost it's canonization, but they could still make a film with a lot of the same elements (and could borrow some characters, too).  It would be very cool to see some characters here and there from KOTOR that us players of the game could pick up on in the film.  The biggest downside to this is that it would be the first film (unless one comes out before it) that isn't set anywhere close to the lives of likable characters such as Yoda, C-3PO and R2D2.  It would feel a lot different and not having a single recognizable character could hurt the film at the box office by dissuading a lot of the casual fans from seeing it.

1. Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Fans have been clamoring for an Obi-Wan film for years.  It would be set between episodes III and IV, and we'd see Obi-Wan on Tattooine looking after Luke.  Ewan McGregor is more than ready and willing to reprise his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi.  His character is beloved throughout the Star Wars fandom.  One problem with this I see is writing out a plot that is worthy of a solo film but also doesn't contradict Episode IV.  Remember, the Empire was still unaware of his presence in Ep. IV.  So who would he fight?  We know he fights and kills Maul for good thanks to Star Wars Rebels, but who else?  My only thought is the criminal organization revealed in Solo called "Crimson Dawn".  Could be a way to tie up Solo to this.  Also, there's only so much you can do on a desert planet, he'd almost have to leave Tatooine so that the entire film is not set there.  He could meet up with Yoda on Dagobah and get some advice, and we could see part of how you become a Force ghost and become one with the Force.

There is my list of the Top Ten Star Wars Movie Ideas.  I'd be willing to bet money at least one of these (if not more) becomes a film some day.  If indeed that does happen, I will probably come back here and add my comments to the film that actually got made.  Honestly, I'd love it if ANY of these got made.  It's really a shame Disney handicapped itself by declaring Expanded Universe material as non-canon, but as I said earlier, that doesn't mean those characters can not or did not exist.  Also, if on the very off chance that any Disney/Lucasfilm executive happens to be reading this, please consider making the films on this list, especially the ones towards the end!  Also name me lead screenwriter (lol just kidding... or am I?)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

My Top Ten Blog Posts that Didn't Age Well

I've been blogging for 9 years (almost a decade!) and if you do this long enough you can look back at your old posts and realize... uh oh.  A lot of them don't age well.  There are a lot of things I said I take back or that I was completely wrong on.  A lot of them sports related, but not all.  Here are my top 10 blog posts that didn't age well, from not so bad to the worst:

10. My 60 Day Insanity Workout, November 2010
I have tried the Insanity workout three times now and I still have yet to do all 60 days.  I also didn't post my Insanity Workout blog after Week 6, even though the workout is 9 weeks.

9. These Seahawks could stand to learn something from the Bengals, October 2011
Well the Bengals did remain a fairly decent time for a while, but it's what I said about the Hawks that gets me.

"Earl Thomas, Red Bryant, David Hawthorne, Kam Chancellor, and KJ Wright all look to be part of this defense for years to come." - David Hawthorne and Red Bryant?  Not so much.

"Unfortunately, 2011 will be just one of those seasons for the Hawks. The team will likely finish 4-12 or 5-11." - Well, 7-9 isn't much better but I was definitely off.

8. Predictions for the Seahawks in 2012, August 2012
First off, I predicted the Hawks to go 9-7.  They went 11-5.  I also predicted Matt Flynn to lead the team in passing.  Oops.  I also predicted us to lose to the Bills, which we did not.

7. Current Seattle Mariners Issues, June 2012
In this I answered my own questions and let's just say some of  the time I should've said the opposite.  For the fences being moved in, I said "No" but they ended up getting moved in and helped the offense.  For if Felix should be traded, I said a resounding no with this image, when we probably should've traded him while he still had value.

6. American Idol Top 24 Predictions, February 2011
In the season Scotty McCreery won, I predicted him to get no higher than 9th.  Yikes.  In fact, when I made a predicted Top 12, he wasn't in it.  I also said Pia Toscano would get no higher than 11th.  She did get gypped, but not that badly.

5. Why Google and YouTube Suck, October 2012
I no longer think this, btw.  My default browser is Chrome, I use Gmail, and I even have a Google Pixel phone.  Here's some snippets:

"I am giving IE another chance.  Google Chrome pushed me too far, so I’m going to see if IE can do enough to pull me back in."  - Well I guess I gave them another chance but they couldn't win me over.

"I really believe that Bing is just as good (if not better) of a search engine than Google" - I mean, I still use Bing from time to time, but I find Google to overall provide me better results.

"Forget about me using Google as my regular search engine.  And now you can forget about me using Google Chrome anymore" - We all have to eat our own words at some point.

4. Top Ten Things I Am Looking Forward to Most in My Future, September 2010
Well, 5 of these still haven't happened 9 years later.  The ending to HIMYM was a letdown.  I at least live with Amanda now having moved out.  I've been to Hawaii.  The Seahawks won the Super Bowl.  But that's about it.  Still working on the job/house/family aspects.

3. The Seattle Mariners: Destined to be a bottom dweller or turning the corner?, March 2011
"I’m giving the Mariners until 2015. That’s four years. I’ll be 26 when they play that year. If the Mariners don’t make it back to the playoffs by then and don’t look like they will soon, I will stop following them."

Oops.  The year is 2019.  The Mariners are undergoing a rebuild (in other words, it doesn't look like they'll make the playoffs soon) and I am still following them.  I think it was because they gave me hope in 2016 and 2018, so I delayed it.  Now... well I feel like I'm giving them one last shot.

2. 2012 - My Year to Shine, September 2011
"I promise you this. I will give it my all next year to get back into school. I will go back to school"
"In 2012, I will do the Insanity workout yet again, and this time I will complete it, even if I get sick."
Oof.  This one stings.  I did neither.  I'm not proud of it.  I just could never figure out the right school for me.  I did try Insanity again.  I'm not sure why I didn't complete it.  But 2012 was far from my year to shine.  I hate looking back on this and realizing what I could have and should have done.

1. Current State of Seattle Sports, March 2010
One of my oldest blog posts also happens to be one of my worst predictions.  Here are some things that stand out from this:

"Speaking of Locker, he is not only expected to be the Pac-10 player of the year, but also a contendor for the Heismann Trophy"  -Yikes... plus the misspelling of "contender"

"Probably the team in the worst shape in Seattle is the Seahawks" - Yet they were the next to win a championship

"The team recently acquired Charlie Whitehurst,[...] the Seahawks front office and coaching staff predict him to the be the quarterback of the future" - He wasn't even the quarterback for a full season

"The Seattle Mariners have high hopes for their 2010 season. Newly acquired Cliff Lee, Chone Figgins, Casey Kotchman, and Milton Bradley hope to improve this team upon its surprising 2009 season."  - My word... Not one of those guys made a significant impact, at least positively.

"I expect the Mariners to be in the playoff hunt at least until late August and more than likely into September." - The Mariners lost 101 games and were already 10 games under .500 by the middle of May.

Yeah... that did not age well at all.  You just can't predict the future in any sport, really.